Masters of Sex - A good show, but one that consistently falls short of greatness for me. (haven't seen the newest ep btw)
The Bridge - The current season has been a real drag for me, unfortunately. I enjoy watching the four lead actors interact with each other, and I'm very much interested in the setting, but the policework/crime/detective angle which comprises the majority of any given episode is a total bore.
Halt & Catch Fire - Started out pretty mediocre but has gotten a lot better in the last few weeks, to the point where I feel like it would be a shame if AMC cancelled it without giving it one more season to really find itself. (though with its disastrously low ratings who could blame them)
Tyrant - A dull chore that is devoid of anything interesting (outside of Ashraf Barhom's performance).
The Strain - Cheesy and badly written, it's nevertheless a fairly entertaining summer distraction.
Manhattan - The pilot was pretty good and I love the time period/setting.
The Leftovers - This is a weird one. I don't really know what to say about it. It's equal parts mildly captivating and boring as shit. I kind of like it but I also kind of dislike it.
Married - A fairly amusing comedy that hasn't really made an impression on me one way or the other.
You're the Worst - The two leads are nice together and I like that it's not just mean spirited all the time.
Rogue - Dull in every sense of the word. Dropped it after 2-3 episodes.
Ray Donovan - 3 episodes into the second season and I'm still trying to figure out why this exists (and why I'm still watching ;__

. Why did Ann Biderman feel the need to tell this story? What is the story? Is there a story? Why does Paula Malcomson sound like that? Why haven't they asked Jon Voight to take over every role Eddie Murphy style?
Power - Another mildly entertaining contemporary drama from Starz. It's a mixed bag overall (mostly mixed) but it's different enough to keep my attention.
True Blood - A weirdly meandering and restrained final season. Still has its moments though.
Wilfred - The final season has been pretty weird so far - it's kind of funny and kind of not. There's also been a big focus on the mythology which I'm not a fan of.
Rectify - Beautiful and affecting, this has been far and away the best drama of the season.
Almost Royal - Despite not knowing whether it was all fake, partially fake, or real, I still really enjoyed this cringe comedy. A very pleasant surprise.
Penny Dreadful - A beautifully written, superbly acted show with exquisite costume/set design. I can't get enough of those lush, flowery monologues on the human condition. My personal favorite show of the season so far.
Overall I'd say the summer has been about on par with previous summers. Some good stuff, some bad stuff, some disappointments. I still need to check out Salem (scissoring witches and frogs sucking on nipples? Sign me up!), Matador, The Honorable Woman, The Divide, and I'm sure that I'm forgetting a few others.