After The Wire and the Witcher, it's good to see another show taking place in Baltimore.
I’m pretty sure Aes Sedai can’t just attack them. I’m pretty sure I’m one part in the book they did and kept it secret because they were breaking the “rules”If the Aes Sedai are so badass how are the Children of Light able to operate so freely in the shadow of the White Tower?
I believe it’s one of their sacred oaths to not use the one power on people? I think unless their life is in severe danger.I’m pretty sure Aes Sedai can’t just attack them. I’m pretty sure I’m one part in the book they did and kept it secret because they were breaking the “rules”
Ya. For defence or dark enemies etc. I think that’s correct.I believe it’s one of their sacred oaths to not use the one power on people? I think unless their life is in severe danger.
Never read the books and think the show is meh, at best. Altering a story can be necessary to adapt a novel to the screen, as the mediums are very different. But anybody with a functional brain will easily understand that streaming services almost systematically alter stories and characters to tick all the PC boxes. It's becoming absolutely ridiculous at this point.I'm enjoying the show so far but I'm glad I never read the books. My brother loves the books and is done with the show after watching episode 6. He says too many changes are being made all for the sake of the show being "woke". At the end when they all went through that waygate he told me that Ogiers are the only ones with the knowledge to open the gates and that Aes Sedai aren't capable of doing this. Also, he told me that Moraine and Siuan were never lovers in the books. I mean, I guess I understand his frustration but if you go back and look at every show or movie adapted from a book(s) there's always alterations to the story and characters, some more drastic than others. But yeah, I'm glad I'm not a book reader.
They don’t meet her for a while after thisMaybe they look better than average, but certainly nowhere near attractive as the closest equivalents in the Lord of the Rings or something a lot lower budget like The Shannara Chronicles.
And where in the world is Faile?
Moraine could open waygates. But they weren’t just there. They needed loial to locate them. (Or at least the first one). They also needed him to navigate through them. Which I’m not sure the show mentioned…I'm enjoying the show so far but I'm glad I never read the books. My brother loves the books and is done with the show after watching episode 6. He says too many changes are being made all for the sake of the show being "woke". At the end when they all went through that waygate he told me that Ogiers are the only ones with the knowledge to open the gates and that Aes Sedai aren't capable of doing this. Also, he told me that Moraine and Siuan were never lovers in the books. I mean, I guess I understand his frustration but if you go back and look at every show or movie adapted from a book(s) there's always alterations to the story and characters, some more drastic than others. But yeah, I'm glad I'm not a book reader.
Normally I'd be pissed that they'd needlessly sexualised/changed a relationship in a story, but this involves Rosamund Pike getting her kit off (even though still covered), so I wholly support it.I'm enjoying the show so far but I'm glad I never read the books. My brother loves the books and is done with the show after watching episode 6. He says too many changes are being made all for the sake of the show being "woke". At the end when they all went through that waygate he told me that Ogiers are the only ones with the knowledge to open the gates and that Aes Sedai aren't capable of doing this. Also, he told me that Moraine and Siuan were never lovers in the books. I mean, I guess I understand his frustration but if you go back and look at every show or movie adapted from a book(s) there's always alterations to the story and characters, some more drastic than others. But yeah, I'm glad I'm not a book reader.
Yeah that’s my biggest gripe so far. They’re fucking barreling through the first book. The first season should have been nothing more than the journey to the Tower. The second season, everything from that point leading up to the event at the Eye of the World.You think the plot is rushed? FIVE eps in and all they did was walk from two rivers to the White Tower![]()
Yeah that’s my biggest gripe so far. They’re fucking barreling through the first book. The first season should have been nothing more than the journey to the Tower. The second season, everything from that point leading up to the event at the Eye of the World.
They really need to slow the fuck down. At this pace, it’s really hard to get emotionally invested in anything that’s happening.
