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What the FUCK kind of spider is TERRORIZING ME

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123rl said:
Have you ever heard of the Chicken Spider? It was recently discovered in Venezuela iirc and is the biggest spider in the world. Guess where its name comes from...it kills chickens and drags them back to its nest!! What's scary is it is so different to other tarantulas - the adults don't kill their young and the females don't kill the males...they look after the children in their nests! Size? Well its legs are as wide as an average human's finger! And its body is 12" long...

That's f'ing impressive.. and I hate spiders. That one actually looks kinda cool, in a Pikmin sort of way.

I've had many run-ins with 1 1/2" sized spiders in my current house, and the last place I used to live in. Entomologists still haven't been able to identify it from photo (either Hobo, Recluse or harmless European domestic). I have a couple small lesions on my body that appeared a couple years ago (needle sized holes on lower/upper back). I'll post pictures of it when I get home from work.. although I did start a thread about them on oldGAF.

That little guy in my avatar is probably saving me from many encounters. :D


pestul said:
That's f'ing impressive.. and I hate spiders. That one actually looks kinda cool, in a Pikmin sort of way.

I've had many run-ins with 1 1/2" sized spiders in my current house, and the last place I used to live in. Entomologists still haven't been able to identify it from photo (either Hobo, Recluse or harmless European domestic). I have a couple small lesions on my body that appeared a couple years ago (needle sized holes on lower/upper back). I'll post pictures of it when I get home from work.. although I did start a thread about them on oldGAF.

That little guy in my avatar is probably saving me from many encounters. :D

From a site I found on Chicken Spiders:

Yes, there were some real surprises. Seeing the big mama tarantula with the young was remarkable. Most tarantulas are in no way gregarious. In fact, they often cannibalize their own young. So seeing that was very unusual. But it may make sense. It looks like when they go out at night as a group, they can catch and kill larger prey by working together. We also discovered that those spiders appeared to be keeping a pet. There was a little frog that lived down in the hole with the spiders. It may offer some sort of service to spiders, like sweeping up ants that might bother the spiders.


Yes, there were some real surprises. Seeing the big mama tarantula with the young was remarkable. Most tarantulas are in no way gregarious. In fact, they often cannibalize their own young. So seeing that was very unusual. But it may make sense. It looks like when they go out at night as a group, they can catch and kill larger prey by working together. We also discovered that those spiders appeared to be keeping a pet. There was a little frog that lived down in the hole with the spiders. It may offer some sort of service to spiders, like sweeping up ants that might bother the spiders.
Goddamn spider that is so pimp it made a frog its bitch... daaaaymn.


That was from a show I saw on TV in the UK last week (Deep Jungle). It was brilliant but the Chicken Spider was only on it for about 15 minutes :( It was a really interesting show though.

That bit about the pet was weird...I don't remember them mentioning that


Try wakeing up in the morning with a spider stuck inside your ear. Yeah this happened to me 4 days ago it took me 20 minutes to get out. I thought something was wrong with my ear cause I was hearing strange sounds.


therock07 said:
Try wakeing up in the morning with a spider stuck inside your ear. Yeah this happened to me 4 days ago it took me 20 minutes to get out. I thought something was wrong with my ear cause I was hearing strange sounds.

Hope it didn't lay any eggs.


GhaleonEB said:
Hope it didn't lay any eggs.

This is important. If it layed eggs... One person went insane after some spiders eggs exploded out of a cheek where they were incubating.


GhaleonEB said:
Hope it didn't lay any eggs.

Damn you Ghaleon! You freaked me out! :lol I don't think I can sleep this night!

The Chicken spider having a frog pet is so scary :lol

Ford Prefect

AAAHHHHH. I am going to pay for reading this thread in my dreams tonight :(

If you fear spiders to the point of considering yourself at war with every arachnid you come in contact with, I have quite the method of getting back at them (sadists apply):

1. Place spider in glass jar

2. Place glass jar in sink

3. Fill sink with very hot water

4. Watch as glass jar gets heats and spider runs around in agony until death

Please note, I do not participate in this form of torture myself (I prefer a quick, painless crushing), but it's there if you feel it's necessary.

Deleted member 4784

Unconfirmed Member

I can't believe nobody here has mentioned the Camel Spider. :lol


I think Camel Spiders are classified in the scorpion category, which makes them even worse of course because now they have the reputation of a big spider but the designation of a scorpion, which is just too goddamn much, like having sharks with lasers on their head and bees coming out of their mouths.

Fuck Camel Spiders. They look cool though.

Ash Housewares

The Mountain Jew
pestul said:

That's it..

female hobo spider pic.. looks awfully close. :(

interesting, I will consult with the local entomologists after the holiday

edit - the wikipedia page references the UC Riverside entomology page, so the article on wiki was probably written by someone I know


DJ Brannon said:
I think Camel Spiders are classified in the scorpion category, which makes them even worse of course because now they have the reputation of a big spider but the designation of a scorpion, which is just too goddamn much, like having sharks with lasers on their head and bees coming out of their mouths.

