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Whats better a pile of shit: The Hobbit Trilogy or The Modern Skywalker Trilogy

Whats a better pile of shit: The Hobbit Trilogy or The Modern Skywalker Trilogy

  • The Hobbit Trilogy is better

    Votes: 89 56.3%
  • The Modern Skywalker Trilogy is better

    Votes: 32 20.3%
  • Do you mean which is better OR which is better at being worse?

    Votes: 37 23.4%

  • Total voters


I own the Hobbit Trilogy. I like LotR better, but The Hobbit was pretty decent too I think for someone who appreciated Tolkien's work but wasn't a card carrying fan member.

I haven't even watched RoS yet, this trilogy effectively killed my interest in the franchise, so I'm going to say that one.
The Hobbit made me want to self harm



Hobbit and i still have to see the third movie. but just for having Ragadast the Brown alone, who is a more interesting "new" character than anybody in the SW movies.


Which contributed more to their franchise?
this is pretty easy. LOTR has the most expensive tv series ever made in the works, with 5 seasons planned on Amazon.

the Star Wars ST was so bad that it killed multiple planned trilogies and made the company swear off their yearly schedule. it directly hurt the brand. plus the only current stuff (Mando, Clone Wars) is based entirely on the OT and PT. maybe some day there will be a Rey's Jedi Academy spin off but it's not happening anytime soon.
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Herr Edgy

I love The Hobbit, aside from some bits.

Especially the first part. The dwarves are just great. I might even go as far as saying I like it more than the LotR trilogy, just because I find the humans to be the most boring race of the universe and LotR focuses more on them. Still love both to death though.

The dwarves and their intro scene, which is amazing.
More Gandalf is always good.
Radagast, the Brown.
All the references to The Hobbit that happen in LotR, coming full circle and making LotR even more enjoyable (the dragon reference, the dead dwarf in Moria being one of the 13 dwarves etc.)

Just all the small lore pieces that make you go on a google spree to find out more about the lore.


Hobbits its pretty much watchable(at least the first 2). Take away corny and shit characters like that human(and his Disney family) and that clearly "not-hero" adviser of king(ala Disney), then the film is pretty much ok. Bar that stupid part of Gollum, I could say the trilogy is "ok" at best.

Star Wars? Pfff, thats literally a film about killing/destroying an entire franchise and making you feel totally uniterested and disgusted about anything related.
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The Hobbit trilogy had a cohesive story. Sure, it was mostly bad but I thought there was some good stuff in there and I enjoyed the first film.

The new Skywalker saga on the other hand had no cohesion at all. The first film was a good enough start but the films that followed were total garbage. TLJ did nothing to move the story forward or set-up anything climactic for the 3rd film. Then ROS tries to undo/fix what TLJ did and what you ended up with was a convoluted mess.

I'll gladly re-watch the Hobbit trilogy rather than having to suffer through re-watching Disney's pile-o-shit.

Sorry, read the poll choices wrong.
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Gold Member
How can any sane person say the Hobbit trilogy is better having actually seen both end-to-end.

As much of a sad fanfiction the Skywalker trilogy is, it has its moments and some awesome CG.
The Hobbit amazingly managed to screw up some crucial CG royally, after LOTR set the bar for CG higher than anything before it. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what it screwed up.

You couldn't pay me enough to rewatch Battle of the Five Armies. I've rarely seen a similar flaming trashcan of a film with that budget and expectations.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
How can any sane person say the Hobbit trilogy is better having actually seen both end-to-end.

As much of a sad fanfiction the Skywalker trilogy is, it has its moments and some awesome CG.
The Hobbit amazingly managed to screw up some crucial CG royally, after LOTR set the bar for CG higher than anything before it. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what it screwed up.

You couldn't pay me enough to rewatch Battle of the Five Armies. I've rarely seen a similar flaming trashcan of a film with that budget and expectations.
I think the ST and Star Wars in general are far more entertaining than LOTR and Hobbit but the Hobbit movies were probably better made and written. The last Hobbit movie stunk like ass corn though. ROS was better than Five Armies.

Hobbit was a time too of less woke. They were just movies about white dudes doing white dude shit and that wouldn't pass today.


Hobbit part 1 is fun and part 2 is dope af.
3 was a train wreck.

Episode 7 is awesome, episode 8 is a colossal that ruined Star Wars. 9 was okay.


Pfft. I'll take The Hobbit trilogy over the Sequel trilogy anyday, though I've yet to see Rise of Skywalker. Whatever flaws The Hobbit movies are far outweighed by the complete incompetence Disney had in handling their take on Star Wars. And there are good things with The Hobbit trilogy. Such as:

- The perfect casting of Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins. They guy was made for the role.
- Th dwarves too we're exceptionally well cast. Standouts being Richard Armitage as Thorin. Ken Stott as Balin and James Nesbitt as Bofur.
- It's always a pleasure to see Ian Mckellen as Gandalf. The fact that he didn't enjoy filming this trilogy unlike LOTR but still gave it his all speaks of his talent as an actor.
- Though he comes off as a bit goofy, I enjoyed Sylvester McCoy as Radagast.
- Luke Evans as Bard of Laketown. The closest we'll ever have to Aragorn in these films.
- SMAUG. Just Smaug. That is the greatest dragon I've ever seen put on film. And he's voiced to perfection by Benedict Cumberbatch.


imagine if the second Hobbit movie was just Bilbo moping in his house and refusing to leave until the last 10 minutes. meanwhile a few of the dwarves act like idiots to the point of attracting the 9 wraiths. they end up getting 90% of the Shire killed for no real reason. then the final Hobbit movie has to cover the full plots of both Desolation of Smaugh & Five Armies.

then maybe it would be as bad as Star Wars.
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Gold Member
let me put it this way I fuckin love star wars.
i hate the sequel trilogy and I think it started out really high and got worse with each release especially when u consider that its trying to be a trilogy and you see the glaring holes in the grand scheme of things where its like they were just throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks.
- It's always a pleasure to see Ian Mckellen as Gandalf. The fact that he didn't enjoy filming this trilogy unlike LOTR but still gave it his all speaks of his talent as an actor.

