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When Trendy people meet up at a Target opening in Brooklyn

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Seriously, blunt objects upside their heads till they can't move.


Ripclawe said:
Seriously, blunt objects upside their heads till they can't move.
Um, anger management?

And while I agree that the party is/was a goofy idea, assaulting the party-goers is a little harsh. A friend of mine here in NYC is a designer and was invited and went. He, like many of the people who attended agreed that it was a bizarre concept for a party. But what are you going to do? You get an invite, it's free booze, some celebs, probably a laugh, why not go? Ripclawe, I'd be curious to see what would happen to you and your attitude if you lived in New York.
When Middle America NASCAR Dads meet up at a Bush Rally.
When Paranoid Survivalists meet up at a NRA Gun Show.
When Drunk Teenagers meet up at the parking lot of a Linkin Park Concert.
When Sad Cosplayers meet up at an Anime Convention.
That would have been really cool to experience I think! Oh and I must give them props for having Chloe Sevigney! I love that woman.




^teh Hotness


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'd have to go with the majority here, what is the problem with these people? I think a little more elaboration than "I hate hipsters" would do well to help us understand your point, though honestly as it is the lack of elaboration only makes it seem like you have nothing to validate your disdain.


Unconfirmed Member
I learned to accept, and cherish the fact that all people are different years ago. God only knows how boring and even more fucked up the world would be if everyone was like me.

I'd suggest you consider doing the same, it reduces your overall stress levels too :p



... And then what I was more ashamed of myself was how sad I was that in two weeks, once this joint is open to masses of brooklyn trash who make Pathmark unusable, I will never again be able to admire the rows and rows of blue greeting cards and purchase them with matching envelopes or peruse the aisles of Gatorade without witnessing parents beat their children in the middle and the dirty sick part of me just wants Target to stay exactly like it was last night.

that pretty much covers, pretentious self absorbed whack job, but the guy in the mil mascaras shirt rules.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
BTW is that Emma Caulfield in the middle? Kinda looks like her but I can't say for sure.



lol hating people because they're into different shit than you are is every bit as elitist. I've never seen 'hipsters' writing articles about how they hate "non-hipsters".


The surreal quality of seeing Ripclawe hate other people for being "pretentious" or "self-absorbed" is rather amusing in and of itself. I think I'll go don my berret and sip a latte in Barnes & Noble while I muse on this subject into my journal using my flashy, new, environmentally sound gel pen.
Ripclawe said:
... And then what I was more ashamed of myself was how sad I was that in two weeks, once this joint is open to masses of brooklyn trash who make Pathmark unusable, I will never again be able to admire the rows and rows of blue greeting cards and purchase them with matching envelopes or peruse the aisles of Gatorade without witnessing parents beat their children in the middle and the dirty sick part of me just wants Target to stay exactly like it was last night.

that pretty much covers, pretentious self absorbed whack job, but the guy in the mil mascaras shirt rules.

So, you're extrapolating the personalities and opinions of an entire party full of people based on one attendee's quote.

So, is that what they call "compassionate conservatism"?


teiresias said:
The surreal quality of seeing Ripclawe hate other people for being "pretentious" or "self-absorbed" is rather amusing in and of itself. I think I'll go don my berret and sip a latte in Barnes & Noble while I muse on this subject into my journal using my flashy, new, environmentally sound gel pen.

No, No, you got it all 90's. You gotta get your apple powerbook (important!) and post about it in your blog using Wi-Fi.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
And don't forget to upload the video of it you took on your cell phone.

Oh, and I still don't get your deal.


Oh shit. I have all of those things... ibook... ipod... love for coffee products...

Aha! I don't have a blog! Suckers! NOT GUILTY!
Pattergen said:
Oh shit. I have all of those things... ibook... ipod... love for coffee products...

Aha! I don't have a blog! Suckers! NOT GUILTY!

Then I guess you are just a meaningless hick.

But in a good way.

My only thought is that they all should have color coordinated with the labels.

