What Summer TV shows will you be watching? - 2017 Edition -

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As we approach the end of the summer season I was curious which new shows from this summer you guys thought were worth watching? I really enjoy these three a ton.

Claws: This is a great crime dramedy about manicurists who get caught up in the drug business. It has a really unique feel to its "world" so to speak and a really interesting set of colorful characters. It has drama and action and can be absolutely hysterical. I guess it might be a bit too silly for some but I really liked it and think its worth a watch.

Hooten and the Lady: I'm not sure this is objectively great, but as someone who loves these sorts of adventure stories, I just enjoy it so much. It pairs up a couple treasure-hunters for weekly adventures. One is from the legitimate side of the business (works in a museum) while the other works on the more shady side of things. Has a real Romancing the Stone/Uncharted vibe. I guess this aired in the UK last year, but it is new to me this summer watching on The CW.

I'm Sorry: This is just about about a comedy writer's everyday life. Just silly situations that come up with her friends and family. Andrea Savage plays the main character and writes the show as well. She just cracks me up. Her delivery is so good and the way she says really profane things in casual situations just makes me laugh. They have some really hilarious scenarios pop up especially with her daughter and interactions with parents at school.

I also enjoyed GLOW on Netflix and think The Sinner has been solid so far. The only big miss for me among new shows I have tried has been Room 104 (so far at least). What I watched of Snowfall seemed pretty blah too, but I didn't give it much of a chance before bailing to be totally honest. Drawing a blank on what else I might of tried, but nothing worthwhile I guess. I'm curious what I might have overlooked.


Hunky Nostradamus
As we approach the end of the summer season I was curious which new shows from this summer you guys thought were worth watching?

Only two summer shows of note for me so far: Claws and GLOW. Claws because it's batshit insane fun; GLOW because it told a compelling and engaging, yet breezy story about female wrestlers (I'm not into wrestling at all) and didn't overstay its welcome like most Netflix shows.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Only two summer shows of note for me so far: Claws and GLOW. Claws because it's batshit insane fun; GLOW because it told a compelling and engaging, yet breezy story about female wrestlers (I'm not into wrestling at all) and didn't overstay its welcome like most Netflix shows.

Watch Ozark already damn it :(


Ozark was also great. I just watched it this past week and didn't realize it had released so recently. So that was another worth watching from the summer!
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