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What really good games are "cool" or "en vogue" to hate?


Tre said:
I didn't need to read a list of numbers to know how I felt about many of those games (Metroid Prime, especially), I spent hours playing the game. I know a God-awful FPS when I play one. Metroid Prime's control scheme's about as intuitive as World War II online's.

It's not a run and gun type of fps. More puzzles and platforming than shooting in Prime. But yeah since I don't want to get caught in a looong argument, it's just that some people like the controls, some don't.
sonycowboy said:
What games are there that are just "cool" to hate, even though they're great games.

1) MGS2
2) Jak 2
3) Fable
4) Super Mario Sunshine (Do people hate this, they certainly bag on parts of it alot)

-MGS2 was pretty tedious, I never bothered finishing it.
-Jak 2 was pretty sweet, but I never got round to finishing it.
-Fable was pretty much much of a muchness, but I accidentally finished it when I was only halfway through.
-SMS was pretty good, but I accidentally smashed 7 shades of ish out of it when I got stuck.

But to address your question, how can any game be cool to hate?

What could possibly be cool/trendy/fashionable about moaning about a video game? I appreciate that people with insecure identities may try and appear different by taking on an opinion contrary to popular views, but in terms of video-games, being a non-conformist rebel makes you even more lame IMO.

Go on, try it: whinge to a fit girl how much you thought that Fable should have had more frequent checkpoints, and see how cool you look.

That said, it's probably slightly cool to hate any game that is pretending to be cool when it's not. Take Eidos' Get On Da Mic, for instance. It's a big turd and just like all other games, there is nothing cool about it.


Tre said:
I didn't need to read a list of numbers to know how I felt about many of those games (Metroid Prime, especially), I spent hours playing the game. I know a God-awful FPS when I play one. Metroid Prime's control scheme's about as intuitive as World War II online's.

The amazing thing is you still don't get it!
Congratulations Tre!
"It's not a run and gun type of fps. More puzzles and platforming than shooting in Prime."

I'm well aware of what type of game it is, that doesn't change the argument about the controls one bit. A shit control scheme is a shit control scheme, regardless what element they dumb down to make it more stomachable.


Tre said:
"It's not a run and gun type of fps. More puzzles and platforming than shooting in Prime."

I'm well aware of what type of game it is, that doesn't change the argument about the controls one bit. A shit control scheme is a shit control scheme, regardless what element they dumb down to make it more stomachable.

some people like the controls, some don't. The amazing fact of the day!


Official GAF Bottom Feeder

A very solid entertaining game thats treated like a carrier of bubonic plague around here.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Schafer said:

A very solid entertaining game thats treated like a carrier of bubonic plague around here.

Shhhh!!! you hear that?

Baby Jesus is crying....


RevenantKioku said:
Amongst the top, maybe 200 ranked games, yeah there's tons of discrepancies, and maybe game X should be above game Y, yeah I know, people aren't perfect. But you can't go and say any of those top games are utter shit as far as games go.

Let me ask you. If good, nah... even some of the best games ever made could end up nowhere near the top of the ranking category, is it that much of a stretch to think that the games at the top could be bad?

A game can be very well made on many different levels, appealing to people with a variety of interests, but depending if you agree with me on this point of view, games are defined almost solely on the way they play. Almost everyone would say that the Final Fantasy games are among the best the RPG genre has to offer, but in my mind, despite all the cool things those games have, the one area it has fallen short is gameplay. Therefore, they are mediocre games AT BEST. And many of them far short of mediocre. I'm not saying that they are complete garbage in all senses, but maybe in the way that counts most to me.


johnjohnson said:
Galleon and Azurik on Xbox. You just have to give them more time then a few minutes to understand them.

Maybe I should also add Deus Ex Invisibile War.
Hey, after Microsoft (somewhat jokingly) apologized for Azurik last May, I have no qualms saying it's not that good.


they call me "Man Gravy".
SantaCruZer said:
It's not a run and gun type of fps. More puzzles and platforming than shooting in Prime. But yeah since I don't want to get caught in a looong argument, it's just that some people like the controls, some don't.

Hey GAF, I've got an idea - let's turn this thread into another 5 page bitchfest about Metroid Prime controls.

Or, we could just let it go and accept that some people like the controls and some don't? No, that would make too much sense for GAF


The problem is, there haven't been "really good" nintendo games in 8 years.

There have been 10/10 or A+ quality nintendo games in the past 8 years, they were just Japan-only (like Fire Emblem Thracia 776).


Nerevar said:
Hey GAF, I've got an idea - let's turn this thread into another 5 page bitchfest about Metroid Prime controls.

Or, we could just let it go and accept that some people like the controls and some don't? No, that would make too much sense for GAF
Your logic has no place here.


SantaCruZer said:
Wind Waker should be nr1. No game has taken more hate for being celshaded.
No, the cel shading was probably the best part of Wind Waker. The reason it gets hated is because the actual game was disappointing, it was way too easy and short and.... boring. I was looking forward to an incredible cel shaded Zelda experience, and I might not ever get one, judging by the direction the new Zelda is headed.

Some people think it's cool to hate GBA games, because they are "inferior" to console games.


Even at GameFAQs I have never seen anyone complain (heavily) about the art-it's always the sailing and lack of things to do that stand out as reasons to hate WW. And I agree with them-I wanted something fresh, and not Ocarina of Time: Easy Mode


Tsubaki said:
Let me ask you. If good, nah... even some of the best games ever made could end up nowhere near the top of the ranking category, is it that much of a stretch to think that the games at the top could be bad?

