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When are we going to see mixed engines?


I was playing Dawn of War (thank you for the free copy Bish ;) ) and I started to think that I really want to see mixed engines to achive bigger experiences.

I mean, thinking on Relic, would be great to mix something like Homeworld and Warhammer, fist you have to enter with your fleet at the orbit of the planet, combating the enemy defenses and then you would arrive to your planet and deploy your army, changing completely the pace of the game.

Actually, this is nothing new you had it in Defender of the Crown, and some turn based strategy games , that you have management and combat strategy. (Myself have great memories about Lords of the Realm, the first one, because you had a lot of things to do).

I love variety on games, so I would like to see more of this type of games, with more quality and the last technology. Do you think is possible? and what genres would you like to see mixed?

Funky Papa

I remember this RTS where you could hand individual units like in a shot'em up. It was a neat idea, but the game was rather mediocre :-/


Usually when any developer tries something like this, the whole game suffers. Either one part of the game is good and the rest is crap, or all parts of the game is mediocre, eg driving parts of action games.


Usually when any developer tries something like this, the whole game suffers. Either one part of the game is good and the rest is crap, or all parts of the game is mediocre, eg driving parts of action games.

Well, GTA has proven a game that can offer action, driving and plenty of stuff more, but it uses the same engine.

Yes, it´s certain that the game can suffer if you don´t have the proper work on it, but i will name GTA again. It´s not the best action game, neither the best driving game, but it does all that things properly enough so you have a richer experience. It´s not the best examples because I´m speaking about put different engines, I am not speaking about Jax & daxter or Beyond Good and Evil, but something more deeper maybe.

If a developer could get the optimum state when two diiferent generes appear together, in a cohesive state and with a minimum of quality and gameplay value, the game could gain higher value that the sum of its parts.

Funky Papa

Badabing said:
Clearly you fools haven't played Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2!!
Look at my avatar :p

Bullfrog must be one of the few companies that acomplished such a difficult task, but almost all their games had unique designs.


Clearly you fools haven't played Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2!!

Dungueon Keeper it´s a nice example, but the FPS part was a little unnecesary for what i can remember. I didn´t play to the end and maybe I don´t remember well, but I think possesing a monster was not necesary for completing the game, so it was a little extra like when you could see the ride from the eyes of a client in Theme Park.

But I don´t remember well, please correct me if neccesary, however, my point is that this is something that developers don´t use to try as often I would like, possibly because it´s too difficult and could be unpopular at sales or from a producer point of view, they care a lot about what genre is each game.

Funky Papa

Well, the hardest to describe=the hardest to promote

If you want to get some attention from the casual gamers you better explain the game quickly without confusing them. Many developers like the idea of crossing genres, publishers on the other hand...

Riddick is a good example of mixed concepts. You have stealth, pure action and some adventure (it could be deeper, though) and the overall package shines like few others.


Time ta STEP IT UP
Funky Papa said:
Look at my avatar :p

Bullfrog must be one of the few companies that acomplished such a difficult task, but almost all their games had unique designs.

Holy shit, I missed that completely


I am not sure if this is the type of game you're talking about but the new Battle Zone games, particulary the first one was great.


However, that is a little because the unmature view of some producers about the market. When is done in the right way, you can have a richer game.

Take on count that GTA or Riddick are good examples, but not exactly my point, all is very cohesive on that games, so you never feel is other type of experience.

I am talking of different engines, doing a completely different thing but all in the background of the story of the game you are playing.

Imagine a game like freelancer, but add to it missions in a FPS way, you could accept missions that you need to arrive to a planet or an station and hunt your enemies with the classic perespective using different weapons. If you don´tt want that missions, refuse them and stick with other ways to earn money. It´s not going to be Half Life 2, but if could add great value if it´s done in the right way IMO.

Funky Papa

imagine a game like freelancer, but add to it missions in a FPS way, you could accept missions that you need to arrive to a planet or an station and hunt your enemies with the classic perespective using different weapons. If you don´tt want that missions, refuse them and stick with other ways to earn money. It´s not going to be Half Life 2, but if could add great value if it´s done in the right way IMO.
X-Com: UFO Defense was the PERFECT example of that. You had estrategy, research/resource management and turn based combat. You have to create the bases, research new technologies, defend them from attacks and engage in third person combat if you want to. Depending on the results you will advance in your investigations and protect the earth or you will get yourself into trouble. One of the best games ever IMHO.


I was playing Def Jam Vendetta, and thinking about this I thought it would be nice to mix Need for Speed Underground with this.

Both games seems compatible to me, and you could have the option to avoid the fight or the driving to earn your "respect" in case you want to focus on one of the two aspects.

I suppose with 100 GB or memory in next generation (if Blue-ray is a reality in PS3 for example), will be more possible to see this things.
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