Fuck Camel Spiders. They look cool though.

:lol @sharks w/ lasers

That chicken spider.....wow.


Update: Just had a run-in with a new spider. This one actually looks a little more menacing than the one I posted above. Sucked him up in the vacuum.



Borg Artiste
123rl said:
Have you ever heard of the Chicken Spider? It was recently discovered in Venezuela iirc and is the biggest spider in the world. Guess where its name comes from...it kills chickens and drags them back to its nest!! What's scary is it is so different to other tarantulas - the adults don't kill their young and the females don't kill the males...they look after the children in their nests! Size? Well its legs are as wide as an average human's finger! And its body is 12" long...


"Up to 50 spiders in one burrow and a thriving, healthy population in the surrounding forest. Here is evidence that this remarkable spider subdues any aggressive responses to its fellow burrow inhabitants and has actually learned to cooperate in prey capture, allowing for the predation of larger animals than would be possible if it were alone. "

that isn't good at all


pestul said:
Update: Just had a run-in with a new spider. This one actually looks a little more menacing than the one I posted above. Sucked him up in the vacuum.


Looks like ur carpet needs a good vacuum as well.... EWWW!
Here's one of my stories...

Was driving to my girlfriend's place on a Saturday morning. Traffic was good and I was a bit early - I noticed there was a local school holding some kind of festival/market day, so I figured I'd kill some time there. Parked the car and started walking towards the playground area where all the stalls were set up. I'm walking down a clear pathway. Clean concrete leading straight to the shops, a single steel telegraph pole to the left and a red-brick building running parallel to the pathway to the right. I pass the telegraph pole, then feel a tree-branch brush across my spiked-up hair. Then I think, "wait a minute... there's no tree within 30 yards of here". Then I thought "Oh shit, I've just walked through a spider-web. But where the fu..." and before I could even finish that mental sentence, I could feel wisps of the web floating in the air, back into my face.

"Aww shit", I thought - I didn't care what other people would think looking at me from a distance - I did the spastic-dance-for-one and shook my head about and, bravely, quickly brushed my hand through my hair. No spiders. Weird, I thought. Then I looked over my right shoulder and catch one of them crawling up my back. Long, spindley, shiny legs. Bright yellow and black. Whole thing was about the size of my fist.

I didn't have time to scream like a girly-man - all I could think of was the scene in the opening of Raiders of the Lost Ark where there's, like, a zillion hairy spiders crawling up Alfred Molina's back - I took off my coat and threw it on the ground. There were five of these yellow/black fuckers crawling around on my coat, all of which I stomped to death (while they were still on my coat, unfortunately).

Had a fun time explaining to my girlfriend afterwards why I looked so freaked out and why the coat was covered in spider-muck.

Had another incident a few months later. Moved into a new house and was taking a stroll down the street with my girlfriend. There was a huge tree by the sidewalk that had a giant hole through it for power lines, as though someone had blasted a cannon through the middle of the tree (some things in Australia are just retarded). Anyway, unthinkingly, we walked under it. Hair got caught in a spiderweb, spiders fell on ME. None on her, funnily enough. So anyway, she knows I'm frightened out of my mind of spiders so I wasn't worried about doing the spastic-dance-for-one in front of her. Trouble is, this spider was in my hair. I ended up whipping my head sideways so hard that my glasses came flying off; and, being tiny rimless ones, they literally vanished into the gravelly road. Right. Under. The fucking tree. And all the while, the lady who lives in the house right in front of this tree was watching the whole thing, chuckling to herself with her arms folded in front. I'd never wanted to strangle someone so much in my life.

Anyway, managed to find the glasses undamaged. Have made mental note avoid trees.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
I went on a trip to the desert in Dubai once. We were warned about them.

Apparently they secrete a venom which digests your flesh, but it's also an anaesthetic so you can't feel it. Then they suck your digested flesh. Make sure if you ever camp in the desert, that your shit be AIRTIGHT.

Otherwise you will wake up with bits of your body missing.


ScientificNinja said:
Here's one of my stories...

Was driving to my girlfriend's place on a Saturday morning. Traffic was good and I was a bit early - I noticed there was a local school holding some kind of festival/market day, so I figured I'd kill some time there. Parked the car and started walking towards the playground area where all the stalls were set up. I'm walking down a clear pathway. Clean concrete leading straight to the shops, a single steel telegraph pole to the left and a red-brick building running parallel to the pathway to the right. I pass the telegraph pole, then feel a tree-branch brush across my spiked-up hair. Then I think, "wait a minute... there's no tree within 30 yards of here". Then I thought "Oh shit, I've just walked through a spider-web. But where the fu..." and before I could even finish that mental sentence, I could feel wisps of the web floating in the air, back into my face.

