Complete turnoff. I'm a libertarian in many ways and loathe socialism in all its forms and ultimate manifestations. People trying to hide their head in the sand during this culture war and consume to escape are naive. This is an interjection of ideals that stem from ideologically captured institutions that has been in play for decades and only finally reached our neck of the woods. Antonio Gramsci(sp?) was the guy that said England and America were too well off to support a class war so instead opted for different tactics. Its a lengthy topic and worth delving into because its not some minor inconvenience to aide in the acceptance of marginalized people groups but a planned means of social war by dividing people by as many means as possible.
Among those means is art, merely a propagandistic tool to the Commie. That tactic is meant to interject politics and ideas in such a way that the "consumer" is unable to escape it. Art, fashion, music, film, games, literature etc. It is all a means to the same end. All that matters is the revolution. Hence why I so vehemently oppose it. And for the record I'm not anti-gay, trans(within reason, one should have to at least look the part), nor against traditional cultures. I hate how DEI now BRIDGE has been used by billionaire investment firms(often using stolen money) to go around globally trying to force change in many industries. Social Engineering is wrong and hilariously many of these practices are in and of themselves a type of colonialism or conquest, in the name of liberation of course.
As for games that have recently impacted me, I've not bought any western games this year but even some choice Eastern games have been hit by bad localizations that alter or ruin characters and stories. Granted it has been happening for some time(Nintendo's Treehouse being a prime example). But its funny how they are so focused on one thing, say making that character in Paper Mario TTYD out to be trans instead of say a femboy. In fact there have been a few feminine male characters that've been altered to fit "The Narrative" which is pretty discriminatory. My recent upset would be with Dragon Quest 3make(The OG is my personal fave in the franchise). It looks good but the alteration of my favorite character class in there is just too much. Why should I reward that? If anything I get it on sale and probably on PC where it can be modded out. But there's no rush.
In conclusion this is a serious topic that warrants discussion and stretches across all media. I've switched not saved 20k spacebucks from what would have gone into gaming towards building a collection of old media(films, books and manga) and supported the rest I do like or feel deserve it. The absolute state of the gaming industry, well all industries for that matter is terribly dire. Thankfully there are talented people up and coming as well as independent Journos and community members taking the time to inform us. Those who just consume next product are partially responsible as to why games are releasing as they are. Its like a junkie needing that next fix not realizing its leading to their own demise and won't satiate those desires the way it used to.