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What the FUCK kind of spider is TERRORIZING ME

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Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Minotauro said:
Afterwards, I wore a ninja mask to bed for years in fear that one would try to blindside me in my sleep. Seriously, I go to battle with those motherfuckers now.

"I told You I was Hardcore"

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
do a google image search for brown recluse and look at all those nasty bites ugh

Spider Story:

At the time of this story, we had just moved into a new house on a state park as my dad had been hired to be the guy who ran the place. If you can imagine, the house was pretty crappy as it was state built and maintained. For example, my room at the time had only one light, and it was in the ceiling. Not only that, but to turn it on you had to stand on a chair and screw the bulb in to turn it on and screw it back out to turn it off.

Ok, so one night I had just turned the light off and jumped off the chair onto my bed. I landed on all fours and not two inches from my face was a spider that was about 3-4 inches across. Goddamn did I scream like a little girl. I ran upstairs to get the fly-swatter and when I came back the spider was gone. gone. I slept in the living room that night.
I fucking hate spiders, hate them. I know they serve a purpose on this earth, I guess. Doesn't stop me from hating the fuckers though. There are so many different kinds and variations of the bastards that I don't have time to figure out which ones are a problem and which ones aren't....so they all die. Two summers ago I had them in my car......three different occasions while I was driving down the road, one of those little bastards crawled on my neck and shoulders. I bought one of those bug bombs and set it off in my car one day, problem solved. Found the webs along the inside of the door and on the bottom of my CD case that I keep under the seat. And my car is spotless inside, so they probably just got in through a window one day and set up shop. Little pricks.
demi said:



Mike Works said:
I live in Vancouver, Canada, and apparently the only really dangerous spiders here are black widows and brown recluses.
wtf, I live on the South Texas border w/ Mexico (desert-like, dry & hot), and apparently the same is true here, only black widows and brown recluses are dangerous here...
Desperado said:
Why did you fucking flush it down the drain?!??

Why not smash it so you know it's dead?!?!!
That wouldn't leave room for a sequel.

(I got 6 hours of sleep and wound up having a nightmare thant my friend and I were giant insect hunters and he got stabbed in the foot and eaten by a scorpion while we were hunting multiple 3 foot long spiders in a basement)


Theoretical Magician
Vicious said:

edit - Also, even though a brown widow's venom is twice as powerful as the black widow, it doesn't inject as much during a bite as the black widow does.
Those are what the ones in my backyard look like except they are a solid brown color with no markings.


Here's my spider (bite) story.

1/4th of my shin turned FUCKING BLACK.

Ok let me back up, I was in the apartment in Arizona. I just got home from class and was tired as hell. So I go take bath and grab some clothes I left on the ground and pop in a dvd. After I finished the movie I stripped to my boxers and noticed a pretty angry red welt on my shin. I didn't feel anything and since I was sitting on my leg for most of the movie didn't give it a second thought. I went to bed and woke up an hour later sweating and shaking and cold. Not knowing what was going on I head into the bathroom and get a good look at my leg.

In the center of the red (which had gotten bigger and even more red) was now black and about the size of a quarter.

Scared as hell I call my roommate who's still at work and tell him I may have to get to the hospital. I then look up the number for poison control in Arizona and call in. Thank God they're 24 hours as it was around midnight. The nice lady tells me that an “Arizona brown recluse” has bitten me. So naturally I make to open Microsoft Word and start on my will. After what might have been some slight delay in pulling up the information on her computer she elaborated that I'm not going to die. I'm to keep my leg elevated and told the next few hours might be rough. "If things escalate to go to the hospital. Call us in the morning." So I do as she says by elevating my leg and start debating all meanings of the word "escalate" and how they might immediately apply to my situation.

The next few hours were "rough". Cold sweat the whole time, shivering in a blanket while the black on my leg slowly got larger. About 4 hours later the cold sweat stopped and I stopped shivering. Glad I was able to save my family a hell of a lot of money by staying alive while at the same time not going to the hospital (we didn't have health insurance at the time, and were switching to another provider) I figured the leg would heal up in a few days and was finally able to get to bed.

The next day I took a look at my leg. I don't know if anyone else has had the experience of looking at their leg when a good size of it is completely pitch black, but it's quite the thing to see. As mentioned before 1/5th of my leg was pitch black. Poison control tells me that it will take 3 weeks to heal and there will be a hole where the spider bit me. She didn't elaborate on the alleged "hole" and I didn't ask because I was shocked by the healing time it was going to take. Only after I hung up did I start wondering what she meant by "hole".

So over the next few weeks the black eventually faded (after pus oozed out at a few points) and left what I wouldn't consider a hole in my leg but a small small dent but otherwise good as new. Still to this day I don't kill spiders or bugs or whatnot just because they exist near me. That's interesting since it seems like everyone has a story that inspired the dread of spiders.


Togeo said:
Here's my spider (bite) story.

1/4th of my shin turned FUCKING BLACK.

Ok let me back up, I was in the apartment in Arizona. I just got home from class and was tired as hell. So I go take bath and grab some clothes I left on the ground and pop in a dvd. After I finished the movie I stripped to my boxers...