A game can be very well made on many different levels, appealing to people with a variety of interests, but depending if you agree with me on this point of view, games are defined almost solely on the way they play. Almost everyone would say that the Final Fantasy games are among the best the RPG genre has to offer, but in my mind, despite all the cool things those games have, the one area it has fallen short is gameplay. Therefore, they are mediocre games AT BEST. And many of them far short of mediocre. I'm not saying that they are complete garbage in all senses, but maybe in the way that counts most to me.

Except I'd say I get more fun out of a few random battles in any FF than I did in Halo. The game-play rocks my world.
Does this mean Halo is worse than Final Fantasy? Well sales would say otherwise, and so would most people in the world. But I'll stand by my statement. On this very same token, I will admit Halo has a lot going for it. I just don't look for those things in games. This is where a lot of people will diverge, and say, well FFs are some of the worst games ever.

What we're talking about here is people saying "Well, despite there being a mass of popularity for the game, and it gets reviews, it sucks." Not "I think it sucks" its "In my mindset, based on what I view to be appropriate for a game, it is a bad game." People admitted above, they hate stealth game-play. They probably wouldn't appreciate it in games that aren't just stealth games, to them, stealth game-play is BAD game-play.
The counter argument is, the games are getting good reviews, and there are massive amounts of fan-base. We're not saying your opinion is necessarily wrong, its just that if you really believe any of those top games downright suck, you're probably relying too much on your personal tastes than the actual game and itself. Prime point is Metroid Prime. The game is not a bad game, and is not unplayable. Many people may not enjoy the control schemes, but go so far to say that it is unplayable, or "the worst control scheme ever." At what point do we begin to believe these people, if we are countered with plenty of "I adjusted to the controls just fine" and other such arguments. So my main point is, I think everyone should kindly calm the fuck down a bit.


I don't know if they are so much anymore, but the PSone FF games were really "cool" to hate. I must admit, I wasn't terribly fond of FFVIII at first, but it has grown on me with subsequent playthroughs. Can't stand the cast or plot twists to this day, but the music, graphics, Draw System... I dig 'em. But these games were cool to hate. Don't know if it still is that way...


RevenantKioku said:
The counter argument is, the games are getting good reviews, and there are massive amounts of fan-base. We're not saying your opinion is necessarily wrong, its just that if you really believe any of those top games downright suck, you're probably relying too much on your personal tastes than the actual game and itself. Prime point is Metroid Prime. The game is not a bad game, and is not unplayable. Many people may not enjoy the control schemes, but go so far to say that it is unplayable, or "the worst control scheme ever." At what point do we begin to believe these people, if we are countered with plenty of "I adjusted to the controls just fine" and other such arguments.

I hear what you're saying for the most part.

People who dismiss the entire genres are likely not going to look upon an entry of that genre favorably.

Your example of Prime is a good one. But at what point do we distinguish console bias from actual game? Because really, if Prime were an XBox-exclusive, it'd have been forgotten a long time ago. At what point can we admit that a lot of popular games are just nothing special?

The problem with game rankings, even for each individual, is it's limited by experience. What one thinks is good could have been ripped off from another game you didn't play, could have been done better via another game and made this one obsolete, could have had flaws you accepted but didn't know could be fixed. The experience... or lack of... has a huge impact on your own perception of a game.


Tsubaki said:
Your example of Prime is a good one. But at what point do we distinguish console bias from actual game? Because really, if Prime were an XBox-exclusive, it'd have been forgotten a long time ago. At what point can we admit that a lot of popular games are just nothing special?

Ah, but see the medium has a great impact upon the game in some cases.
Imagine if Starcraft only got its Starcraft 64 release. Big difference, no?

A game will eventually be held up to what its on, what it isn't on, and what came out before it, and more and more frequently, new things that come out. So you can't just look at a game isolated by itself. But there's always the line of where does it end of how unisolated you have to look.
I mean games are great fun, but I'd still rather get a blow job. Does Halo deserve a 2/10 because I'd rather get head?

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Zelda: The Wind Waker - "It single-handedly sank Nintendo!! IT LOOKED TEH KIDDAH!"*

Halo 2 - "It's just Halo 1.5 and the story sucks balls, Bungie lied to us almost as bad as Peter Molayuyuyugagamulyuxatopica!" (Though in this case, I think there's something to this, to some extent.)

Fable - "It's soooo short! The trees dunnah grow! They lied to us all!"

Super Mario Sunshine - "Despite the fact that it's brimming with gameplay it sucks 'cause Mario has a new play mechanic! Boo! Hiss! We want to play Mario 64 forever! We demand the same old fire world and ice world!"

*The most disgusted me-too arguements and hate on TWW don't give a crap about stuff like length and gameplay - just that the game with some of the finest art and visual presentation in history looks teh kiddah and Gamecube is a toy oh noes
I disliked Sunshine because it was a very vertically oriented platformer with a camera system that only stared at the ground. That and poor level design.

Metroid Prime controls like a First Person Zelda. The haters usually seem to be people who don't like Nintendo anyway. They are just so obnoxious about it that it seems more people hated the controls than actually do.


SantaCruZer said:
some people like the controls, some don't. The amazing fact of the day!
Subfact A: Those who like the controls are all huge Nintendo fans to begin with! Who would have thunk it!

Oh, and I hate ICO, MGS2, and anything Olimario likes. Especially Pikmin.


The fact someone's trolling Metroid Prime within the thread answers the question at hand pretty well. The other current fav to hate is likely MGS2 or 3. I don't like the games for trying not to be games, but it gets high ratings and tons of hate.

And Naughty Dog games are not "really good". Really unoriginal perhaps.

Subfact A: Those who like the controls are all huge Nintendo fans to begin with! Who would have thunk it!

I am pretty sure there are some sony fans who like Metroid Prime on this forum.
I mentioned Metroid Prime first. I win. Its got that stunning combo of being a FPS amalgamate, Nintendo title, fun and gorgeous to boot. Ergo.. much hate for it.

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