Ah, social prophylaxis at work again. Приходите к нам на чашечку чаю как-нибудь, и Молли тоже.They are averaging close to around 500-700 bans per month
Ah, social prophylaxis at work again. Приходите к нам на чашечку чаю как-нибудь, и Молли тоже.They are averaging close to around 500-700 bans per month
What's up with this needless hostility? Pretend i said anti-liberal/modern left/sjw or whatever then, if you feel that would've been more correct, i wasn't trying to paint everyone as nazists or something like that, if that was your concern. Also i think i made a pretty rational, decently balanced post after all, i don't get your aggressive attitude.its really funny when people say this. because they actually have no idea what 'right leaning' or 'right wing' actually means. i mean i have a few expletives to describe people who come in knowing just some shallow 'OH YOURE RIGHT WING HUH'
next time bud. try to not say the default garbage everyone says and have a complete thought on your own. youre entire post is like a summary of someone writing an article about forums or some kind of internet culture.
What's up with this needless hostility? Pretend i said anti-liberal/modern left/sjw or whatever then, if you feel that would've been more correct, i wasn't trying to paint everyone as nazists or something like that, if that was your concern. Also i think i made a pretty rational, decently balanced post after all, i don't get your aggressive attitude.
And see that is the problem right there. Thinking “is it okay” rather than “is it well done” is childlike thinking. Value and dignity is not just a matter how of what we allow or disallow. But comparing one form of serious content to another should indeed immediately make one think “If the inclusion of rape is poorly handled, what does make all the murder well-handled?” and there realize it is contextual to the presentation, upon which one realizes the whole game is crafted around bringing meaning to the murder through the characterization and story context in a somewhat realistic human manner including the resulting impacts both personal and social, which wasn’t done with the rape.you cant try and take the morality of a certain aspect and ignore everything else or even ask everyone to ignore everything else. "why is x in this game" "well why is y in then game". its always and will always be the next logical conclusion and IF you want to say well this shouldnt be in there you have to have an answer in why something else considered worst or at least as bad considered okay
And see that is the problem right there. Thinking “is it okay” rather than “is it well done” is childlike thinking. Value and dignity is not just a matter how of what we allow or disallow. But comparing one form of serious content to another should indeed immediately make one think “If the inclusion of rape is poorly handled, what does make all the murder well-handled?” and there realize it is contextual to the presentation, upon which one realizes the whole game is crafted around bringing meaning to the murder through the characterization and story context in a somewhat realistic human manner including the resulting impacts both personal and social, which wasn’t done with the rape.
Instead, by just looking at the very different question of “why is this allowed?” people kept pointing to the rating, as if acceptance of agreed boundaries is what grants meaning or measures quality or taste. That turned something that should be an artistic and social question into a political challenge. Ridding ourselves of this needless push toward politization is key to rebuilding enjoyable, thoughtful, free discussion.
Too many alt right people here. We need more alt control delete people imho.
Yes.Exactly! And discussing those differences of perspective and what we personally think was well done or poorly done and why we feel that way is literally why discussion forums like this exist so I complete disagree that it is “almost irrelevant” and would love to see us get back to that kind of discussion rather than assuming that when someone disapproves of something it means they want it forced out. I don’t get why we can discuss graphics, controls, combat mechanics, progression systems, and level design all day but not these other things. I think politics scared us out of it and caused many to personally devalue them.
I'd rather GAF 2.0 had fewer posts of this kind.GAF is only for the coolest of edgelords, while Era consists of cucks and sjw crazies.
And see that is the problem right there. Thinking “is it okay” rather than “is it well done” is childlike thinking. Value and dignity is not just a matter how of what we allow or disallow. But comparing one form of serious content to another should indeed immediately make one think “If the inclusion of rape is poorly handled, what does make all the murder well-handled?” and there realize it is contextual to the presentation, upon which one realizes the whole game is crafted around bringing meaning to the murder through the characterization and story context in a somewhat realistic human manner including the resulting impacts both personal and social, which wasn’t done with the rape.
Instead, by just looking at the very different question of “why is this allowed?” people kept pointing to the rating, as if acceptance of agreed boundaries is what grants meaning or measures quality or taste. That turned something that should be an artistic and social question into a political challenge. Ridding ourselves of this needless push toward politization is key to rebuilding enjoyable, thoughtful, free discussion.
So basically what you're telling me either the bans slow down or they ramp up and they'd have less then 3.5 years till they ban everyone?Place was a little slow at the start of the year but has picked up pace pretty well and the mods have been doing a great job of keeping the forum an open and civil place to discuss.
