If it counts as a toy, then the N64. It created more good memories with family and all our friends over the years than I can probably recount
And here is one of the most fun toys I’ve ever played with in my life, and it’s only like $2
Bought one at a local sports store one day because my friends and I were always playing outside in elementary school, middle school, usually basketball, hide-and-seek all over the neighborhoods, skating, handball, etc. It’s surprisingly fun despite just being a mere rubber ball. It’s not a handball, it has more weight to it, maybe like 3x as much weight if I had to estimate. But this thing was amazing. Used to bounce it outside with friends. Regular catch or we would play a variation of catch where we bounce it hard as fuck off the ground instead of standard throwing and that would make it more interesting. Baseball with this thing was pretty cool but risky as hell, only played that way rarely since this thing could destroy a fucking window or car with how it bounced off the bat. I remember one time we played catch with this thing in the pouring rain one day because it was that much fun. Had to chase it down like a madman when the rushing flood from the gutter swiftly took it away from us lol. Exceedingly fun little toy for a kid back in the day