My thread was locked, so the current status of GAF is fascist mod dictatorship.
Just like politics, we need a separate porn section for civil discussions, including porn games
I'm gonna sign up for that place and see what the hell you guys are talking about. It can't be that bad.
Few tips to last longer:
-Pretend you agree, even if you dont
-Never criticise FemFreq, Annita, Zoe Quinn etc
-Supporters of women's minorities, immigrants, LBGT causes have all a clean criminal record. Never ever mention anything contrary, even as a joke or to refute the arguments of the people who used those accusations. You will be stacked together with them. (reasons for my permaban).
-Avoid rhetoric against the Democrats and never dare praise even the best Republican over the lowest Democrat
-Russia and Russian bots destroyed the elections and with Trump are responsible for everything bad in America and the world, even during Democrats rule.
-Hillary is good, LBGT community, minorities etc should be a lapdog for the Democrats without any protests
-Avoid engaging with specific loud users who are backseat moderators in disguise. In case something happens, just apologise and leave.
-In case the whole rage of the forum is against you and you become a sacrificial lamb, just screw it, except if you want to sign a declaration of repetence
Any other tips are welcome