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When a Console is mentioned, What Boxart Immediatly pops into your head?

Back in the day, us old folk (~30+) had to either wait a fortnight/Month for your Local Newsagent to get their gaming magazines in OR you just went to town and decided how to part with your hard earned cash by aimlessly looking at the boxes. Naturally, the first thing your eyes were drawn to in the 80's/90's was the front boxart.

Seemingly, after over 30 years of gaming, SOME games are synonymous with the console for my own personal reasons. Not so much the game at times, but the memories associated with the case.


First game I remember Opening for Xmas. Finally, My own Gameboy!

Master System

The first Master System game I personally remember having full colour box art, not just a clip art figure standing in front of graph paper (As iconic as it is)


First game I played at a friends house. I remember staring at it, waiting for him to finish Sonic wso I could be Papa Shango :(

Nintendo 64

Had a Blast (No pun Intended) on this. Inexplicably one of my favourite N64 Games


Feburary 1998, I was laid up in bed with Glandular Fever and could only really muster the energy to pay curling on this for 2 weeks solid.


Bloody Awful game, but I played the hell out of it. Kinda scratched the "Streets of Rage itch". Kinda.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
god the Super Nintendo boxart was just so.... weird.... like what the fuck are those 12 dots on the side for? why is there a random triangle that points to nothing? what's with the red bar above the game logo?
shit was haphazard as hell
That's the pal version, so the 12 dots represent the languages that the game are translated into.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Coolest PS4 box coming through.


god the Super Nintendo boxart was just so.... weird.... like what the fuck are those 12 dots on the side for? why is there a random triangle that points to nothing? what's with the red bar above the game logo?
shit was haphazard as hell
The red bar at the top is aligned with the one at the bottom, so I guess it's because of that. The dots and the triangle... no idea, but won't you tell me they don't look cool. :messenger_sunglasses:


Reverse groomer.
Plus the Nintendo Seal of Quality. Imagine someone at Nintendo seeing that "State-of-the-Art" on the box and approving it.
not gonna lie, the later games actually did live up to that title. megaman 3-6 are some of the best looking NES games period.
but megaman 1 is just.... lol
wonder why they couldn't just translate rockman to megaman and use that....
Apparently..."The word "Rock" in Rockman is a reference to the music genre rock and roll, and is meant to work in tandem with his sister robot, Roll. However, Capcom Consumer Products Division president Joe Morici changed the name from Rockman to Mega Man because he felt "The title was horrible."[9] In addition, the original Mega Man titles intentionally incorporated a "Rock, Paper, Scissors" gameplay mechanic into defeating certain enemies"
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