If you dont like the political crap just dont go in the separate forum
To those that love having views forced on them and are waiting for era memberships...take a look here and ask yourself how long do you think you will last if you are a straight white Male that does not align to sjw or extreme left views? http://resetera.kiwifarms.net
They are averaging close to around 500-700 bans per month
I'm sure than most of the so called alt-righters, anti-left, and even some of those /pol/ nutjobs are just former leftists that are now disgruntled and resentful about modern liberals being overly hostile against them, and so obsessed with identity politics, politically correctness and censorship.I think the 'right-leaning' thing about current GAF is a falacy.
I think we are more like the 'true-left' Era is pretending and failing to be, in terms of respect and tolerance to the diversity of opinions, and open-ness of discussions.
Maybe.I'm sure than most of the so called alt-righters, anti-left, and even some of those /pol/ nutjobs are just former leftists that are now disgruntled and resentful about modern liberals being overly hostile against them, and so obsessed with identity politics, politically correctness and censorship.
The atmosphere has improved a lot relative to old 'culture of fear' gaf, and the downtick in politics talk invading otherwise-normal conversations is great.
As others have said however, I feel like the moderation has swung past 'moderate' and into 'lax'. There's been some pretty intense trolling from certain directions that's been met with a slap on the wrist rather than the full banhammer, and posters so inclined are still at liberty to throw around epithets and other insult-tier nonsense without being advised to reconsider their contribution to the discussion.
There is of course something to be said for tolerance and the notion that a bit of guidance from the mods can encourage people to up their GAF game, but there's a point where that approach stops being effective and you end up with continued unchecked shitposting.
If anything, I visit this place less now than I did in the months following the meltdown. Losing the far-left ideologue population has been great, but I come here for the videogames, not the embittered complaining about 'Era' this, 'Dumb NPC people' that, and 'Fake journalism' the other. And boy is there a lot of that these days.
One might even argue that there's nothing "leftist" anymore about people ignoring and mocking poor people and worker's rights to just focus about gender and race victimhood, but hey, that might just be the American Way after all.Maybe.
With all the extremism, people may have lost perspective on the right-left spectrum. One can be leftist, while totally disapproving and disagreeing with the most extreme left we are seeing these days.
The atmosphere has improved a lot relative to old 'culture of fear' gaf, and the downtick in politics talk invading otherwise-normal conversations is great.
As others have said however, I feel like the moderation has swung past 'moderate' and into 'lax'. There's been some pretty intense trolling from certain directions that's been met with a slap on the wrist rather than the full banhammer, and posters so inclined are still at liberty to throw around epithets and other insult-tier nonsense without being advised to reconsider their contribution to the discussion.
There is of course something to be said for tolerance and the notion that a bit of guidance from the mods can encourage people to up their GAF game, but there's a point where that approach stops being effective and you end up with continued unchecked shitposting.
If anything, I visit this place less now than I did in the months following the meltdown. Losing the far-left ideologue population has been great, but I come here for the videogames, not the embittered complaining about 'Era' this, 'Dumb NPC people' that, and 'Fake journalism' the other. And boy is there a lot of that these days.
Its a bit dead. Even reset is a pale imitation of the hey day of gaf. It's quite slow on reset too. It's just a small core of very active users. It's just pretty boring at both places. Yeah it was hectic at old GAF but it was pretty entertaining and very fast moving. Lots of threads and active users.
I wonder if a new identity (no pun intended... I think) would attract more users here and help to grow the community.
Maybe the term "GAF" just brings bad mood now for everyone who stoped coming here and a lot of people just doesnt want to get involved anymore.
Maybe a new umbrella to cover what we are now would come handy.
Just an idea.
That negative reputation was built over time, though. And it wasn't only due to the "fallout" surrounding various political opinions and unfounded accusations. GAF was known as the forum of 'entitled elitist crybabies' for many years.It's definitely something to consider imo. Whenever you read of NeoGaf's reputation off-site(ie somewhere like Reddit) it's generally negative.
It could be bit of a double-edged sword though as you'd be losing the well known name recognition. But considering a large chunk of the old userbase left and the site is essentially rebuilding itself there might be more upside than downside.
That negative reputation was built over time, though. And it wasn't only due to the "fallout" surrounding various political opinions and unfounded accusations. GAF was known as the forum of 'entitled elitist crybabies' for many years.
It will take time to rebuild a new reputation.
Hard to say. Wouldn't the new forum name just be labeled "the new name for that old whiny, entitled forum called NeoGAF"?Right but wouldn't that only cement the idea that it needs a new name? Playing devil's advocate here..
Hard to say. Wouldn't the new forum name just be labeled "the new name for that old whiny, entitled forum called NeoGAF"?
