I have an assignment due in 2 hours that's just not getting done. I have a mid-term in the same class. I'm going to do just fine on the mid-term but missing the assignment altogether is really my own fault. I'm hoping that the prof has some kind of late policy that doesn't result in an automatic grade of 0. Most of my university profs are cool with stuff like that so I'm hoping this one will be one of the good ones. Anyways, as shitty as I might feel about school, my weekend was pretty damn great. Spent the entire time with my g/f and just had an amazing time. We -wanted- to do schoolwork on Sunday, but then the Oscars came on and it was all downhill from there. But yeah...strange how something can be so good and bad for you at the same time. Anyone experienced (experiencing) similar circumstances? I'm at that point in second semester where I just want school to be over with already, despite still having 7 weeks or so to go.