I'm not going to go back to threads I've read here over the past several months and try to pick out posts that color my perspective on the "status of the site" just to satisfy you. Because, you and at least 3 other posters in this thread already have me all figured out and tucked away in my neat little box with your preconceived notions.
You see, that is essentially what we want to read:
A well sourced out range of examples that provide verifiable evidence to the argument. I know for a fine fact that there is a discussion to be had there. The whole reason why this is asked is because prior we always ended up in a deadloop because users who say that x is bad, but they could not back it up.
How can we ever have a proper conversation on this if all we have to go with are remarks and not evidenced problematic posts?
Mind you, i am not attacking your stance here, but i hope you can understand why the request is made. It is not that we don't want
that conversation, its because we want a
proper conversation about this. In order to do that, we need documented posts and evidence to support your notion.
So if you all "beg to differ"....prove it. It's not something I can take your word for. Not with what I've seen of the site thus far.
That's not how this is supposed to go: You are presenting an argument, a sentiment. Then you ask the rest that we should prove you wrong. Why should we? We aren't presenting an argument here, you do. Therefore, the onus of evidence has to rely on you first. When you would have presented this, then i could point out threads that support or disagree with your notion.
I have a feeling much of your sentiment relies on the Offtopic discussion thread on ResetERA and the Politics sub-forum. Is that the case?
Have a nice sleepy night, by the way!
I think we all need to go to bed. Together.
The only one with a wet Cunth is going to be you bozo!
No point insulting him, after all it's worth remembering that good posters lurk, and being shitty to people might put them off from becoming non-lurkers.
On the other hand, there is something to be said against the common argument used there:
''T'his place does x wrong''
''Okay, can you prove that?''
''here is one post'' or
''just look around LGBTer.''
ad nauseam.
I mean..
It does not really prove anything in the sense that it forfeits a basis from which we can work around with. I know
did a good attempt (admittely) some time ago, so i don't consider it impossible, at the same time, dogpiling and mocking these users is the opposite. I would want to see a
better example than what is mentioned though.