A name is just a name. The community earns its own reputation. Imagine, for a moment, if there was a sustained march of exceptional content posted to Gamespot's System Wars board circa 2009. In spite of console-warmongering, I'd expect that board to slowly build itself a good reputation over time. Wouldn't you?
In the same way, there's nothing wrong with owning up to the forum's past. It is obnoxious to deal with drive-bys and insults but perhaps it is an opportunity for us to demonstrate our thicker skin -- something that couldn't be said about old-NeoGaf.
Hi, i'm more of a glorified lurker than an actual poster, but i'll try to improve my contribuition to this place since it's starting to look way better than it used to be.
Yes, traffic is slow, especially on the gaming side, but at least it means we can have more meaningful, quality discussions, without all the stupid mass dogpilings and the one-liner, low quality shitposts. Kinda.
Also, it's true, this place is way more right-leaning now, it actually looks like a r/KotakuInAction official forum (fine by me, since it's a very civil subreddit, unlike old Gaf and the other place), and we get some occasional /v/ and /pol/ shitposter tossing around their dumb buzzwords, but still it's so great to finally have a reasonable, rational moderation that allows people to actually speak their mind instead of acting like a crazy, dystopian thought police.
I've also noticed there are a bunch of posters that are here only to try to stir shit and to troll, because they desperately want to frame this place as a neo-nazi comunity and to show to their like-minded friends that they're fighting the good fight, and it's sad because it really shows how much these people are accustomed to just silencing other opinions and living their childish "good vs evil" delusions.
It's also true that having people costantly posting about Era might not be much healty for this comunity, but i can understand how much people might need to vent about it since how laughably unbearable and oppressive that place is, so to concede everyone a couple of containment threads it's the right choice in my opinion.
Also the separated Politics board it's a great thing, and i've always advocated for it since long time ago, in spite of all those crazy "EVERYTHING IS POLITICS" folks.
In the end of the day, i like how this place has become, i just wish there was some more activity on the gaming board (just a little bit).
I don't think you understand what "alt-right" means, nor did anyone really care until Hillary Clinton mentioned it.
Full of over vocal right wing blow-hards. They troll every forum, political or not. They are a minority by internal poll numbers (20-25%), but they gang up and post more than everyone else. I just stay away from the Politics sub-forum, which is the way they like it, no discourse just an echo chamber.
I think this will calm down eventually. You have to consider how right wing opinions were considered for the last couple of years on GAF and Resetera.
Thank god, gaming "journalism" is pure shit these days.Well, we don't have devs posting on here anymore, which is a shame. And I very rarely see GAF being cited as a source for breaking news anymore.
How would you know given you apparently only registered less than 3 weeks ago?
Also maybe check out this thread before you start going with the Alt-Right Rhetoric: -
Right of you, don't necessarily translate to being right wing.
But... game devs aren't journalists....?Thank god, gaming "journalism" is pure shit these days.
She. I’m a trans woman. Sorry for the double post, just noticed.Awkward? What's awkward about it? Dude will probably get himself permed at some point when he goes off the rails tilting at windmills.
Yeah you are right. I'm talking about the ones who feel the need to go on social media and flame the user base for whatever potential game. Basically the ones who white knight and virtue signal etc.But... game devs aren't journalists....?
BTW is neogaf still infested with pedophiles like it was before?
Sorry for the double post, just noticed.
Long time lurker.
Ah, social prophylaxis at work again. Приходите к нам на чашечку чаю как-нибудь, и Молли тоже.
This is a really good illustration!- I look at Gaf like this : We threw a party. Everyone came and got shit faced. Tore up the house and yard. Got noise complaints. All the party folk left. We are left to clean up the mess. And clean up we will. It will be better than before we threw the first party. Hopefully we learn the lessons so we have a better second party.
Arguably, the name repels people who are inclined to judge something based on hot takes and second-hand impressions. Those types of members willingly exclude themselves from the community based on rumor and skin-deep notions of what this site currently is. So, we are left with a concentration of people who took a look beneath the surface and decided to become involved with the community.- Is the NeoGaf name holding us back? I don't think so personally. I do realize that there are people who still think NeoGaf is what it once was. Even people who are aware of Oct 2017. But I say that is only like 10% of the issue.
Caught me!Russian bot confirmed
I think the 'right-leaning' thing about current GAF is a falacy.
I think we are more like the 'true-left' Era is pretending and failing to be, in terms of respect and tolerance to the diversity of opinions, and open-ness of discussions.
More suffocatingly right wing. Wish it was a little easier to avoid people whining about the “left” and “NPCs” and “SJWs”