Omnipunctual Godot
Gold Member
Lightning Returns is good. It does have a cheap vibe compared to the previous entries, the visuals are really not as good and it's overall quite rough.

Apologize to this beautiful boy.
Lightning Returns is good. It does have a cheap vibe compared to the previous entries, the visuals are really not as good and it's overall quite rough.
The series has evolved into something different for many people, making it impossible to satisfy everyone. In my opinion, the IP has been compromised and should either be retired or limited to remakes.Weird that you are making a thread about a series you don’t have much experience with but okay.
To me, it feels like Final Fantasy was a big deal for a long time. Many games were met with massive anticipation and rave reviews. Final Fantasy became a huge name in the industry.
Time went on, expectations changed and evolved, and Final Fantasy evolved* with it.
The games became more experimental as focus testing or player surveys indicated people wanted more clear stories, action focus, etc. now factor in both new and old staff, polarizing directions internally and externally and here we are.
So looking back at it, now, the series feels like a mess of different ideas and confused identity. Because that’s exactly what it is.
Honestly Bravely Default and Bravely Second are some of the best, modern “final fantasy” games I can think of. Simple story. Yadda yadda magic crystals, job system, turn based battles. Honestly, they’re great.
Let’s hope Dragon Quest Sports Tv 12 doesn’t fuck it up and go the FF16 route.
Will do. However, I have heard some people saying that the demo consists of the "best part" of FF16. So I gather from your post that it's typical internet FUD.About XVI, I'd suggest you play the game instead of going off other peoples opinions. Particularly if you enjoyed the demo. The game gets way better.
I do see that sentiment and find it strange. Also makes me question if they even played the game in its entirety; without that negative mindset.Will do. However, I have heard some people saying that the demo consists of the "best part" of FF16. So I gather from your post that it's typical internet FUD.
You can't play through the story with friends which makes it completely pointless if you ask me.I'd like to say FF14 but the game has it's own shortcomings, such as the zone areas and instance maps are designed with the PS3 limitations in mind and it really keeps the game stuck in 2010, even if they have removed PS3 support post Stormblood the following expansions never really take advantage of it as it seems the developers already got stuck with the mindset of building maps to PS3 limitations.
Totally agree with you. I personally loved FFX-2. My only gripes with that game was that Blitzball got downgraded ( I loved Blitzball in FFX and spent ungodly hours on it) and the story not taking the direction I was hoping. The game's story direction left us high and dry.You joke about magic dresses but FFX-2 had the best battle system and focuses on a job system centered around magic dresses. Probably my favorite "mainline" game when all is said and done.
Mate you are absolutely trolling. Retire the IP? It's still releasing brilliant games, just not following the pattern you personally enjoyed best.The series has evolved into something different for many people, making it impossible to satisfy everyone. In my opinion, the IP has been compromised and should either be retired or limited to remakes.
This is correct.14 is the only real FF game left. 6 is still the best so far. 12 was pretty good but most others from 8 through 15 are generic Japanese "school kids on an adventure" mediocrity. 16 got the setting right but it isn't even a real rpg.![]()
Eh, I don't think anyone hates VI the most. I have never seen that sentiment personally, and if I did I would just write the person off as being contrarian. Ff you hate VI you would hate 1-5 just as much if not more so.The Final Fantasy fandom is just very divided on how the series should be. Everyone has their favorite game that is some elses most hated.
Sakaguchi but with the 1999 Square team.Lack of the Sakaguchi soul.. bring Sakaguchi back, problem solved.
The demo is the best part. The rest of the game after the demo is FF14 mmo fetch quest with epic on rails battles every once in a while. The rpg elements are extremely lacking. I personally think it’s the worst mainline FF game. It feels like a spin off. The demo is not what you should expect for most of the game.Will do. However, I have heard some people saying that the demo consists of the "best part" of FF16. So I gather from your post that it's typical internet FUD.
I do see that sentiment and find it strange. Also makes me question if they even played the game in its entirety; without that negative mindset.
There's a lot to like about the game and its overall package - combat, audio and visuals and characters. But a lot of older fans don't like it because it isn't a FF game in their eyes, so therefore its trash. And no, that isn't true. Its very much an FF game, and a great one at that. It has its flaws but definately worth checking out if you like FF and action games.
GAF is giving me more mixed signals than the girl I went out with a week ago.The demo is the best part. The rest of the game after the demo is FF14 mmo fetch quest with epic on rails battles every once in a while. The RPG elements are extremely lacking. I personally think it’s the worst mainline FF game. It feels like a spin off. The demo is not what you should expect for most of the game.
