Guileless said:
What exactly do you disagree with me about? Do you think the Arab world is currently experiencing a Golden Age of Enlightenment comparable to Renaissance Florence or ancient Athens?
Northern Ireland is the exception to the rule of Western religious tolerance. If you don't realize that you're either stupid or not being honest. And what part of the United States is ruled by racial apartheid and what are the conditions there?
The problem is that you think modernity is like a switch, once you go through it, people see the error of their ways, they are reformed and somehow changed.
Modernity, at least when you stick to the philosophical elements, helps rationalize our understanding of the world around us, gives us science and technology that allows to have all that creature comfort. That's all good, but human nature stays the same. Human motivations, impulses, desires are still there. There's a rough moral code in everyone, but what really keeps most people in check is law enforcement and what it tells them not to do. But crimes still happen and even riots sometimes. But effective law enforcement is no way unique to a modern Western society.
Now the second premise of your argument is that despite all that, people are still able to sit down and rationalize, decide what they should and shouldn't do anymore as a society. Enlightement was not enough to stop slavery, stop official segregation, allow women to vote, people had to fight for it and someone was forced to cave in at one point otherwise nothing would have changed. It is a constant struggle. But these struggles, those fights for change also happen in other societies, even primitive ones. That's how we got to be 'modern' anyway.
The real problem with your statements is that they are arrogant and incredibly ethnocentric. It takes modern Western societies (America in your case) as they are RIGHT NOW and judges other societies based on these current but arbitrary standards. Now, this is nothing new, to justify slavery, people looked at the natives and superficially saw they were nothing like them and that made slave trade easier to stomach on a moral level. Later on, colonialism used the civilizing excuse to go to these countries, exploit them while somehow making them Western. It didn't help. I'm not insinuating that you want to enslave people, but it's the same mentality that leads to it. Personally, I think it is much more effective to judge a society by its own standards. If it fails to meet them, then it is a much more effective incentive for change, for real genuine change.
I don't think there is such a thing as modernity, as an absolute in itself. I think it is
a Western modernity, a slow process, a series of struggles and an evolution to whatever other form, unique to the West, to its culture. Fact of the matter, democracy and some of the modern principles of a nation state were attempted in the Arab world in the past. They all failed in the long run. I guess you can't just transplant a model unique to the West and expect it to work in a completely different culture (I'll leave out foreign interference in this debate). I can still see attempts in modern times but they are definitely Arab in flavor, such as the patriarchal politics of Lebanon (very low turn-out in the recent election, BTW). If something has to happen, it must be unique to the region, it must be wanted by the people, a system perhaps inspired by the West (though antagonism with American foreign policy is a definite hurdle to have that inspiration), but definitely Arab. For example, I don't think you can have true separation of state and church in most Arab countries, Islam is too engrained in their society, much more so that Christianity ever was in the West. Then again, America still struggles with that principle, even 2 hundred years after the writing of the constitution, but the country still works (sort of...). So you could have theoritically a 'modern' Arab state, probably more civilized to your eyes, but I don't think it would be a perfect replica of what you know nor would it meet your narrow standards completely.