Here are the descriptions. Vote for your 2 worst (vote to see the results):
1. The Nihilistic Cynic: thinks the thread is pointless, attacks its premise mercilessly and doesn't see the irony of spending time on something they claim to have no time for.
2. The Pompous Chopper: shits on opinions or the thread from a lofty height and struts around like their opinions are self-evidently superior.
3. The Chief Derailer hijacks threads to discuss something which is more important/interesting..... to them, obviously.
4. The Cringemilking Victim : these used to come in the pure "I love taking offense to what people say" mode but in these sad modern times have had a species mutation and now sport a new subspecies: those who react with a tidal cringe reflex to opinions or comments that don't fit their mold of how people should behave or communicate.
5. The Egofused Fanboy: the one true original- never settle for less! The pioneers for giving videogame discussion boards a bad name, they somehow tie their self worth and identity to how a videogame company is perceived and talked about. And it all goes downhill from there.
6. A.N. Other is possible I have totally missed a classic archetype. Let me know below.
1. The Nihilistic Cynic: thinks the thread is pointless, attacks its premise mercilessly and doesn't see the irony of spending time on something they claim to have no time for.
2. The Pompous Chopper: shits on opinions or the thread from a lofty height and struts around like their opinions are self-evidently superior.
3. The Chief Derailer hijacks threads to discuss something which is more important/interesting..... to them, obviously.
4. The Cringemilking Victim : these used to come in the pure "I love taking offense to what people say" mode but in these sad modern times have had a species mutation and now sport a new subspecies: those who react with a tidal cringe reflex to opinions or comments that don't fit their mold of how people should behave or communicate.
5. The Egofused Fanboy: the one true original- never settle for less! The pioneers for giving videogame discussion boards a bad name, they somehow tie their self worth and identity to how a videogame company is perceived and talked about. And it all goes downhill from there.
6. A.N. Other is possible I have totally missed a classic archetype. Let me know below.