Sakaguchi but with the 1999 Square team.
Agreed. The story in 10 made it pretty bad and nothing they did after that captured any of the magic of the older ones. My age might be a factor too. I didn't finish 16 which is a first. I kind of like the remakes but the story is not as good as the original and kind of frustrating.Last great one was 9.
I think this is nonsense. How's the tutorial the best part of the game.. I tried the demo myself. It was alright (though that Eikon battle was epic), but I've been repeatedly told that I've played the best part of the game and that I shouldn't bother with a purchase.
I'm re playing X and found the narrative is quité good. With IX are my favourites.Agreed. The story in 10 made it pretty bad and nothing they did after that captured any of the magic of the older ones. My age might be a factor too. I didn't finish 16 which is a first. I kind of like the remakes but the story is not as good as the original and kind of frustrating.
This is where I fear Dragon Quest is heading.The most important thing that is wrong with modern Final Fantasy games is that they are no longer JRPGs. Honestly, every since SquareSoft was acquired by Enix, Final Fantasy has sucked. If they ditched the Final Fantasy moniker, I think I could like the games better. But calling them Final Fantasy is an insult to those of us who grew up on the original games.
I think it's suffering from it's success and is falling victim to the 3 steps to failure. I think XIV got a sales spike during Covid and bad WoW expansions but now that WoW did better with Dragonflight and Covid is over I think it'll taper down a bit.FF14 is awesome. thats is the FF that everyone is looking for all this times IMO.
You never hear people talk about XIII(etc), 15 or 16 in any meaningful way. But there is a good reason many people still talk about 6(to an extent) all the way through to 10. Though I am also rather fond of 12. Remake and Rebirth are okay though, but there's nothing Japanese about them or Final Fantasy regardless of them being Remakes.XV & XVI labeled as "For newcomers" when they really meant "Western audience"
JP Dungeons and Dragons would be the simplest way to describe it.Lack of gameplay continuity between entries. What even is a Final Fantasy game? Turn-based? Action RPG?
smooth development with complete package of game is what Square Enix struggled for decade. until FF16 and VII remake project.
to summary of their main problem in last decade which is highlighted by Naoki Yoshida at 2014's GDC :
here we can see they has issue that lot of other AAA company has few years ago.
1. Obsession toward graphics at the cost of gameplay. they obssesed with deliver highest quality ever that it affected FF13 and 14 1.0 output.
2. lack of knowledge and unable to adapt toward modern gaming trend design
3. release first, patch later. this is issue with FF15. the practice is bad enough with MMO but they did it with single player game LMAO
which is most of this problem already solved with FF16 and FFVII remake project.
they actually has issue of adapting toward modern AAA game development since PS360 era. thats why they struggled with FF13 and 15. to be fair not just them. most of japanese developers are having similliar issue aside Capcom. western devs are more ready with this aspect with proper tools and engine. since PS360 era, scope of development grew alot and their old way of developing things are feasible anymore. for example in PSOne and PS2 era, they create different engine or tools at each Final Fantasy game. imagine doing same for modern development today LOL. game development also increase alot in term of manpower and time. before each Final Fantasy development took merely around 1-2 years. but since PS360 era, AAA games normaly took around atleast 4 years. to be fair they actually aware of this thats why they invest in creating their own unified game engine Crystal Tools. but turn out the engine not perform as how it should be. to be fair the engine and game development that time is also rushed.
simply to say that time they struggled to adapt with technology. Crystal Tools is a mess and there is problematic arrogant mindset of Square Enix that thinking they are still above and refuse to see other games in market. Naoki Yoshida touched this aspect in Noclip Documentary of FF14 which is i timestampted and recomended people to see. here he touch lot of issue with development and corporate mindset of the company that time :
Crystal Tools and FF13/FF14 1.0 fiasco damaged them alot. but now the just recovered from it. current Square Enix output is fine. Unreal Engine serve them well and FFVII Rebirth output is stellar. FF16 is also fine. despite its flaw, it is their first new mainline FF without development issue and deliver with complete package. it just they go to different direction like the combat system which is give a mixed reception from veteran players due to subjective preferences. FF14 is awesome. thats is the FF that everyone is looking for all this times IMO.
also the franchise slowly fall into niche circle which is why they end up take some controversial decision to gain new younger generation of audience.
You didn't like 8 - 9 or 10? Wow.14 is the only real FF game left. 6 is still the best so far. 12 was pretty good but most others from 8 through 15 are generic Japanese "school kids on an adventure" mediocrity. 16 got the setting right but it isn't even a real rpg.![]()