All right; continue the story from here as if there was no spider bite, Mr. Togeo.


miyuru said:
All right; continue the story from here as if there was no spider bite, Mr. Togeo.



Then I had a snack.


Togeo said:
The next day I took a look at my leg. I don't know if anyone else has had the experience of looking at their leg when a good size of it is completely pitch black, but it's quite the thing to see. As mentioned before 1/5th of my leg was pitch black. Poison control tells me that it will take 3 weeks to heal and there will be a hole where the spider bit me. She didn't elaborate on the alleged "hole" and I didn't ask because I was shocked by the healing time it was going to take. Only after I hung up did I start wondering what she meant by "hole".

So over the next few weeks the black eventually faded (after pus oozed out at a few points) and left what I wouldn't consider a hole in my leg but a small small dent but otherwise good as new. Still to this day I don't kill spiders or bugs or whatnot just because they exist near me. That's interesting since it seems like everyone has a story that inspired the dread of spiders.

Sounds like what happened to me. The two fangs entered and for the next month i had a huge black spot on my stomach. It hurt like a mother. I started to notice that it wasnt healing right. Then it started growing, thank god it was just pus. My two holes were about the size of a quater. I still have this slightly miss shaped part in my stomach.

I've still got a little black scab of dead skin that is stuck in the hole.


Dear god I don't know how you people live. The worst we ever get is the danny long legs, and even then I go for the aerosol.

I can live with snakes but damn spiders... It's the damn furry legs that get me.

Deleted member 4784

Unconfirmed Member
LOL... so funny seeing a MAN like Mike get so jumpy over itty bitty spiders. :lol


I run into these guys around sources of water a lot where I live. I always find one in, near or around the drinking areas for the horses or my doggie.

I woke up one morning and was half asleep and got into the shower, only to turn around and find one on the cold water knob. That kind of freaked me out, but then I just caught it in a paper cup and tossed it out the window. I think it is kind of mean to kill spiders when you've already caught them. I mean, why not just toss it outside somewhere where it belongs? Although, I guess if I was in an area where there were brown recluses and similar nasty stuff, I'd probably be a lot more hostile towards arachnids in general...


Waychel said:
LOL... so funny seeing a MAN like Mike get so jumpy over itty bitty spiders. :lol


I run into these guys around sources of water a lot where I live. I always find one in, near or around the drinking areas for the horses or my doggie.

I woke up one morning and was half asleep and got into the shower, only to turn around and find one on the cold water knob. That kind of freaked me out, but then I just caught it in a paper cup and tossed it out the window. I think it is kind of mean to kill spiders when you've already caught them. I mean, why not just toss it outside somewhere where it belongs? Although, I guess if I was in an area where there were brown recluses and similar nasty stuff, I'd probably be a lot more hostile towards arachnids in general...

Where do you live? I've never seen a spider quite like those black ones before.


Snopes is full of stuff like that. There's images of all kinds of shit (luckily the really bad stuff has warning marks and it'll notify you of whether the story is genuine or fake).

Just whatever you do don't look at the breast rash pics (regardless of being fake, it'll put you off touching a woman's breasts for life) or the maggot brain-infestation (real).


Deleted member 4784

Unconfirmed Member
Ancestor_of_Erdrick said:
Where do you live? I've never seen a spider quite like those black ones before.

California. They're prelevant throughout the San Joaquin Valley.


Theoretical Magician
Juno said:
Snopes is full of stuff like that. There's images of all kinds of shit (luckily the really bad stuff has warning marks and it'll notify you of whether the story is genuine or fake).

Just whatever you do don't look at the breast rash pics (regardless of being fake, it'll put you off touching a woman's breasts for life) or the maggot brain-infestation (real).

The man decapitated by the fence really creeped me out. I don't know how some people can surf other sites dedicated to that stuff.


The gruesome pictures I suppose is just human nature of us wanting to look at something what we've been warned against. That I'll never understand (the fence fatality is probably the worst on there that's genuine)... Snuff films and rotten.com I'll never even fathom trying to understand.


Vicious said:
I live in Florida, and just about anything outside (outdoor chairs, tables, grills, under cars, in sheds, etc.) will get brown widow spiders. Some people I know have never heard of brown widows (only black), but they're just like black widows except they're brown (gasp!), each of their legs alternate between brown and black all the way up, and they look a lot creepier in general.

Anytime you sit at a chair or picnic table, gotta look under it. There will usually be a few brown widows living there.

here's a picture i found -

edit - Also, even though a brown widow's venom is twice as powerful as the black widow, it doesn't inject as much during a bite as the black widow does.

What part of florida do you live in!?
Tell me now!

Spectral Glider said:
I fucking hate spiders, hate them. I know they serve a purpose on this earth, I guess. Doesn't stop me from hating the fuckers though. There are so many different kinds and variations of the bastards that I don't have time to figure out which ones are a problem and which ones aren't....so they all die. Two summers ago I had them in my car......three different occasions while I was driving down the road, one of those little bastards crawled on my neck and shoulders. I bought one of those bug bombs and set it off in my car one day, problem solved. Found the webs along the inside of the door and on the bottom of my CD case that I keep under the seat. And my car is spotless inside, so they probably just got in through a window one day and set up shop. Little pricks.

