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What's the best type of setup for me for my budget? (PC gaming related)

Hi Gaf, thinking about changing my gaming setup around. I currently have a X1, Laptop and PS4. Laptop is on it's very last legs, so I need either a PC or laptop. Budget is around €900. Do I either:

Get a decent laptop, that has a good processor and decent gpu


Save another 3-400, build a PC with a GTX 970, i5-6600 Skylake processor, get a small desk, 2 monitors and move my consoles over and make like a little gaming corner? I'm kinda stuck. Would a 900-1k gaming laptop suffice in 2016?




Desktop will hands down get you the best bang for the buck in terms of gaming. I bought a high end sager laptop earlier in the year (980m, core i7, etc) and it's already struggling with some recent games on high/ultra settings.

If you have to have a laptop, then you don't have a lot of choice. But if you can really choose between a desktop and a laptop, I think the desktop is a no brainer.


If you don't "need" a laptop anymore (ie, you are not a student or someone who has to work remotely), you should build a new PC. I work a 9-5 desk job, so an iPad can do all I would ever need a laptop for, so I built a PC when my laptop died and did not regret it.


Get a laptop appropriate to the work loads you need to do. Then get a desktop appropriate for the gaming loads. Work and play are possible on one machine but there are benefits to separating them to different machines.

The most work I need to do on a laptop is done in a browser and a terminal and I just have a very light notebook for that. Anything for gaming is in a pc tower for various reasons. Not the least of which, I would feel free to experiment with it when there is a backup system around to use for important things.

I think it may save me money, too. As opposed to keeping up one computer than can do everything great.
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