Where do you live? That looks like the Tegenaria gigantea that I posted. If it is it isn't really dangerous. It preys on the more dangerous Hobo Spider.
god damn spider just now bit me 10 minutes ago on my knee. Its already swelling and throbbing like a bitch. He was under my jeans and I ended up squishing him into a pile of goo with legs so I am not sure what kind he was but he was dark.
I took a pic but its swelling even larger and pussing more now.
^^^ That's a house centipede. Harmless but creepy as fuck. I sometimes see them at my friends house and smash them to bits with no shame. Although they kill spiders and after reading this thread I've come to think that's not such a bad thing to have around the house.
OK; quick word of advise here for many in this thread: do not go hiking in Congaree Swamp National Park from about now till mid-September. The place is choked with the webs of a giant garden spider and many ogre-faced spiders; I'd hate to have people screaming thru the forest.
AUGH! I hate this thread but I can't keep reading. This right here, just freaked me out. It's the middle of the day and I'm already wary of nightmares when I take my nap. >: (
Confirmed as either the Tegenaria Agrestis (Hobo) or more likely the Tengenaria Gigantea (worlds fastest and most agressive spider according to Guiness). Either way.. I'm pretty sure I'm fucked. Hobo.. bite causes Necrosis (dead rotten flesh). Gigantea.. painful bite that persists for a couple days and may cause illness. Newfoundland.. FUCK YEAH! Maybe I should just take my chances in Australia.
EDIT: Also.. anothing thing about the Tengeria. The reason they're so aggressive, is because they have poor vision and basically attack anything that moves regardless of what size it is. What a fucking nightmare. The fastest spider in the world, that always attacks.