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What's the longest it's taken you to open a game you bought?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
This ties in to our regular discussions about backlogs I can't think of the longest I've ever had an unopened game but I do know that I bought Front Mission 4 when it came out and I haven't even opened it yet.

I am so backlogged that I can't even THINK about the Next Generation on any of the systems, I have too much stuff THIS generation I'm trying to start let alone finish....


Queen of Denmark
I generally don't buy games until I'm ready to play them (with the exception of some incredible deal), so I doubt I've had any sitting around for more than a week or two.


3 hours.

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3, I had to play Luigi's Mansion, Wave Race: Blue Storm and Rogue Leader first :) (NGC Launch)


I've got sealed copies of Wild Arms 3 and Yanya Cabbalista that I bought a year and a half ago (or more in the case of Yanya) iirc. There's probably a few more sitting around from the end of the DC that I bought on the cheap and really had no interest in playing.

edit: oh yeah...and that copy of Dual Hearts I bought the day after Christmas 2002.
I've had an extra copy of Quake 2, still shrink wrapped, for possibly four\five years, but it's just the jewel case.

I haen't opened the copy of Jet Grind Radio I bought early last year, but that one was used and had been resealed.

I generally open games the day that I buy them, just to check if everything is as it should be inside. This stems from the time I bought Resident Evil PC and the box had no damn disc in it.
I got Splinter Cell for XBox shortly after it came out for $30. Still in its case it is. I keep intending to play it, but never do. o_O


A few games I've gotten from bargain hunting over the summer have remained unplayed/unopened, and I remember once I had an unopened copy of Sonic 2 I got from a mail promotion somehow that I left that way for a year because I thought I would get some money off of it. When I realized I wouldn't, I popped it open


works for Gamestop (lol)
2-3 months for Splinter Cell (PS2). Wasn't really interested in the game, but I opened it anyway and came out a bit disappointed

About 3 weeks for The Getaway. Wasn't sure the game would be too great, but it took me by surprise and I liked it
like never.

I picked it up.. and was extremely disappointed by GV and JSRF on the xbox
(which I bought for the SEGA titles) and gave up on the console. So its so sealed.
I bought Test Drive Le Mans for the DC about 4 years ago and still haven't opened it.

I also got Splinter Cell free with PoP last year and never opened that.


I have like 10+ games I havn't unwraped and played yet...

I have yet to open Dino Crissis 2... like 2 years after I got it...


ICO (DON'T KILL ME!), just never got around to it. Technically I still got it on my HDD, but I still haven't played it. :p


I bought Ico this summer and still haven't opened it. I also bought La Pucelle when it was on sale at Target this summer and haven't opened it.

I bought DDR Max sometime last year and haven't opened it--I guess that's my answer. About nine months.


Bought DQVII, FFT and Xenogears almost three years ago, opened the first two last month. I've played Xenogears before, so I'm in no hurry to open it.


And even i am moderately surprised
i have sealed games that i bought when i first got here....

I can see (randomly) a sealed copy of P-47 on the PC-Engine...

so, um, 4 and a bit years?


I open games immediately, whether or not I plan to play them right away, to make sure it isn't defective. If it's a multi-disc game, I test all the discs before starting the game.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Well, this isn't a game so much as a system that came packaged with a game. A while back, Amazon was clearancing out a ton of those Pikachu edition N64s, so I thought they'd make a good gift, and got 2. I gave one away, but suddenly realized that perhaps my 3 month old nephew wouldn't really know what to do with a video game system, so I kept it stored away. And recently, my old N64 was on the fritz, so I decided to just open this one up and use it. It had a copy of Hey You Pikachu in it, and I was curious, so I tried it out, but haven't put it back in since. So I guess that thing was sitting in its box, gift wrapped, for around 3 years?


I usually open them right away, but there are a lot of games that I've spent less than 1/2 hour on just because of time constraints. FF:CC and Mad Maestro as two examples.

1st Born

I had bought Devil May Cry 1 the fall it had came out, and FFX the Spring it had came out. Due to MGS2, The Bouncer and SSX, both games set shrinked-wrapped and unplayed for a year to a year and a couple of months. Never played either, and ended up trading both away with my PS2 for an XBox and Halo.


I didn't open ICO for a month, but we had rented and played it before so it kinda doesn't count. I had Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando for about 2 weeks unopened because I was playing Jak II and didn't think Going Commando would be anything special.


Steroid Distributor
Mine's got to be the best considering what I paid for the game and which game it is.

I bought Panzer Dragoon Saga of ebay about 3 and a half years ago. Still haven't touched it. Someday I will try out the goodness that it is.


I still have about 50-60 N64 games still wrapped, left over from my days of collecting n64 stuff at cheap prices. I probably wont ever play them, but they're there and thats what counts. :D Mostly offbeat 3rd party games, the only one in the lot notable would probably be Ogre Batle 64. Everything else is wierd ass crap like Chamelon Twist 2, Gex, and shit like that.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Conquest: Frontier Wars, bought it for $2 on clearance at EB. Clock is still ticking.


I waited over a year before I actually cracked open Pikmin (though I had ripped off the shrink wrap long ago). I have a few PC games that have been sitting around for almost 10 months (Max Payne 2, KoTOR, GTA:VC).
I still have a stack of unopened Circuit City games that I've been gradually working through. I got it down to 5 games, but now I've added Mark of Kri to that pile. I figure they'll help me avoid buying many of these holiday titles before they drop in price.


SMB3, about a month. I bought it on a trip to the states and I obviously didn't get to play it until I got back home. :p
My Devil May Cry (release day) is still sealed. That's probably the oldest, unless I have some Capcom Dreamcast games in the attic that I never opened...


Going back to the SNES, I think the N64 is the only console I have that doesn't have a game still in shrink wrap. I have quite a few for all the others, though.


My copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga (Saturn), which I picked up on the release day, is still in original factory sealed condition.
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