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What's your favorite Impractical/Gimmicky thing?

Impractical characters (to use), Impractical skills, Impractical ways of enjoying a game, everything impractical or gimmicky, that you feel attracted to.

My favorite skill in Final Fantasy IX is Lucky Seven.

For anyone that doesn't know, if you use Lucky Seven when the last digit of Zidane's HP is a 7, it will do a random amount of damage. 7, 77, 777, 7777

Needless to say, it's borderline pointless, and constantly looking at Zidane's HP everytime he gets hit, hoping to get a 7 with a gleeful look your face, so you can MAYBE do a mediocre to trash amount of damage (depending on which point the game you are), is pretty damn stupid.

Still my favorite though. And if you have an eye tracker on me, I'm looking at Zidane's HP 90% of the time.


ChatGPT 0.1
I’ll take link dog in twilight princess and midna it’s still a radical approach to gameplay (dog, midna’s powers)

happy the legend of zelda GIF


Gold Member
Impractical characters (to use), Impractical skills, Impractical ways of enjoying a game, everything impractical or gimmicky, that you feel attracted to.

My favorite skill in Final Fantasy IX is Lucky Seven.

For anyone that doesn't know, if you use Lucky Seven when the last digit of Zidane's HP is a 7, it will do a random amount of damage. 7, 77, 777, 7777

Sounds like Strago's Lore from FF6, he got L3 Confuse which inflicts Confuse if the target's level is multiple of 3, same with L4 Flare and L5 Death. The cherry on top: L? Pearl inflicts pearl damage if the target's level is multiple of... the last digit of your money.
Sounds like Strago's Lore from FF6, he got L3 Confuse which inflicts Confuse if the target's level is multiple of 3, same with L4 Flare and L5 Death. The cherry on top: L? Pearl inflicts pearl damage if the target's level is multiple of... the last digit of your money.
He is probably the most gimmicky Blu Mage of the whole series...


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
My favorite gimmick is beating Mario 3 in under 5 minutes using the wrong warp strat.

Also, my favorite impractical gimmick hardware is the Steel Battalion controller.


I enjoyed using the nunchuck to pull off shields and stuff in MP3. I feel like very few games actually used the motion features of the nunchuck, and this felt badass during combat. And it worked surprisingly well.
Dang, i really want metroid 4 as soon as possible, i think i will need time machine


Al Pachinko, Konami President
DK Jungle beat and the bongo controller is a crazy impractical concept/pairing that's also somehow intuitive and fun as hell at the same time. Whoever the hell thought those up is a mad genius.

I can feel my hands hurting just thinking about it.
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