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What old show would you like to be updated and remade for today?


Parody of actual AJUMP23
With Hollywood constantly rehashing old properties what TV shows or movies would you like to see, expect to see, or causes you pain to see being remade in the near future.

I am going to go with the Andy Griffith show, I think they can remake it to small town American cop dealing with his crime and drug riddled streets because of the Meth crisis. I think Ice Cube would be a good small town cop, and the Irony of him playing a cop would have layers. He could even be in his patrol car when some of his old material would come on the radio, and he could talk about people losing respect for the police.

We all want new stuff, but we won't get it, lets help the hapless creatively bankrupt creators out.

Also this: The seven basic plots are: overcoming the monster; rags to riches; the quest; voyage and return; comedy; tragedy; rebirth
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Please no more updates and reimaginings of old shows/movies.

I want original content. Stuff we haven’t seen before. New stories, new characters, new ideas.
I think that is what we all want, but we aren't getting that, so lets help them out.


None. The only thing I would be down for is a more serious take on the C.O.P.S cartoon as a Japanese anime. The show was fun enough but something more akin to the intro would have been awesome.


Airwolf duh

Dah.. nah nah nah.. nah
Nah Nah Nah Nahh.. Dah dah Dah dah DAH..Nah Nah Nah Nah.. DAH NAH NAH NAH...


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Was gonna say Bakersfield PD, but that was effectively reimagined as Brooklyn nine nine. There were plenty of shitty shows that could be brought back and made good, Manimal, Street Hawk. No-one is gonna give a shit if the new version pisses all over the original.


I'd like to see HBOmax come out with a new high budget Tales from the Crypt. Always loved the anthology shows like that and most ones these days are pretty low budget like Creepshow.


Hold onto your panties
We can stop remaking everything. The originals will never be surpassed in quality by the loss ethic/low-quality cinematic goons of this generation. Remakes were already dreadful in the 90's and just A joke now. I keep thinking about how Pet Semetary as an 1989 adaptation was never that great but it ends up with a remake which follows the screenplay of 1989 and made no effort to dive more into King's original novel. That's what you're getting with modern remakes and CG instead of practical effects. No thanks. I thought it was the job of streaming marketing producers to come up with original content to establish their brand in the first place.


Gold Member
sister, sister but with guys instead called brother, brother

also smart guy but it instead of the character being a genius he's really dumb and its called dumb guy


Hold onto your panties
Columbo. No doubt. Ingenious. Just needs great writers and Mark Ruffalo.
Don't screw with Columbo. Peter Falk gave his best on Columbo (even going for that last episode in 2003 with Alzheimer's). You can't have Columbo without Falk. Actors become the characters they play.


Gold Member
I'd also like to see a hard R of this shows concept

And if they can get a really drunk Whitney Cummings to host I'd love a return of...



What is sliders: Scientist guy you see in the gif, makes a remote control that can make wormholes at x amount of time and jumps into different universes. he gets stuck with a bunch of people ( 3 people ) his professor, some chick from his workplace that likes him more then he likes her and some black singer guy that gets pulled into it.

From that moment they try to get back to there own universe but always find things either completely off or a little bit off and then they gotta sit there time out until the remote is done counting down to there next jump.


Cast was pretty shit in this one, i liked the black guy the most, the main actor was always some dude that never felt like he wanted to be there, the chick felt like a random by stander with no charisma and looks like a tomboy, and the professor slick got old fast. luckely the chick got replaced with the other chick which was a lot better on every front, but she couldn't carry the show when the entire cast basically bailed into its final season because it was probably on a decline at that point.

tons of potential and a new take on it would be great.

Stargate ( gate found somewhere on earth, that travels you to other gates in the universe that stand on other planets ) 2 scientists and 1 militairy guy travel to those worlds to map them and see if they can find technology for there own defense, later on a black guy called tealc joins the club which is now famous for his voice in god of war i assume. The cast was straight up perfect tons of charisma and everybody had its role to play. It became so populaire it also had a spinoff at stargate atlantis which as funny enough the atlantis movies guy that are coming out now in it. ( cast was a bit less quality wise then the original star gate team but still acceptable ).