Really gets my noggin joggin' when a theater actor complains about filming with green screens 🤔


Gold Member
I think the ST and Star Wars in general are far more entertaining than LOTR and Hobbit but the Hobbit movies were probably better made and written. The last Hobbit movie stunk like ass corn though. ROS was better than Five Armies.

Hobbit was a time too of less woke. They were just movies about white dudes doing white dude shit and that wouldn't pass today.
I don't really care about "woke" in the Skywalker trilogy. The trilogy was terribly unoriginal and The Last Jedi unfortunately set a course towards total disaster that Ep. 9 barely managed to correct. The damage was done, but the 3 films are passable popcorn material at least. I'm in no hurry to rewatch them, but I could.

The Hobbit trilogy better written, though? Well... no. I can barely remember anything of it apart from some shitty attempts at humour, unnecessary filler, awful CG, and stuff so bad not even the memes really managed to make it better. The Dwarf-Elf love interest is shoehorned so clumsily in the story, all the forced inclusiveness in the Skywalker trilogy feels right at home in comparison.

I'd say the first Hobbit movie was good, but the problem is, you don't make a 9-hour epic out of a children's book just because you made a 9-hour epic movie trilogy out of a 1000+ pages fantasy epic that made fantasy what it is today. The pacing is off, the humour is forced, the dialogues are bland, some characters just make no sense, and there's so much filler it hurts.

Also the movies look so fake, while LOTR (before HD spoiled a lot of its primitive CG) looked so incredibly real at the time. I remember a scene in Battle of the Five Armies when Gandalf goes wake up Bilbo and finds the bed empty. I thought the scene looked completely off, then I realized it's probably because it's so simple and short it didn't go through the heavy editing and filtering that permeates the whole trilogy, LOL.
The Hobbit is one of my favourite books of all time. I'm sure I watched at least the first movie in the trilogy, but remember very little about it. Other than Tim from The Office was Bilbo. Feel like I might have seen the first one and the last one, because I think I remember seeing Smaug stuff. It always felt like splitting one book into a trilogy was a cynical cash in. What was the question again? Oh yeah, I'll say Star Wars was bett.......hang on, no, I won't. I remember what they did in the second one annoyed me so much I can't be bothered watching the third.

In summation, :messenger_neutral:.


Hobbit was pretty decent for me. It also tells a consistent story where it at least tries to have some pay offs in what it sets up. I also genuinely liked Desolation of Smaug and while Battle of Five Armies disappointed, it was nowhere near how much damage TLJ did which caused RotS to suck. In the end, The Hobbit still is LOTR to some degree so I will enjoy it.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
The Hobbit trilogy was just a mistake, everyone knew before they even started filming that it was a mistake. If they had made a single movie or perhaps two it could have been amazing.
Star wars is just lacklustre, I enjoyed watching each movie, they just won't stay with me like the original trilogy.


Unconfirmed Member
I watched the Hobbit trilogy again this year & I have to say, as much as I love anything Tolkien & have defended them in the past, those films are not aging well.

I maintain that all of the ingredients are there to make a great adaptation of the book though. The casting, costumes, art design, locations, etc... all of that good stuff is there. It's just a pity that they tried to make it a trilogy of blockbusters on the scale of LotR, instead of the original plan for a more simpler, straightforward there & back again.

All the extra elven stuff could go & the story wouldn't even miss it. Just show what was in the book & if you must, give Legolas a cameo during the end battle or something.

Still much better than the new Star Wars trilogy.

Even the Lord of the Rings trilogy sucks balls. lol :messenger_beaming:



Uh, how dare you!
I've thoroughly enjoyed The Hobbit.
The Dragon alone is a masterpiece of its own.
So are dwarves.

I'm divided about necro-ish take on orcs but then, it was the same way in LOTR.


The hobbit trilogy wasn't very good but I'd rather watch that entire trilogy again than having to see just one of the newer Star Wars movies (TLJ or RoS) again

The hobbit is in that "not good but still enjoyable" tier of watchable movies like the latest Terminator, Venom, Most Fast and Furious movies, the prequels, etc
The new Star Wars trilogy is on that Last Airbender/Fantastic Four (2015) tier where it's just plain bad to the point where it's not even fun as a "let's laugh about how bad it is" type of movie
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At least the Hobbit trilogy is cohesive and tells a full story. Parts of all three movies are enjoyable yet vastly inferior to LOTR


Neither trilogy needed to happen, but the story of the Hobbit is a classic and could have easily been a great 2 1/2 hour long movie.

The new Star Wars trilogy is a soulless cash grab turned into an agenda pusher that ended with a cobbled together mess of an ending.
Well, I never watched any of the Hobbit movies and I only watched The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi and... The Last Jedi ruined Star Wars, and I can’t imagine that The Hobbit series ruined LOTR, so I am going with Star Wars here.
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