"Aww shit", I thought - I didn't care what other people would think looking at me from a distance - I did the spastic-dance-for-one and shook my head about and, bravely, quickly brushed my hand through my hair. No spiders. Weird, I thought. Then I looked over my right shoulder and catch one of them crawling up my back. Long, spindley, shiny legs. Bright yellow and black. Whole thing was about the size of my fist.

I didn't have time to scream like a girly-man - all I could think of was the scene in the opening of Raiders of the Lost Ark where there's, like, a zillion hairy spiders crawling up Alfred Molina's back - I took off my coat and threw it on the ground. There were five of these yellow/black fuckers crawling around on my coat, all of which I stomped to death (while they were still on my coat, unfortunately).

Had a fun time explaining to my girlfriend afterwards why I looked so freaked out and why the coat was covered in spider-muck.

Had another incident a few months later. Moved into a new house and was taking a stroll down the street with my girlfriend. There was a huge tree by the sidewalk that had a giant hole through it for power lines, as though someone had blasted a cannon through the middle of the tree (some things in Australia are just retarded). Anyway, unthinkingly, we walked under it. Hair got caught in a spiderweb, spiders fell on ME. None on her, funnily enough. So anyway, she knows I'm frightened out of my mind of spiders so I wasn't worried about doing the spastic-dance-for-one in front of her. Trouble is, this spider was in my hair. I ended up whipping my head sideways so hard that my glasses came flying off; and, being tiny rimless ones, they literally vanished into the gravelly road. Right. Under. The fucking tree. And all the while, the lady who lives in the house right in front of this tree was watching the whole thing, chuckling to herself with her arms folded in front. I'd never wanted to strangle someone so much in my life.

Anyway, managed to find the glasses undamaged. Have made mental note avoid trees.

Got the willies just reading those. I've had three nasty encounters with spiders of similar fashion. First was walking through a garden spider web when I was a kid, looking down and making eye contact, I swear to god. Only time I've passed out in my life - woke up with my dad shaking me. The spider apparantly just walked off, no bites.

Garden Spider (up to a good 3-4 inches in diameter):


The other was waking up to a wolf spider crawling on me...somewhere. I did the manic spastic dance in bed, jumped out and found him in the sheets. Shook the bastard off and dropped an encyclopedia on him. I stacked a few extra volumes on him, and left them there....even when we moved. This guy was HUGE; figured he'd just be mad after all those years under the books. No need to wake him.

Wolf spider (can grow to be several inched around):


Last tale was while I was working as a Dominos delivery driver. I parked that night under a tree in the parking lot, not realizing that I had left the window down. As the guy above proved, trees are BAD for arachnaphobes. I got into the car the next night and went righ through a massive web built in the door way. Totally freaking out, I did the mega-spastic thing and couldn't find the spider. So I go about my night working, a keeping the incident in the back of my mind.

Then on a delivery, I saw a huge spider walking up my windshield. No problem, just run the wipers on. Problem was, that didn't work. He was on the INSIDE of the car, right in front of my face. I grab a magazine and take a swat, and this guy falls to the floor by my feet. It's at night, I'm on a failry busy road and I just had a turantula land out of sight, ready to crawl up my pant leg. I freak out, kicking, swatting and damn near driving off the road. I finally find a place to pull over, where I spend 20 minutes hunging the bastard down, smash him and go on my way. Delivery was late, tip sucked and I was nearly incoherent the rest of the night from the incident. Not sure what kind it was, but it looked like this:


Dammit, no way I'm falling asleep any time soon now. :lol


Street Fighter IV World Champion
therock07 said:
Try wakeing up in the morning with a spider stuck inside your ear. Yeah this happened to me 4 days ago it took me 20 minutes to get out. I thought something was wrong with my ear cause I was hearing strange sounds.

This happened to me once, but with a beatle. Had an itchy ear and woke up hearing weird scratchy noises. Went to bathroom with ear bud and flicked the fucker out. It was not pleasant. Went straight to the doc next morning to check for eggs. All clear thankfully.
boutrosinit said:
This happened to me once, but with a beatle. Had an itchy ear and woke up hearing weird scratchy noises. Went to bathroom with ear bud and flicked the fucker out. It was not pleasant. Went straight to the doc next morning to check for eggs. All clear thankfully.

No Shit! Me too. But I thought it was a spider that crawled into my ear.

Although I wasn’t alone at the time. And trust me, you couldn’t get worse timing.

