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What we need more in gaming?

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I think the industry needs to come to terms w8th what video games are, go back to making fun ones with good gameplay and stop making them into vanity projects for directors who are clearly using the medium to make high end machinima

Exactly this. I think there's room for both video game-y games and wannabe movies, but I'd like to see the pendulum swing back to fun.



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I think the industry needs to come to terms w8th what video games are, go back to making fun ones with good gameplay and stop making them into vanity projects for directors who are clearly using the medium to make high end machinima
Exactly this. I think there's room for both video game-y games and wannabe movies, but I'd like to see the pendulum swing back to fun.
More games. Less movies.
Less "grit" more fun. So many games obsessed with "dark", "gritty" and "grim" and forget to also put the "fun" and "interesting" in.

More gameplay, less space to spread it out in (looking at you Open World Ubisoft Games).

More games that finish, that have an ending, a story that has a satisfying completion. No more of this "It never really ends, you can keep grinding forever, see what's new in the next season pass, etc etc" rubbish. (basically, less GaaS)

More simple games. Not everything a big publisher puts out has to be a massive open world cinematic blockbuster. Wouldn't it be nice to have a "Triple-A" twin-stick shooter or something every so often? Pretty sure they must be significantly cheaper to produce.

Less "online play" in my "single player" experiences.
Play more AA and indie.

Destructible environments
Highly agreed. More progress in the smaller things. Destructible environments, environmental interactivity, enemy AI, AI pathing, etc. Multiple aspects of gaming that were being expanded on with games like GTA 4, Teardown, RDR 2, F.E.A.R., and the Red Faction series.

Also, bring back good cinematography, color grading, motion blur, bokeh, DoF, and other cinematic effects in gaming that were present late PS360 and early PS4/XBO. I feel like only a few creative teams are doing this anymore, with Kojima Pro being one of those few. Most devs let PC players funnel them all down the same path of games that are all the same color palettes with barely any added effects. I miss this:






And you can't get some of these looks without what I've listed above. I'd argue one of the big reasons that many here are so disgruntled with this gen's AAA efforts are due to those very same effects and added touches being shunned for years and years, especially from the PC community who immediately turns them all off when playing these games. The devs pay attention to this data.
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More gamers to stop giving all the oxygen to publishers they claim they hate and then act like there's nothing to play.

So many quality indie games available, more than any of us could ever play in our lifetime.

Lend your support to more of these smaller games so they can grow and do good in the industry.


get the old, experienced game directors back into business,
kick the young wokeified idiots into the Sun,
violence, moooore violence,
plus deeper stories,
breaking of rules,
less handholding,
good driving games (slamming people with doors and the like),
physical pain beamed into ppls heads if someone plays shitty games
- Less to no imput from localization teams.

- More original titles with staying power, instead of relying on Remakes.

- Wild diversity, if that's what you want to do, just for the pure desire to do it, instead of being there to check boxes or virtue signal.
Have "ugly" women "that" "look" "like" "dudes" and hot women coexisting in your games, have attractive men and "ugly" men, coexisting.
Trans and Cis characters, coexisting. Sexualities, any race imaginable. Body shapes.
Follow in the footsteps of Final Fantasy 9, and go for it and do it genuinely.

- Less inferiority complex towards movies, and more passion and love with video games.
It's one of the things that made Bayonetta 1 special, you feel from every aspect that the devs love the shit out of video games.
And I want to see that more in games today.
Cinematics are great, long cutscenes can be great, actors being involved in your games can be great, but have it all be there in-service of the game, and your love for it.

- More art style, less obsession with graphical fidelity.

- Crossplay.


More environmental interactivity, I'm so done being stopped by a single bush while im in a tank.
More physics.
Boobs, obviously.
Butts, Obviously.
No more yellow paint, or at least make it an option to turn it off. I'm not a complete dumbdumb, I can see with my eyes whats climbable/breakable.


The nicest person on this forum
Let them enjoy the likes of the Avatar game.
They can enjoy what they want to enjoy but I just sick of them whining about graphics in almost every game.

All that overreaction over Rebirth's graphics and in the end it didn't matter because the actual game was fantastic and same shit is happening with Dragon's Dogma 2.....
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Less female protagonists honestly. It’s almost a given even an indie title Metroidvania is going to star a female.

We haven’t gotten a male bad ass character on the level of Snake, Kratos, or Leon in basically forever.
They can enjoy what they want to enjoy but I just sick of them whining about graphics in almost every game.

All that overreaction over Rebirth's graphics and in the end it didn't matter because the actual was fantastic and same shit is happening with Dragon's Dogma 2.....
I strongly feel that some of the issues with FF7 Rebirth’s presentation can be solved with some or most of the cinematic effects I’ve listed above(not just increasing graphical fidelity). DD2 looks fantastic compared to FF7Rebirth, presentation wise, because it’s going for a specific color graded look and tone.

FF7 Rebirth, even when compared to it’s predecessor Remake, has a very blue-sky JRPG type of feeling to it from all that I’ve seen. Nothing wrong with that, but it lacks that bit of pop/flair. Otherwise, the gameplay is a clear 10/10 effort. Funny thing is FF16 had the presentation and flair done really well, but lacked in gameplay and side content.
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Neo Member
Less "grit" more fun. So many games obsessed with "dark", "gritty" and "grim" and forget to also put the "fun" and "interesting" in.

More gameplay, less space to spread it out in (looking at you Open World Ubisoft Games).

More games that finish, that have an ending, a story that has a satisfying completion. No more of this "It never really ends, you can keep grinding forever, see what's new in the next season pass, etc etc" rubbish. (basically, less GaaS)

More simple games. Not everything a big publisher puts out has to be a massive open world cinematic blockbuster. Wouldn't it be nice to have a "Triple-A" twin-stick shooter or something every so often? Pretty sure they must be significantly cheaper to produce.

Less "online play" in my "single player" experiences.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
Beautiful and sexy women

GOOD Nudity in games pleaseeeeeee its 2024 now


more actual cultural appreciation.

game like Ghost of Tsushima is good example. made by western devs who deeply appreciate the culture. expand the horizon beyond just american and japanese.

the rise of Korean and Chinese developers are good IMO but there is more to eastern and western than same region over and over again.

shove away that woke shit. not every problem or value at certain country are applicable elsewhere.
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