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When Trendy people meet up at a Target opening in Brooklyn

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so what happens if you agree? do they find another place for you or something?

Me? No? =P I live no where around that area. That's the downtown brooklyn area, most likely Fort Greene. It's a really nice area of Brooklyn and you pretty much have to be rolling in dough to pay for the apartments they have there. (I saw as much as 2,000 a month! o_O)



According to the articles from that first link, they're trying to pay the people into moving.


eh, real NYC hipsters are actually pretty damn cool. but recently we are having an influx of people from the midwest that are very sheltered, and they are moving to nyc and "trying" to be trendy with adverse consequences.
an aquintence of mine who lives in brooklyn was telling me about a problem he faced with such a person. he has weekend parties/jams at his place that go on all night, and has been doing that for the past 10 years. but recently his neighbor, who just moved from like Ohio or something, called the cops on him for making noise.
these outsiders are trying to turn NYC into Ohio...rather than confirming and becoming NYC-ers themselves.
That is the problem.

... And then what I was more ashamed of myself was how sad I was that in two weeks, once this joint is open to masses of brooklyn trash who make Pathmark unusable, I will never again be able to admire the rows and rows of blue greeting cards and purchase them with matching envelopes or peruse the aisles of Gatorade without witnessing parents beat their children in the middle and the dirty sick part of me just wants Target to stay exactly like it was last night.

And the above quote describes this sentiment perfectly. A true new yorker would never say such a thing. We like our city gritty and dirty. Its real. Brooklyn isnt supposed to be singapore.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
robertsan21 said:

those shoes should have never been made...this woman does not know anything about style.

i hate women that does not know how to choose a pair of nice sexy shoes.

short skirt and heels and you're complaining about the style of shoe


teepo said:
i hate hipsters and i have a feeling half the people on gaf are one.

Almost always, people who use the word "hipsters" and hate said hipsters are usually failed hipsters, wannabe hipsters of just plain jealous hipsters.
nitewulf said:
eh, real NYC hipsters are actually pretty damn cool. but recently we are having an influx of people from the midwest that are very sheltered, and they are moving to nyc and "trying" to be trendy with adverse consequences.
an aquintence of mine who lives in brooklyn was telling me about a problem he faced with such a person. he has weekend parties/jams at his place that go on all night, and has been doing that for the past 10 years. but recently his neighbor, who just moved from like Ohio or something, called the cops on him for making noise.
these outsiders are trying to turn NYC into Ohio...rather than confirming and becoming NYC-ers themselves.
That is the problem.

And the above quote describes this sentiment perfectly. A true new yorker would never say such a thing. We like our city gritty and dirty. Its real. Brooklyn isnt supposed to be singapore.

You guys don't have regulations on the lateness/loudness of music played?
Eh, people try to be a certain way for certain reasons. These photos make the scene look pathetic though, people try way too hard. Reminds me of the Club Kids, but atleast they were half way interesting.
bob_arctor said:
I think you guys are throwing around the word "hate" a little too much. I don't hate these people at all--not even remotely. But I do think they're corny as hell. It could be a New York thing I dunno and I wasn't even raised in BK (South Bronx here) but the people in these images just reek of Park Slope psuedo-cool.

i used to live in park slope before it got all "trendy" ansd shit. they sure fucked up a decent neighborhood. it's all latte shops and crappy vintage clothing stores now....


I don't get what's going on at the Target...but on the other hand I don't know why people would be jealous of it to the point where they would advocate violent behaviour towards those people.


Fight for Freeform said:
I don't get what's going on at the Target...but on the other hand I don't know why people would be jealous of it to the point where they would advocate violent behaviour towards those people.

I don't think Ripclawe is jealous at all. I'd say he sounds more fed up than anything. As for myself, there's just something about contrived "coolness" that really irks me.
Fight for Freeform said:
I don't get what's going on at the Target...but on the other hand I don't know why people would be jealous of it to the point where they would advocate violent behaviour towards those people.

cause they suck.


eggplant said:
You guys don't have regulations on the lateness/loudness of music played?

sure we do. that why he/she got away with calling the cops. the point being we have unwritten rules of our own. my neighbor is making noise? tough, i'll get used to it. cause i know, when i have an allnight party going, he'll de the same for me.


