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Whats STARGATE: ATLANTIS? Look good?

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Just saw a commercial while watching Sci-Fi Channel for Stargate: Atlantis...

I used to watch Stargate SG:1 when it first started way back on Showtime, and stopped watching at some point.. (they used to have "sci-fridays".. which featured new episodes of SG1 and then a new episode of their version of the outer limits, which I thought ruled.)...

so is Stargate:Atlantis a spinoff with the same characters? new characters? will it intersect plotlines at all with Stargate: SG1?

It looked cool and I may end up watching it if it is good and is getting good vibes.. i havent been into a sci-fi show seriously in a long time, and if this one is as good as Stargate :SG1, ill definately watch.. Atlantis shit always catches my attention.


Atlantis was originally going to replace SG1 after it went off the air. It was to start running after the SG1 movie, but Sci-Fi renewed SG1 (movie became the cliffhanger from last season) with Atlantis and SG1 running at the same time.

Atlantis will feature new characters, new stargate network and new bad guys. Don't want to spoil it, just catch the premier in a few weeks.


I stopped watching since season 7 ended(Not sure if when season 8 starts). But from what I know of Atlantis. SG Atlantis is the "civilian" version of SG Command(Government Only). In Atlantis, they are preparing(or have already done so) to inform the public about the Stargates. There will be completely new casts with some cameo. The entire crew of the Atlantis team and their headquater will be on a new world(not Earth, SG Command still has control of Earth's SG). The crew will be compose of mostly civilians and they will basically do what SG1 do..... search and explore.
hmm sounds cool.. i kinda wanted to get back into SG1 but had missed too many seasons and figured it was pointless..

ill catch the premier and then i can start fresh with a new show! am kind of excited!
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