It is inevitable you lose fingers in that method and bad accidents are fatal.
I've seen many accidents happen due to idiots and people who are not trained properly.

It is inevitable you lose fingers in that method and bad accidents are fatal.
Certainly not an adult male who copulates with another adult males wife tho
I respectfully disagree.
It must be the titties.
Well I may not agree with you I will defend to the death your right to say it
Asking for pubes is for sure not ...
this show is too funny. If you liked Borat, this goes one step beyond that.
This is how 90% of rigs make pipe connections todayIt is shocking there are some companies who still connect drill pipe that way. It is inevitable you lose fingers in that method and bad accidents are fatal. Most rigs are more automated these days.
Well I may not agree with you I will defend to the death your right to say it
Death by combat?
This is how 90% of rigs make pipe connections today
Sure kelly drives are replaced with a proper top drive and more use pipe spinners, but methods are still primitive and you still gotta manually handle tongs to break connections.
Full on automation is still r&d phase but is the main focus going forward. It's not the tech which is saving those fingers, its the safety measures.
This is more common.
Dude even says I'd rather be throwing chain in the video.
2nd most common.