Anyway, I FREAKED! I could feel and hear this thing crawling in my ear and I couldn’t get it out, and I started screaming my head off. My ex didn’t know what the hell was going on and I scared the shit out of him (like I said, you couldn’t get worse timing). I have never seen a look of panic like the look on his face at that moment. And on mine. All I could think was “Oh fucking God there’s a fucking spider crawling around in my ear…get it out… GET IT THE FUCK OUT!!!

And it hurt.

I tell you I had gone completely hysterical. So anyway we pour water into my ear and the thing stops moving, and I started to calm down, barely. My ex had put on a white t-shirt by this time and puts his arms around me. When he lent back I could see blood on the front of his t-shirt from my ear, and I start screaming my head off again.

I had to go to hospital to have it removed. Damn beetle. God I wish I had known that it was only a beetle at the time, the thought of having a spider my ear sent me into sheer panic. Not pleasant, more like traumatic!

Hey, here's bravery for you...


Go Tommie.


Same thing happened to me too, I was about eleven at the time..........but it was a medium-sized cockroach lodged in my ear :lol I woke up in the middle of the night and I could feel it scratching and wrigling; I freaked out! Rushed to my parents room in terror. Eventually the cockroach died, the following morning I poured olive oil in my ear hole and drained it out. Scary! :lol


Street Fighter IV World Champion

And I though I was the only one.

That Beetle making you bleed (Alyssa) does not sound fun.

Why is it that women hate spiders so much? My ex absolutely could not stand them. I mean she loves animals and she fucking HATES spiders to the point of kil kill kill death death.


When I was a kid I used to view beetles as the APCs of bugs. Whenever I saw one go by, I just knew that some bug, somewhere, needed backup and the beetles were on their way. Of course at this point I had never seen a cockroach, now that's an impressive bug warrior. Especially the big ones. They can fly for fucks sake!


boutrosinit said:

And I though I was the only one.

That Beetle making you bleed (Alyssa) does not sound fun.

Why is it that women hate spiders so much? My ex absolutely could not stand them. I mean she loves animals and she fucking HATES spiders to the point of kil kill kill death death.

:lol I don't think it's JUST women.......


-=DoAvl=- said:
Looks like ur carpet needs a good vacuum as well.... EWWW!
With pets that shed, you just can't win. Both my cat and dog shed 24/7/365.. it would get that bad again in about two days. :p

As for the Violin Spider.. isn't that just another name for Brown Recluse? I've been told by a local entomologist that I either have: Brown Recluses, Hobo Spiders or Harmless European Domestics. :X

Ash Housewares

The Mountain Jew
pestul said:
With pets that shed, you just can't win. Both my cat and dog shed 24/7/365.. it would get that bad again in about two days. :p

As for the Violin Spider.. isn't that just another name for Brown Recluse? I've been told by a local entomologist that I either have: Brown Recluses, Hobo Spiders or Harmless European Domestics. :X

no, a Brown Recluse is a fiddleback spider, a Violin Spider is known as a black recluse I believe

they're different, I know that much

Ash Housewares

The Mountain Jew
GDJustin said:
You guys have never heard of the Clock Spider? (yes, capitalized)

The rumor is that Clock Spider once had 9 legs, and one fell off, to become what we today think of at God.



3. Clock Spider
A spider the size of a large wall clock and the lord of all spiders. Clock spider demands to be worshipped. All shall fear it.

I am well versed in "lets fuck with the guy who's scared of spiders" threads so yes, I am familiar with your pictured wall monster
This thread has totallyl freaked me out and has me happy that I pay a quarteyly fee to Terminix. Once one took a bite out of me, I declared Jihad on the archnid insurrgents.



These ive in Seattle. How often do you Seattle people come around them? It's seriously changed my mind about moving there.


I caught a good sized spider this morning in the bathtub.. (was about to step in the shower with it :OO). Worked up the nerve and faced my fear. I'm at work now, but I'll post pictures of my new pet when I get home. With legs fully spread out, he/she is almost 2" <-- that sounded terrible.

EDIT: can't wait to throw some other bugs in there with him. :lol


There was two spiders above my bed last night, like directly above it...so they're smooshed...but 10 mins after killing them, I was taking a shit (I do that)...

And I'm reading EGM, and as I read, I feel something (like thread) on my pointer finger, so without thinking I start to roll it up as I read...roll it with my pointer and thumb, and then I look at the thread...and EEK!

A fucking spider, I killed it with my fingers...YUCK!

Ford Prefect

When this thread first started, 5 days or so ago, I go to the bathroom later that night and see the first spider I've seen in this house after living here for 3/4 a year. It wasn't that bad of a spider; only about an inch in diameter and it quickly died from a rolled up magazine, but that's got to be a terrible, terrible omen.


Mike Works said:
Man what the hell! Let this thread die! Fucking spiders! Jesus!
Sorry man.. but I'd like to know what kind of spider this is and if it's a danger to my family/pets.

<-- here's the closeup of the one that I've captured.
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