Then it would be a really kooky indie band album cover!


force push the doodoo rock
I dont understand how this can piss someone off? How does this envoke anger? Some people went to an opening of a target and acted like goofballs. People do that all the time opening or no.

those shoes should have never been made...this woman does not know anything about style.

i hate women that does not know how to choose a pair of nice sexy shoes.
sp0rsk said:
I dont understand how this can piss someone off? How does this envoke anger? Some people went to an opening of a target and acted like goofballs. People do that all the time opening or no.

You need to know the kind of cornball hipsters NYC and particularly Brooklyn produces. I mean, Ripclawe and I aren't speaking from the same vantage point here as I am not sure what planet he is from so I can't speak his language, but as someone born and raised in the BK I watch these things with a mixture of amusement and contempt.

aoi tsuki

Looks like fun. It's cool that it wasn't just contemporary geek and avant couture model types that showed up, but a little of everything and everybody.

Interesting people + free booze? Where do i sign up?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
No, it doesn't matter what "kind of cornball hipsters" they are. You can't justify hating someone simply because of their tastes, it's just absurd.


force push the doodoo rock
brooklyngooner said:
You need to know the kind of cornball hipsters NYC and particularly Brooklyn produces. I mean, Ripclawe and I aren't speaking from the same vantage point here as I am not sure what planet he is from so I can't speak his language, but as someone born and raised in the BK I watch these things with a mixture of amusement and contempt.

define cornball for me.


Unconfirmed Member
So basically brooklyngooner, you have contempt for people that differ from you, for various trivial reasons, I see, whatever floats your boat.

No wonder the world is so fucked up, bigotry like that when linked to race is evil incarnate, yet similar bigotry inspired by trivial matters such as taste and style is cool?

In my opinion there is no difference, a bigot is a bigot, and not someone I can find any respect for.

Dice said:
No, it doesn't matter what "kind of cornball hipsters" they are. You can't justify hating someone simply because of their tastes, it's just absurd.

Since I never said I hated them, this doesn't apply to me.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I didn't say you did, but you were attempting to give an explanation as to why others would (at least thats what it seemed like by the quote you were replying to). As though if you knew just what kind of cornball hipsters they were, you could understand why someone else might hate them. But what I was saying is that it doesn't matter what "kind of cornball hipsters" they are, it still wouldn't make sense hating them just for that.
Freeburn said:
So basically brooklyngooner, you have contempt for people that differ from you, for various trivial reasons, I see, whatever floats your boat.

No wonder the world is so fucked up, bigotry like that when linked to race is evil incarnate, yet similar bigotry inspired by trivial matters such as taste and style is cool?

In my opinion there is no difference, a bigot is a bigot, and not someone I can find any respect for.


Again, I never said I hated them, so you're ovverreacting. If I gave the impression I agreed with Ripclawe's comments then I apologize, I thought my smarmy Breakfast Club reference gave that away. I have never agreed with anything he has said.


Unconfirmed Member
Ahh, gotcha, guess I was seeing the line...

brooklyngooner said:
I watch these things with a mixture of amusement and contempt.

... and read it differently to how it was meant, my apologies, I just get riled up by people who don't recognise there own faults and point out those of others, especially when the differences between people really are minimal, regardless of background, creed, politic etc. :p



I think you guys are throwing around the word "hate" a little too much. I don't hate these people at all--not even remotely. But I do think they're corny as hell. It could be a New York thing I dunno and I wasn't even raised in BK (South Bronx here) but the people in these images just reek of Park Slope psuedo-cool.


I'm from Brooklyn! I remember when they were building that very same building Target is in. For a good couple of months I couldn't tell what they were putting in there. When I finally found it was a Target, I gave a resounding "meh!". I would of preferred that they keep the Funcoland that they had across the street. I think there's a gamestop in it's place now, some where. I only go by there when I need to get CDRs from Circuit City. I heard a lot of other stores were going to be put there as well so maybe I'll frequent that area more often.

Oh yeah, something you might find interesting. The city is currently trying to build a stadium for the New Jersey Nets(which will become the Brooklyn Nets if the deal goes through?) in that same area I believe. I hear they're planning to displace a lot of people living in the area to build that stadium. They sent both(probably because we both chose the independent party when we registered to vote) my sister and myself a card through the mail asking if we approved of the Brooklyn Nets project. I checked yes. =)
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