I’m glad to hear you like the pacing. But there’s a lot of good shit from the books that’s just completely being skipped over. It’s not trimming fat; it’s cutting more than half the steak off and throwing it in the trash.This season is basically Fellowship of the Ring. Each episode is an hour. It doesn't feel rushed to me. There's still about 4 or 5 hours left for this season. As someone who hasn't read the books, I'm enjoying it very much! Just wish I could binge the whole season right now. Like I did with Locke and Key and Lost in Space.
Egwene and Nynaeve are really pretty, to me. I've been around models a lot and they look like regular pretty women without makeup. But they look DAGGONE BEAUTIFUL with makeup. Right now we're just seeing them "without" (I know they have some on for filming).
I’m glad to hear you like the pacing. But there’s a lot of good shit from the books that’s just completely being skipped over. It’s not trimming fat; it’s cutting more than half the steak off and throwing it in the trash.
No, I’m talking about stuff that occurred before their reunion at the White Tower, after they left Two Rivers. They skipped it and are not coming back to it. If you like the show, read The Eye of the World when it’s over. You’ll see what I mean.The season isn't over. They may be saving that stuff, maybe slightly reimagined, for later in the season or for next season (it was renewed for a second season).
No, I’m talking about stuff that occurred before their reunion at the White Tower, after they left Two Rivers. They skipped it and are not coming back to it. If you like the show, read The Eye of the World when it’s over. You’ll see what I mean.
Yeah, no, I get that. Totally. .And I expected it. I guess I just didn’t expect so much to be cut.Ok. Will do! To be fair, they left out A LOT of things in Fellowship, too! Like Tom Bombadil. But I feel you.
Making the dragon a woman negates 90% of the plot so no it cannot be lmao.I haven't read the books, so can't say how accurate this article is. Interesting read and it seems like the show is going into a different direction than the books. Perhaps the Dragon Reborn could be a woman in this series?
Wheel of Time improved a fantasy saga’s gender binary in just six episodes
The show’s One Power works differently than in Robert Jordan’s
There’s no way. I think the whole “mystery” is just a contrived plot element. If it’s anyone other than who it should be, that’s where I bow out.I haven't read the books, so can't say how accurate this article is. Interesting read and it seems like the show is going into a different direction than the books. Perhaps the Dragon Reborn could be a woman in this series?
Wheel of Time improved a fantasy saga’s gender binary in just six episodes
The show’s One Power works differently than in Robert Jordan’s
Making the dragon a woman negates 90% of the plot so no it cannot be lmao.
Regarding the way gates, that’s not true. Aes Sedai can open the gates, but they’re nothing like what’s in the show. They are remnants of a previous Age and can be found across the Westlands. In the first book, one is found in the basement of an inn, for example.I'm enjoying the show so far but I'm glad I never read the books. My brother loves the books and is done with the show after watching episode 6. He says too many changes are being made all for the sake of the show being "woke". At the end when they all went through that waygate he told me that Ogiers are the only ones with the knowledge to open the gates and that Aes Sedai aren't capable of doing this. Also, he told me that Moraine and Siuan were never lovers in the books. I mean, I guess I understand his frustration but if you go back and look at every show or movie adapted from a book(s) there's always alterations to the story and characters, some more drastic than others. But yeah, I'm glad I'm not a book reader.
Two things:I haven't read the books, but the article states that the show is already going in a different direction, so potentially they could make the Dragon Reborn a woman.
And who knows, maybe the show will choose to be truly bold and do something very different from the novels down the line. Not only have the writers added in the concept that the Dragon might be reborn as a woman, they have also slightly altered how confident Moiraine and Siuan are in the prophecy foretelling the Dragon’s birth. He’s supposed to be a certain age, but Nynaeve is so powerful that Moiraine feels like they can’t discount her as a candidate.
It's certainly an interesting take, but I doubt the show will go down this path as AFAIK, it would cause a bit of backlash with the fan base. But as the article states, who knows what the plan is.
It certainly undermines the authority and leadership of the Amerlyn Seat. If the Amerlyn was a dude and was secretly banging some lady under his control but punished her in public folx would be up in arms about the patriarchy!Also, making Moiraine and Siuan lovers is shite. They were like best friends/sisters in the books (at least, as far as I’ve read to book 3), and I don’t think this twist is necessary, or beneficial, in the least.
