Interesting feedback. We do read a lot of threads. Obviously we have trends we look at in the background and the site/community is 'growing' for want of a better expression. In terms of users and activity. You have access to see the 'members online', which is - and has - been trending upwards for some time. We are gathering a bit of momentum with respect to this but we're also wary of just approving everything in the queue in one blast. For better or worse, slow and steady is the path we're treading, mainly because a community evolves over time and any sort of concentrated toxicity or discord has potential to really gut punch it if introduced suddenly.
We do take on board more than you think and we have chatted a lot about issues raised in here already. For instance; Should we - as moderator's - participate more in general gaming threads. But there is a balance to be had and reserve is one trait we ask posters to exercise in certain threads, so need to set the example. There are some great people on here that would actually be kinda cool to share a beer with and chat about anything and nothing. But it goes against one of the primary founding principles we wanted to avoid, even if it's only by perception. Protected posters, vanity moderating and compromised principles. Remaining impartial and independent is important to every mod team member, so we're still struggling with something as a happy medium.
We also are aware of our more 'energetic' posters who even after 'cease and desists' on certain behaviors they persist. Shoutout to our #1 Nintendo fan
for example

That's why you might see a few inconsistencies in the ban lengths. Sometimes we outreach when we delete or edit a post and send a gentle nudge in the notifications. But sometimes the burden of moderating an individual is greater than the benefit they bring. We also have to be adaptive in bans. Someone may post on average once every five days, so they won't really feel a three day ban. Similarly someone may post every day and really feel a three day ban. The posts we try to include on the ban page - at the moment this is manual. For spambots we don't bother. When posting on mobile it's sometimes a headache to copy/paste between two/three windows so we tend to plan to revisit it later. And the other instance is simply 'look at post history'.
For us personally as moderators we're putting in a lot of hard work. We had a little set back with the redesign but people like
are busy fixing things behind the scenes. We will be asking the community about their opinions on other small features we may like to introduce in the near future as well. So keep an eye out. The hardest thing we find at the moment is the smear campaign. We're all from very different walks of lives on the team, different locations and experiences but we absolutely want the best for videogames and the site in general. GAF should be the place where your identity is the least important thing about you. We share a common love here. Our commonality is the thing that unites us, not the thing that divides us. As Bart Simpson said 'The little, stupid differences are nothing next to the big, stupid similarities.' However, the slurs across social media and even from the driveby trolls who like to shout alt-right and try to keep up the image they invent is disheartening. Having said that, we feel when people actually come here now, they realise it's actually lies and stay which is why we *are* trending upwards.
The reset threads are a necessary evil at the moment. I did ask about idea's on those. The frustrating thing is that sometimes there are really good in depth discussions taking place in there. Topics like corporal/capital punishment - even the political digressions about republican and democrat have merit and value. But they're stuck in this little vacuum. So we might lock them at some point next week and start one thread for the latest controversy/meltdown (based on current affairs) and one for the meta-discussions that take place around it.
Gaming is picking up and people like
are doing great work keeping things current. It would be nice to see a few others chip in as well. There are a number of posters here who I won't 'name' who we see as the backbone of the community and would love to see them be a bit more visible and contribute more but we all have lives and all play video games so...time is more precious. There used to be an air of dread or judgement on OT's - they had to be these sacred week long projects. Hey, we're all adults - just an image and a barebones paragraph is enough folks. Don't be intimidated

People just want a place to stick their thoughts.