Why don't people do something about it then? Rather than making cheap meaningless threats...he should do something that will change the situation. I can think of hundreds of things that are better than bashing their heads with an object.


Count of Concision
You wanna talk about ridiculous? It doesn't involve "hipsters", but it involves the ever-present, more easily identifiable poseurs (as I like to call them :p):

Here in my neighborhood, every weeknight from 10 PM onward, gaggles of kids ages 17-21 show up in the 7-11 parking lot to hang out and pose in their $75K+ rides bought with daddy's money. Seriously, some nights you can't even GET INTO the parking lot (and it's huge) because it's like an auto show, with everyone pimping their rides and just hanging out "looking good". I've seen every car short of a Ferrari there-- S500's, CLK's, BMW 7's and X5's, Porche 911's, SC430 convertibles, mint Vettes, you name it. Then you go in to get milk or something and they look down their noses at you contemptuously-- arrogant and spoiled, the whole lot of them.

Meanwhile, the lesser half of me feels like reminding them THAT THEY'RE HANGING OUT IN A 7-11 PARKING LOT, which would go quite a way towards deflating their massive egos, but then I realize that people like that aren't ever going to change regardless.

Seriously, you have to see it. If anyone's in Brooklyn, check out the Coney Island Avenue/Avenue Z 7-11 any weeknight for proof of just how ludicrous people's behavior can get. I mean, if you wanna pose, at least take your $90K ride to the city and chill in front of a club or bar or something...jeez. :p
nitewulf said:
sure we do. that why he/she got away with calling the cops. the point being we have unwritten rules of our own. my neighbor is making noise? tough, i'll get used to it. cause i know, when i have an allnight party going, he'll de the same for me.

Where do these "unwritten rules" come from? I mean, your city wrote regulations...why don't you guys just change it if you guys don't like it?


Loki said:
You wanna talk about ridiculous? It doesn't involve "hipsters", but it involves the ever-present, more easily identifiable poseurs (as I like to call them :p):

Here in my neighborhood, every weeknight from 10 PM onward, gaggles of kids ages 17-21 show up in the 7-11 parking lot to hang out and pose in their $75K+ rides bought with daddy's money. Seriously, some nights you can't even GET INTO the parking lot (and it's huge) because it's like an auto show, with everyone pimping their rides and just hanging out "looking good". I've seen every car short of a Ferrari there-- S500's, CLK's, BMW 7's and X5's, Porche 911's, SC430 convertibles, mint Vettes, you name it. Then you go in to get milk or something and they look down their noses at you contemptuously-- arrogant and spoiled, the whole lot of them.

Meanwhile, the lesser half of me feels like reminding them THAT THEY'RE HANGING OUT IN A 7-11 PARKING LOT, which would go quite a way towards deflating their massive egos, but then I realize that people like that aren't ever going to change regardless.

Seriously, you have to see it. If anyone's in Brooklyn, check out the Coney Island Avenue/Avenue Z 7-11 any weeknight for proof of just how ludicrous people's behavior can get. I mean, if you wanna pose, at least take your $90K ride to the city and chill in front of a club or bar or something...jeez. :p


rich jewish and russian kids with their "rides". hahahahah...i go there from time to time, not as frequently nowadays though. i saw an NSX there once, porches and lexuses and vettes all the time though.

eggplant, i dont know what you're talking about...cities have their own idiosyncracies and tacit rules. i dont quite get it why we have to go to the authority and change them? and not even sure we could. hell juliani even stopped us from lighting forecrackers on july 4th.
nitewulf said:

rich jewish and russian kids with their "rides". hahahahah...i go there from time to time, not as frequently nowadays though. i saw an NSX there once, porches and lexuses and vettes all the time though.

eggplant, i dont know what you're talking about...cities have their own idiosyncracies and tacit rules. i dont quite get it why we have to go to the authority and change them? and not even sure we could. hell juliani even stopped us from lighting forecrackers on july 4th.

I mean, you guys voted them in.... do a campaign or something. Come on! If they don't represent the people of your community, than replace them with someone else.