Honestly I’m just hoping they aren’t going to …
cut Aginor and Balthamel from season 1, there had only been a mention of the Forsaken so far in the show.
In the last episode, someone, I forget who, mentioned a threat on the west coast, so I think this is likely.I had this same thought. I think keeping that in tact is important and can really add to the lore and set up where the story goes going forward. I also think keeping those two with a small bit of exposition would help hook casuals and not book readers as it expands the overarching threat.
I also hope
They end season 1 with the cliffhanger of the Seanchan arriving. It would help hook people for the next season exile expanding the threat.
> PolygonI haven't read the books, so can't say how accurate this article is. Interesting read and it seems like the show is going into a different direction than the books. Perhaps the Dragon Reborn could be a woman in this series?
Wheel of Time improved a fantasy saga’s gender binary in just six episodes
The show’s One Power works differently than in Robert Jordan’s
I caught that as well but did not connect the dots. I hope that is the direction they go with it.In the last episode, someone, I forget who, mentioned a threat on the west coast, so I think this is likely.
I dunno, they need to establish the actual real threat before introducing another one, I think. It seems silly that in a world where giant trollocs are rampaging that folks like the White Cloaks are sweating a couple old women who mostly just seem to hunt down crazy maniacs.I caught that as well but did not connect the dots. I hope that is the direction they go with it.
It is, but are you surprised. This is the number one go to bullshit these days. Powerful women? Make them lesbians. It's gotten so predictable it makes my eyes roll back hard every time.Also, making Moiraine and Siuan lovers is shite. They were like best friends/sisters in the books (at least, as far as I’ve read to book 3), and I don’t think this twist is necessary, or beneficial, in the least.
Well, these white cloaks in the show are the Questioners. Think an over-zealous faction of the Children of the Light along the lines of the Spanish Inquisition. The show makes them much more prevalent than they are in the books at this point in the story.I dunno, they need to establish the actual real threat before introducing another one, I think. It seems silly that in a world where giant trollocs are rampaging that folks like the White Cloaks are sweating a couple old women who mostly just seem to hunt down crazy maniacs.
I haven't read the books, so can't say how accurate this article is. Interesting read and it seems like the show is going into a different direction than the books. Perhaps the Dragon Reborn could be a woman in this series?
Wheel of Time improved a fantasy saga’s gender binary in just six episodes
The show’s One Power works differently than in Robert Jordan’s
Yeah they skipped Elayne and Min. Likely because they don't do anything for a while and they can cast those actors later rather than having them show up for 5 mins in only an 8 episode season 1.Did we Skip Elayne?
Everyone in this show is ugly,
we need Elaine and Lanfear stat!
This 1000 times over. Just by changing who the dragon reborn is, that changes everything and is no longer what the books are. I told my wife, if they make the dragon reborn female, I'm done...Anyways, tv writers should either follow the plot of write their own damn books
It's got very strong Merlin or Doctor Who vibes.I'm still watching, really only because I adore medieval fantasy and need something in that genre to watch, I think it's just ok. I'm interested in the plot, and the special effects have gotten better, though still far behind a series like GOT. But the actor choices I think are really bad. Rosamund Pike is a very good actress, and I like her and Lan, but all the potential dragon candidates are all fucking terrible. Rand and Perrin are so fucking cringe, and Egwene is too. I think Nynaeve is ok, but her "I'm a tough independent woman and I'll never smile" facade is getting old quickly.
That's me. I read the first 4 books in the early 90s and barely remember anything that happened. I'm enjoying the show so far but I'm hesitant to pick the books back up. I think I also got bored of the story but it's been such a long time.I started reading the books back when the first one was released in 1990. I remember getting to book 7 I think before getting really bored with the story. Can't really remember much but bits and pieces as it was 31 years ago. That said I'm enjoying the series so far and dont really see where all the complaining comes from. It's no game of thrones but it is enjoyable enough, to me at least.