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What time did you wake up today?


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I worked all weekend since we had an event, so I slept in until 12:30pm today. My fiancée roasted me by slipping this under the door while I took a shit lol.



Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
6am every day, even days I don't work.

Gonna get put to the test tomorrow morning though - I'm headed to a 4.5 hour Return of the King showing tonight that starts at 7:30pm.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Same here.
When I work I get up at 6 AM but ever since my operation in 2018 I have cycles where I doze off in the afternoon and evenings and I miss between 20 to 90 minutes total.

It's weird and I talked to my doctors about it but they don't think it's a big deal.

I'm not tired, I just fall asleep. It's frustrating in a way I've had evenings wasted where I'm watching a movie and after rewinding every 20 minutes I just give up and go to bed.

I just started my summer vacation and the last 2 days I woke up at 4:30 AM and yesterday at 5:30 AM because of my snoozing during the day.

Sorry I talked too much it's just very frustrating and I can't help it unless I ingest large amounts of cocaine or intravenous Red Bull which I won't do 😄



Typically it's 5:00 - 5:45AM every day. If I am really tired and a weekend it might be 6:30AM. Depends on when the kid wakes up and jumps on me most days.


I work evenings and I have a hard time sleeping for 8 hours straight. My work days go like this:
I get up at 8am, have a dump, make some coffee and breakfast and play video games until 10.
Then I nap until 11 and have another coffee and watch a couple of TV shows and then play my guitars until 1:30.
Then I make lunch, have a shower and get ready for work. I work from 3 to 11, get home at 11:30, have a shower and play some more games until about 1:30 and go to bed.
12-1pm everyday

im unable to work. so i spend my day on Facebook dating app and playing games.

seems to be the only 100% free one nowadays.


Gold Member
6:30 am during the weekdays. Typically 7:30 on the weekends.
WFH and I start my days at 7:30am and done at 4-4:30pm.

Within my first year out of college, I was getting up at 5am to leave by 5:45 to drive 45 miles for my job. Did that for 1.5 years before being able to rent an apartment much, much closer to work. Not envious of anyone who does that day in and day out for the majority of their working lives.
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I work third shift (Tuesday-Saturday early mornings) and eventually this spilled over to my weekend sleep times as well. But last night, I went to bed around 1:30 AM and woke up at 5:30 and got some more sleep later in the day. But sometimes I‘ll be up almost the whole night and get most of my sleep during the day.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I'm surprised to see the amount of early birdies so far! 😃
Most of my coworkers show up around 10 AM so I enjoy the peace & quiet I get at 6:30/7 AM.


5AM every day of the week. Gives me time to eat breakfast, then to practice piano before my family wakes up (which can be anywhere from 6:15AM to 07:20AM). This is almost exclusively the only time I have for myself during the day.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
9:30 on a normal day, 13:00+ if I'm free.

Love sleeping, then waking up, rolling in bed a few times and then falling asleep again. It kinda is like dying over and over, but comfy.
7:30a, but ideally 9a if it weren't for work.

Got a bunch of early birdies when I thought a gaming forum would be night owls.

Bunch of old gamers with jobs and families though. I'm sure if you'd asked this here 15-20 years ago you'd have a lot more like this guy:

9:30 on a normal day, 13:00+ if I'm free.

Love sleeping, then waking up, rolling in bed a few times and then falling asleep again. It kinda is like dying over and over, but comfy.


I got up at 6am, showered.. took the dog outside, made my coffee and headed out arount 6:45 ..
that is my routine every day..
on weekends I may sleep in until around 7:30

I go to bed no later than 10:30 and I'm mostly strict about this schedule becasue it allows me to wake up naturally without the need of an alarm which just feels better.


I have 2 alarms.

I suffer from morning migraines so I set my first at 5 am to wake me in case I need to medicate. If I feel fine I'll go back to sleep until 6 when my second alarm goes off.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
7:30a, but ideally 9a if it weren't for work.

Got a bunch of early birdies when I thought a gaming forum would be night owls.

Oh, on the weekends, if I don't have going out plans I routinely stay up until about 3AM (often with a tab to this forum open) and sleep until 11AM or even noon.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

I'd rather get to the gym early than later in the day. It was also leg day today, so really wanted to that over and done with.


Gold Member
I work overnights so I go to bed at 12:30/1PM and wake up 9PM
I work nights also but i go straight to bed after shift at 630am and get up when I wake up usually around 2pm.

If find swinging all the way around like you do is a nightmare to get back into dayshift mode (after 22 shifts of nights).
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