C64 for me, and currently wishing I could get into the PC88 and 98, as well as the Sharp. I have so many great memories playing games, but also exploring the system itself, booting the floppy's, games and such of cassette tapes which I still find to be some kind of magic. Plus that super loud printer my Dad had for it. It had everything too, old arcade ports that were fun during parties to try and beat the high scores of each other, plus those amazing slideshow sim games. AH64 Apache was a real favorite of ours, as well as some Tom Clancy Submarine game my Dad absolutely loved. Man those were the days. Granted I still love where gaming went later of course, so glad we finally ended up getting a Windows 95 PC later on, Sim City and the Janes sim series along with anything Mechwarrior/Battletech was always a mainstay in our house.