Made some suggestions for improvement in some topic ones, to get some real next level stargate going. can't find it anymore. But they could do some cool shit with this even if they drop the egypth mythology.
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Please no more updates and reimaginings of old shows/movies.

I want original content. Stuff we haven’t seen before. New stories, new characters, new ideas.
While I agree with this 99% of the time, there are definitely shows I’d love to see again with new technology. As someone said x-files.
id love to see another entourage with maybe more real stuff based on today

They’re doing the wonder years from a black family, I actually am looking forward to that. Need more heartfelt feel good shows

actually Goldberg’s is basically wonder years in the 80s and it’s one of the best comedies in ages
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I’d love to see an all female Ghostbusters film with none of the charm of the original, done at a quality level somewhere in between a particularly rancid fart and a 2014 SNL sketch.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
HBO to make a new Rome.

Possibly set it in a different time period (second Punic wars with the Roman Republic would be my choice), but make it a lot more historically accurate.

Make it with the original languages spoken from that time period. Increase the budge to give us the greatest battles ever put to screen. I want to see thousands of extras with CGI used to increase the numbers. Bring in the world's greatest Roman historians to make it as accurate as possible. Cast native Italian, Greek and Phoenicians to really sell the historical accuracy.

Basically, I want the show to look like somebody went back in time and filmed these events.

The budget would be huge. Possibly more than Amazon spent on Middle-earth, but God damn it would be worth it.

Carthāgō dēlenda est !


Parody of actual AJUMP23

What is sliders: Scientist guy you see in the gif, makes a remote control that can make wormholes at x amount of time and jumps into different universes. he gets stuck with a bunch of people ( 3 people ) his professor, some chick from his workplace that likes him more then he likes her and some black singer guy that gets pulled into it.

From that moment they try to get back to there own universe but always find things either completely off or a little bit off and then they gotta sit there time out until the remote is done counting down to there next jump.


Cast was pretty shit in this one, i liked the black guy the most, the main actor was always some dude that never felt like he wanted to be there, the chick felt like a random by stander with no charisma and looks like a tomboy, and the professor slick got old fast. luckely the chick got replaced with the other chick which was a lot better on every front, but she couldn't carry the show when the entire cast basically bailed into its final season because it was probably on a decline at that point.

tons of potential and a new take on it would be great.

Stargate ( gate found somewhere on earth, that travels you to other gates in the universe that stand on other planets ) 2 scientists and 1 militairy guy travel to those worlds to map them and see if they can find technology for there own defense, later on a black guy called tealc joins the club which is now famous for his voice in god of war i assume. The cast was straight up perfect tons of charisma and everybody had its role to play. It became so populaire it also had a spinoff at stargate atlantis which as funny enough the atlantis movies guy that are coming out now in it. ( cast was a bit less quality wise then the original star gate team but still acceptable ).


Made some suggestions for improvement in some topic ones, to get some real next level stargate going. can't find it anymore. But they could do some cool shit with this even if they drop the egypth mythology.

The Cast had John Ryes Davies, who played Salah in Indiana Jones, and is one of the greatest character actors of our time.


Space Vampires(aka Lifeforce 1985). Mathilda May's presences in the original movie are timeless. Yet, aside from those there is possibility for a better(not necessarily truer of either the source or film) modern adaptation. D+ Loki took things out there and showed there was an audience primed for interdimensional stories. It's Lovecraft adjacent material and can be refashioned with little to no backlash. Expanded universe?
Finish the show, cowards.
The funny thing is this was translated in spanish as pirates of black waters. And black waters(aguas negras) in spanish basically means sewage water.


As for all of these series, as AI continues to improve and we gain more and more computational power, eventually it won't just be images and text stories that can be recreated with ai, but entire videos restylized or remade automatedly by anyone.


This, it'll never be the same show, since gender policies and woke shit will kill it before it starts

But ill go

Dude had a truck that turned into a helicopter

Hmmm. I don’t quite think our theme tune does justice to the truck helicopter concept. What do we do?

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