The Black Gelding
Two questions:
What makes a car cheap looking? I know there are some cars out there, mainly economy class Fords that make me say "Damn, that car looks cheap" What design elements make me think that...
What makes clothes cheap looking? I saw a dude wearing a pair of jeans with racing stripes down the side... I immediately thought "Damn, those pants are cheap looking" I have said that about other people's clothes, but what other specific design elements make me say that...
What makes a car cheap looking? I know there are some cars out there, mainly economy class Fords that make me say "Damn, that car looks cheap" What design elements make me think that...
What makes clothes cheap looking? I saw a dude wearing a pair of jeans with racing stripes down the side... I immediately thought "Damn, those pants are cheap looking" I have said that about other people's clothes, but what other specific design elements make me say that...