Nothing. Looking forward to the world ending soon enough as I'm too much of a coward to take my own life.
so satisfying when it slides out nice and clean.Taking an emergency plop, then wiping only to discover it was not necessary.
The best things in life are indeed free.
the world is ending soon?Nothing. Looking forward to the world ending soon enough as I'm too much of a coward to take my own life.
I always thoughtNeoIkaruGAF his ava looks like some weird monkey cat hybrid with a hard to interpret facial expression..
I just love weird animals:Yeah, my italian compatriot is into some weird shit...
World will flood itself eventually thanks to global satisfying when it slides out nice and clean.
the world is ending soon?
Just soo cute and fluffymy roommates:
Oh, that’s the perfect life!video games, food, coffee, my dogs, and the amazing looking girl currently sleeping in my bed (who also loves video games, food, coffee, our dogs, and I assume ME).
That feeling of pure happiness is something so wonderful, nothing beats it. I lost it and trying to find my way back. But I feel like I’m on the right path!hangin w my family, especially my niece and 2 nephews, i love them so much
eatin lunch w my mom every wednesday, especially
video games of course
working out/running (i basically have to to stay sane and happy)
coffee in the morning
just mornings in general. when the world is still asleep, and its quiet and peaceful, and my brain is just foggy enough to let me be
and finally, playing, listening to and creating music. one of my first loves and still my favorite thing. there is nothing that makes me happier than being in the the thick of a heavy jam session and it feels like everything you play is money, like you just cant play a wrong note and they are all hitting the right spot, and my heart is pounding and im shaking from the adrenaline. nothing beats that.
i hope other people know what that feeling is like, even if they get it through something else other than music. maybe for them its playing sports or driving or whatever. but man, i couldnt imagine not having a thing that gave that level of joy and excitement and happiness. totally worth finding your "thing" if you havent found it yet, and its never too late start either.
I know this feeling, except its writing music, I cant play it, but whe everything seems to just align and you can do no wrong, its an odd feeling, like the universe has aligned in your favourand finally, playing, listening to and creating music. one of my first loves and still my favorite thing. there is nothing that makes me happier than being in the the thick of a heavy jam session and it feels like everything you play is money, like you just cant play a wrong note and they are all hitting the right spot, and my heart is pounding and im shaking from the adrenaline. nothing beats that.
From one extreme...Driving by yourself and going anywhere you want and listening to music with no stress the other.Getting blown to finish after penetration