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What's been Nintendo's most impressive GC games this year?


I've been out of the loop on games ... I haven't had a next gen system since December. Nothing seems to appealing early on, but what games by Nintendo on GC are the best ones they've released this year?


Four Swords Adventures for multiplayer
Pikmin 2 for goodness
Paper Mario for Best RPG on the system this year

Those are my three big ones. I'd choose Pikmin 2 above the other two if it just came down to one, though.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Hold the phone, we still have Mario Power Tennis, Mario Party 6, and Metroid Prime 2 before the year is over.

And Jungle Beat if you want to consider Japan.




No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I think it's about time we can all agree to call the current generation the current generation.

Anywho... of what I've played, I'd go with... uh, huh. I don't own any GameCube games that were released this year. I'm too busy buying older games on the cheap. Weird. I guess that doesn't speak too highly for my interest in what was released during the first 8-9 months, let alone Nintendo titles.

The Echoes demo was pretty good though... *shrugs*


Still Tagged Accordingly
i predict many Pikmin 2 posts

make a thread like this after Metroid Prime 2
Trevelyon said:

Great value, fucking awesome game!
worth getting if you have the GBA game though?

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Well Pikmin 2 and Paper Mario are about to come out in Australia so not including those titles I would have to say-----

Super Mario Sunshine!!

The areas without the water pack were platforming perfection!


Um ... looking at games for this year and next ..

Nov - Metroid 2
Mario Tennis 2
Dec - Mario Party 6

Starfox 2
Legend of Zelda
Jungle Beat
Advance Wars
Fire Emblem

That all right?


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I spent by far the most time on my GC this year playing Four Swords. Not even close.


Hollywood said:
Um ... looking at games for this year and next ..

Nov - Metroid 2
Mario Tennis 2
Dec - Mario Party 6

Starfox 2
Legend of Zelda
Jungle Beat
Advance Wars
Fire Emblem

That all right?

Mario Party 6 is Hudson, Odama is Vivarium, Star Fox is Namco, Geist is n-Space, Advance Wars is Kuju. MP2E, MPT, LoZ, JB, and FE are the only "Nintendo games."


Oh okay ... I don't really like some of them .. like Geist, Advance Wars, or Fire Emblem ... not really interested in those. Everything else looks good though.


Scrow said:
worth getting if you have the GBA game though?

Um, I'd say no, if you're planning on just playing solo, alot of the mini games are just rehashed games found in the GBA version & there's not much incentive to play it over if you've finished the original.

But I'd say a definite yes! if you want to focus on the multiplayer, it's just so much fun and at $39 bucks it's a steal.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
IMO this has been the worst year (SO FAR) that the Game Cube has had yet for releases...very few titles worth picking up have been released in 2004. But there's some good games about to come out.
I would say:

PM2 (goddamn postal service... my copy should be here soon; either way.. too busy right now to play games)



that's the corkiest of the lot. RE4 would have been on the list if it this year.


If I were to choose one, I would choose Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. As a multiplayer title, it is wholly unique and unmatched. It harkens back to my and my friend's early days of GameCube mayhem with Super Smash Bros. Melee, for not since that game have we had so much fun in one room.


Hollywood said:
Is 4 Swords a good 1 player game?

I would say yes. I had alot of fun playing it 1 player...A LOT more fun then Crystal Chronicles single player. Its pretty easy excluding a few puzzles that take some thinking, but its fun.
Tales of Symphonia, Pikmin 2 and Paper Mario2.
Metroid Prime 2 will inevitably replace one of those.
I'm hoping Baten Kaitos (Nov 16) will be a good game too.


As much fun as I had with PM2, 4 Swords+ was far and away the greatest gaming experience I've had this year. You have to play it with three friends to get that experience, but it's really something else.


If you are speaking about Nintendo games, then it's Paper Mario 2. Else it is Tales of Symphonia. But the best is yet to come.


Tallying the votes:

Pikmin 2: 5
Paper Mario: 5
Four Swords Adventures: 3
Wario Ware: 1
Super Mario Sunshine: 1
Pokemon Colosseum: 1
Pikmin 2. The game gives me that giddy feeling like I had as a child playing LOZ on my NES.
Everything feels so right, so completely ballanced. I felt like I was discovering new and nifty things, like I was managing some sort of Pikmin experiment. Definately does not feel contrived or overly mannered, the magic is there for the right reasons.
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