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What did you like as a kid that you grew to hate as an adult?

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
2) Kind of a continuation of 1, but the beach sucks. It's hot. Sand is hot. The water is gross. I hate having sand all over me and sitting in the sun is stupid.
star wars GIF


Ultimate DQ Fan
Video games. In the 90s and early 2000s i tried to keep up with all the news. Now my tastes are so far outside what the industry is catering too, i dont really care anymore


Gold Member

These cookies specifically were my favorite as a kid. I don't remember when I tried them last, it was some years ago, but I couldn't manage to finish even one. I've never tasted Playdoh, but that's exactly what my mind went to chewing on that cookie.


World’s Biggest Weeb
- turn based JRPG combat. Used to love it because it felt all strategic and sophisticated. Now it feels like pointless tedium. Only way I can play those games nowadays is if they have some good auto-battle/fast forward options

- summer (surprised at how many others said the same). As a kid that meant summer break. As an adult it just means oppressive heat + running the kids around to all their day time activities

- shopping. As a kid walking into Best Buy or EB I’d fantasize about how awesome it would be if I could buy everything I wanted. Nowadays I can walk into a GameStop or Best Buy, then walk out empty handed feeling depressed because I don’t really want anything they’re selling.
Someone has mentioned it in this thread already but it's the automobile.

Brands like BMW, Mercedes have lost their way. The fucking clown cars that they are producing today in comparison to the 80s and 90ss is revolting. You fucking sons of bitches, I'm not even German and I am mad at them.
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The Atari 2600 - so much nostalgia there but when I actually go back and play games from it now it's like... why in the hell did I enjoy this?
like NES games still hold up to me.. Atari games just do not (and that controller is such ass)


Candy Corn is the first to come to mind.
I don't know how I loved that stuff as a kid, but it's absolutely DISGUSTING as an adult.

Maybe they changed the ingredients.



Snow as a kid meant sledding, snowball fights, making a snowman, and the chance of a snow day from school.

I love how relatable you were to this little guy:


Snow as an adult is a nightmare - shovel a driveway full worth of heavy, wet garbage at sunrise just to be able to do your now-worse commute to work. Then, at the end of the day, you have to clean all the snow & ice off your car so you can drive home on even worse roads and shovel your driveway again!

And now to this big guy:


Bonus picture of what winter is really all about:

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Yep, people in general, that's a good answer.

The longer you live, the more desperate you become about people's behavior, male or female.

But maybe it's the times that are even more rotten than before. It's impossible to say for sure.
-Most candy. I can eat candy in ice cream or a cookie for example (M&M cookie, or health bar ice cream).
I never buy bags of candy though.

-Cartoons, i have a hard time watching a cartoon as an adult. If children are watching it, it is fine. If I am alone, it never happens. Even if it is a movie I am interested in like the Spideman Spiderverse movies, Watchmen, or the upcoming Lord of the Rings movie.

-Brand name clothing. I no longer need to have certain Nikes, Abercrombie, or other shoes, I find what I like that is comfortable.

-Fast food, most fast food is disgusting. I am not saying I never eat it. I do get coffee’s at Dunkin, eat at Chipotle, or Panera, occasionally Taco Bell or eat a slice of Domino’s pizza. But it is rare compared to teenager or 20’s version of me.

-Sadly, Reading books. I used to read a lot more books. I do listen to audio books now, and younger me did not. Yet, I read more articles now than I did previously. Overall though, far fewer books are actually read.

-overall love of Star Wars, Marvel, DC, WRESTLING, HBO, gaming, and honestly watching all sports is far less than it used to be. I do enjoy watching certain sports, playing certain games, wathcing certain movies. But I am less open minded now about new products or changes to existing sports than I used to be.
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-Cartoons, i have a hard time watching a cartoon as an adult. If children are watching it, it is fine. If I am alone, it never happens. Even if it is a movie I am interested in like the Spideman Spiderverse movies, Watchmen, or the upcoming Lord of the Rings movie.
What about older cartoons, like Looney Tunes or Tom and Jerry? I find they still hold up.
What about older cartoons, like Looney Tunes or Tom and Jerry? I find they still hold up.
Not really. Truthfully, do find myself watching things i dismissed as a younger person. Thinks like Abbott & Castello, and Twilight Zone, etc.

I find myself appreciating some tv shows like Batman the animated series, and Cowboy Bebop.

I do find Futurama to hold up extremely well from the late 1990’s/early 2000’s.

These are things I didn’t appreciate before. Some Looney Tunes are not even airable anymore due to outdated views. It was good for a long time, but I truly believe something changed in the world after High speed internet and streaming showed up.


I truly believe something changed in the world after High speed internet and streaming showed up.
Everyone started believing in their own lies that they were something very special, that's pretty much it. The internet it is then.
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No, I'm not going to get political but when I was a kid, more specifically a tween through late teenager, I loved politics. I had originally wanted to study political science as a minor and I wanted to pursue a career in the public political sector (not as a candidate, mind you, but maybe something behind the scenes working towards a chief of staff role), but thank God I changed my mind. Because now my view on politics and politicians are pretty much identical to George Carlin's last 4 minutes of his Back In Town stand up routine from 1996.



No, I'm not going to get political but when I was a kid, more specifically a tween through late teenager, I loved politics. I had originally wanted to study political science as a minor and I wanted to pursue a career in the public political sector (not as a candidate, mind you, but maybe something behind the scenes working towards a chief of staff role), but thank God I changed my mind. Because now my view on politics and politicians are pretty much identical to George Carlin's last 4 minutes of his Back In Town stand up routine from 1996.
I agree to an extent, but extensive lobbying and money in politics makes it so that the will of the majority of the people in the country is not actually represented
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I agree to an extent, but extensive lobbying and money in politics makes it so that the will of the majority of the people in the country is not actually represented

Pretty much. I was naive to that as a kid and really and truly believed in the concept of being a servant to the public good. But as I got older I learned that most governments are of the donors, by the donors, for the donors. The average people? Well, like Carlin said: That was all bought and paid for a long time ago.


Wrestling. I was a huge fan from the mid to late 90s. Watched a bit into 2003 or so. I think the Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar match killed it for me. Last time I watched was when the Ultimate Warrior came back and then died like two days later.
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