I think the ST and Star Wars in general are far more entertaining than LOTR and Hobbit but the Hobbit movies were probably better made and written. The last Hobbit movie stunk like ass corn though. ROS was better than Five Armies.
Hobbit was a time too of less woke. They were just movies about white dudes doing white dude shit and that wouldn't pass today.
I don't really care about "woke" in the Skywalker trilogy. The trilogy was terribly unoriginal and The Last Jedi unfortunately set a course towards total disaster that Ep. 9 barely managed to correct. The damage was done, but the 3 films are passable popcorn material at least. I'm in no hurry to rewatch them, but I could.
The Hobbit trilogy better written, though? Well... no. I can barely remember anything of it apart from some shitty attempts at humour, unnecessary filler, awful CG, and stuff so bad not even the memes really managed to make it better. The Dwarf-Elf love interest is shoehorned so clumsily in the story, all the forced inclusiveness in the Skywalker trilogy feels right at home in comparison.
I'd say the first Hobbit movie was good, but the problem is, you don't make a 9-hour epic out of a children's book just because you made a 9-hour epic movie trilogy out of a 1000+ pages fantasy epic that made fantasy what it is today. The pacing is off, the humour is forced, the dialogues are bland, some characters just make no sense, and there's so much filler it hurts.
Also the movies look so fake, while LOTR (before HD spoiled a lot of its primitive CG) looked so incredibly real at the time. I remember a scene in Battle of the Five Armies when Gandalf goes wake up Bilbo and finds the bed empty. I thought the scene looked completely off, then I realized it's probably because it's so simple and short it didn't go through the heavy editing and filtering that permeates the whole trilogy, LOL.