To be serious for a moment, I can say that as a man I just want to be of some use. I want to be of use to my family & friends. It's like that's my essence. It's what's inside me, my gut feeling or instinct. If I can't look at myself in the mirror & say that I'm useful in some way, any way, then I feel like a failure as a man.
It broke my heart in a surprising way when I watched Jordan Peterson talking about this. That was one of the moments when it clicked in my head. Something that I'd always felt, but maybe couldn't have put into words. He was talking about how shocked he was when he stood up in front of an audience of young men & told them that they could be something. Anything, big or small. They could be useful in some way & it was in their power. What shocked him was watching their previously defeated, deadened eyes just lighting up with new hope. He wondered how in the world it was possible that so many young men felt so hopeless & empty, that one guy just telling them "You can be of use" would lift their spirits in such a noticeable way.
After watching him talk about it, I had a long heart to heart with my wife & opened up to her in ways that I hadn't quite managed previously. It helped me a lot. No matter how down I feel, how hopeless, worthless & empty I am, I can live with myself because at the very least I'm a good husband & father. I get up in the morning & go to work so I can support, care & provide for my family. & I'm always trying to be a better son, brother & friend as well now, consciously. I just want to be of some use to the people in my life.