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What's closer to Fire Emblem...

Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance or Advance wars. I loved FF:TA, but am not so big on Advance Wars. I actually really like it, but I'm not too good because I have trouble concentrating on all the units and bases and things to build and things to take over. Tactics has less things to concentrate on, but they were themselves more complicated. So is Fire Emblem like FF:TA with a fewer amount of very important characters/things to concentrate on, or is it closer to Advance Wars.


Scary Euro Man
Anyone who says "Advance Wars" after actually reading the post is smoking crack. The number of units increases as the game progresses (up to about 16) but it's never as vast as it can be in Advance Wars, and there's no resource gathering and construction. It's a much less forgiving game than FFTA, though.
Yeah, what Iapetus said.

Fire Emblem plays like Advance Wars (in terms of controls and what not), but the actual strategy gameplay is much more like FFTA in the terms that Iapetus has already mentioned.


Other than sharing the same base engine, Fire Emblem and Advance Wars have nothing in common. Non-GBA Fire Emblem games have absolutely nothing in common with the Wars series as well, except for a similar status menu skin.

In terms of gameplay, Fire Emblem and FFTA
In terms of look and feeling, Fire Emblem and Advance Wars


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
iapetus said:
Anyone who says "Advance Wars" after actually reading the post is smoking crack. The number of units increases as the game progresses (up to about 16) but it's never as vast as it can be in Advance Wars, and there's no resource gathering and construction. It's a much less forgiving game than FFTA, though.

Fo' sure.... Keeping your characters alive and well is a huge part of FE.. FF:TA also is about buliding your characters up (to a much lesser degree than FE though).

Both games focus on a group of characters that you develop over time, however in FE there is a much more random element than FF:TA to how your characters develop....


I'm glad iapatus stepped in and said that, because right after reading the post, I was sure that people were going to answer Advance Wars (which they did) because they liked it more or thought it was the better game.

FF:TA is much closer to Fire Emblem, but it is a slower game than Advance Wars and Fire Emblem. Not really that much slower than Fire Emblem though, on some of the later stages.


FE is like FFTA, except it's a lot more fun. I would make some snarky troll post about how FFTA sucks (since I hated it after thinking the Law stuff would be cool) but it's just not worth the time.


Actually the closest you can get to FE on the GBA would be Shining Force or Tactics Ogre : less units, no bases etc.. just good clean fun with strategy RPGing :)
I guess out of the two you mentioned FFTA comes closest despite it's more complex job system and the randomness of it all..


Hi. I think it's more like FFTA, but harder. I had to give up on Fire Emblem. The last level was too hard. Too many enemies to defeat. I like it though. It's fun.


How were those enemies too tough? Just the final boss was, understandably, but the enemies were no problem.

And Marcus rules.


Manders said:
Hi. I think it's more like FFTA, but harder. I had to give up on Fire Emblem. The last level was too hard. Too many enemies to defeat. I like it though. It's fun.

Same here, I quit in that last battle, realizing that I hadn't leveled up my main characters enough to use the Legendary Weapons. I will definitely replay it one day, though, because only now do I realize how deep the game can be (Secret Shops, Hector's Route, the hidden X Chapters etc..).

@ MoccaJava : Marcus is and XP-hog, but he's useful in the first couple of chapters after you meet him. I do believe it's best not to use him too often though. I usually just put him up front to act as a human shield, and let the others finish the enemies.


Volt said:
Same here, I quit in that last battle, realizing that I hadn't leveled up my main characters enough to use the Legendary Weapons. I will definitely replay it one day, though, because only now do I realize how deep the game can be (Secret Shops, Hector's Route, the hidden X Chapters etc..).

@ MoccaJava : Marcus is and XP-hog, but he's useful in the first couple of chapters after you meet him. I do believe it's best not to use him too often though. I usually just put him up front to act as a human shield, and let the others finish the enemies.

I learned that lesson the hard way. You definately shouldn't use Marcus for more than guarding certain tough spots or to get weak characters out of trouble when trying to level them up.


Still Tagged Accordingly
john tv said:
The Arena is there to be used and abused. Do it!
heh, yep. I had some invinvible characters towards the end because I used the arena to max characters out.
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