Exactly how I look at it.

Dammit, I'm not sleeping tonight. :-(


Just went to the bathroom and saw a spider in the corner.. a regular old black one, very small. I just finished my business and left.. anything that kills flies is OK with me.


Two words: Goliath Birdeater. The kind of spider that makes you want to move to a seperate continent (they are in South America). Saw one in person at a zoo in Seattle.....children screamed when they saw the 'size comparison' diagram. Think: dinner plates.

Here's a small one:


My condolences on your ordeal. The only time I've ever passed out in my life was when I walked through a garden spider web, looked down on my chest, and made eye contact.


I don't get why some people don't mind having spiders because they 'eliminate' flies. It's not like we're living in a jungle. There's no reason why someone's house can't be clean from ALL insects.


I'm going to have nightmares tonight.


Chrono said:
I don't get why some people don't mind having spiders because they 'eliminate' flies. It's not like we're living in a jungle. There's no reason why someone's house can't be clean from ALL insects.

Well, as clean as my house may be, there are definitely bugs in the attic, and lots of them. Spiders are very effective for that kind of population control, in situations and places where I can't or don't want to bother myself. That's why I let them go about their business, even if they do occasionally make a mistake and wander into my sight lines.


a few months ago i got bit on my scalp by some spider, which wasn't that bad except a few days later big sheets of my scalp started to slough off, but that was more embarassing than painful.
Not a fan of spiders, but come on the're not that bad. I try my bset not to kill them, but to let tehm out the window/door. Now as for huge spiders (which I've never seen up close), they are fucking creepy. Never want to come into contact with one of those.
About a week before I left Japan in 2003 I saw a spider above my computer that was like as big as my outstretched hand. Its body was the size of a big peanut shell, its legs like pipecleaners. I chased it through the house to kill it. It's a long story. At the end I was thinking


Escape Goat

This is why I wont live in Australia or the American southwest. I dont want to have to check my shoes/toilet/bed/chair/car/shed for ultra super duper poisonous spiders/scorpions/snakes.

Fuck that.
B'z-chan said:
Recluse are just evil as fuck. We bugged a house full of them not to long ago. Those fuckers were still alive after 24 hours. They just dont die, we had to go in with gloves and duck tape around the legs and arms. If you didnt get them before they got to your neck you were done for.

They are fast as hell and not much can kill them easily. I got mine cause i was sleeping and it just up and bit me in the middle of the night. Killed that thing i did, i threw the fucker into a steelbladed fan.

gotta nuke the place, just to be sure.

godamn i fucking hate spiders. i fucking kill em any chance I get. fucking bastards scare the shit out of me.


The only spiders I see around here are generic house spiders, garden spiders, dadday long legs and the very rare orb weaver spider. The biggest house spider I've ever seen was still only the size of a quarter with legspan considered , typically the ones I find are only the size of a dime or less. Garden spiders(the red things) seem much smaller but at my current residence I'll see the odd one on the roof every now and then. Ceiling rather not roof.

Honestly seeing a sowbug inside myhouse alarms me more and the worst thing is earwigs, Theyjust look so disgusting. As an experiment I cut the abdomen off of an earwig once, the body and head could have just walked off on its own but I'd squished the head so the legs stopped moving the abdomen on the other hand moved of its own accord for a good hour. just rapidly flexing. I think the area I live is cold enough for long enough each year we don't get all the wonderful bugs people only a few hours south might get.


Have you ever heard of the Chicken Spider? It was recently discovered in Venezuela iirc and is the biggest spider in the world. Guess where its name comes from...it kills chickens and drags them back to its nest!! What's scary is it is so different to other tarantulas - the adults don't kill their young and the females don't kill the males...they look after the children in their nests! Size? Well its legs are as wide as an average human's finger! And its body is 12" long...

123rl said:
Have you ever heard of the Chicken Spider? It was recently discovered in Venezuela iirc and is the biggest spider in the world. Guess where its name comes from...it kills chickens and drags them back to its nest!! What's scary is it is so different to other tarantulas - the adults don't kill their young and the females don't kill the males...they look after the children in their nests! Size? Well its legs are as wide as an average human's finger! And its body is 12" long...


Question is... does it taste like chicken?



Vicious said:

I feel better....for now...I woke up with a fever and aches and pains. I think I was bit by a spider. Damn you all. I've done rapid searchs at least 3 times this morning and I keep thinking I've getting bit or am about to. :-(


Kobun Heat said:
About a week before I left Japan in 2003 I saw a spider above my computer that was like as big as my outstretched hand. Its body was the size of a big peanut shell, its legs like pipecleaners. I chased it through the house to kill it. It's a long story. At the end I was thinking



In Aust. we have redbacks, they are pretty dangerous i think, but the biggest threat is huntsman and white tails just because they are alot more common.



I hate spiders :(
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