Count of Concision
nitewulf said:

rich jewish and russian kids with their "rides". hahahahah...i go there from time to time, not as frequently nowadays though. i saw an NSX there once, porches and lexuses and vettes all the time though.

HAHA! So you know of the insanity? Yep, that's the one. :p I thought you weren't from around here (I live within 5 minutes of there by car)-- or do you have friends around here or something? :)
Loki said:
HAHA! So you know of the insanity? Yep, that's the one. :p I thought you weren't from around here (I live within 5 minutes of there by car)-- or do you have friends around here or something? :)

i know exactly wat you mean. and then you have these kids who think they're all street tough meanwhile they live in these beautiful hosues in bay ridge and get everything handed to them. god, why couldnt i have been bron into one of these families!?!??! why do i have to be thrice divorced and unemployed and have to listen to these twerps fight all the time?!?>?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Is it so unreasonable to not stereotype every single person of a certain subcultural classification as pretensious, arrogant, wannabe cool, etc? (Loki I realize you were talking about only specifically those at the 7-11 so this question isnt to you) I mean sure it's pretty lame to constantly seek out whatever the cool new "thing" is so you can emulate and hope it makes you cool or something, but there are a lot of people who just do and buy and dress in and listen to what they like. And it so turns out that trends are a very handy way of finding new stuff that you might think is cool.

Now of course stores and companies will try to figure out what is cool and market that and whatever, and city planners will even try to keep up with the trends and throw in some cyber cafes or whatever else. But a store can't have tastes, it can't "keep it real" or be pretenious or arrogant. Stores are about sales, selling products of human creativity, the only thing a store can do is try and attain and sell or at least emulate and sell whatever trends may be going on.

And seeing as how products have to sit on a shelf until they are sold for profit or clearanced at a loss, stores are going to try and keep at the latest trends so they don't go out of business. But does the contrived cool and marketing of a store make those who go there the same? No, of course not. People generally like buying things at stores, readily available stores, usually on a strip or in a mall. And as it so turns out, if they buy their stuff there, they are going to end up being quite trendy no matter what they get.

Then there is the other aspect which very few people in the world escape, it's simply fitting in, everyone likes to fit in at least a little bit. Sure you probably won't find a lot of people who gravitate towards country or urban styles at a hipster party, but you're also not going to find a hipster at a country or urban style party. Is this because they all hate each other and they're all arrogant and pretensious? Or is it because if a person liked one of those things they would naturally hang out with other people who liked the same stuff?

For most people in this world, they either develop a taste for something then work towards a career, living location and social circle that fits those tastes, or they really don't care much about outward stuff and allow those 3 things to dictate their tastes cause it's convenient. Yeah some people go out of their way to try to be cool, but I've found most people have rejected such an immature, high school social-circles way of looking at such things and just get/do what they like or don't really care what their style or activities are as long as they are having fun with friends.

A lot of people on this board are discovering The Shins, who are starting to become rather trendy. Does this mean the people who like them are posers? No, it means they liked their music and had just never heard of them until the trend made them better known. The same principle applies to anything and everything else. And lets face it, trends can be pretty fun, if everything were the same and never changed that would be really boring. And as busy as our culture is it kind of stifles creativity and making up your own style, so why not use the funky new stuff other people make for a living? It's not as big of a deal as people make it.


Count of Concision
I realize you weren't addressing me, but I just wanted to clarify-- I'm only calling them "poseurs" because they are affecting importance and status while hanging out in a 7-11 parking lot, of all places. I just find the irony there inescapably delicious. :p The fact that they ARE, by and large, a bunch of arrogant twats doesn't help my impression of them. ;)

Now, if they were parading around in these cars in the city at the hot nightspots, I might still think them misguided, but they wouldn't be poseurs, as they'd be doing what most normal young people with those resources tend to do-- which is NOT hanging out in a 7-11 parking lot. :p Seriously dude, you've gotta see it to believe it. :)


Loki said:
HAHA! So you know of the insanity? Yep, that's the one. :p I thought you weren't from around here (I live within 5 minutes of there by car)-- or do you have friends around here or something? :)

i'm not exactly from around there, i live in borough park. but we used to go to the sheepshead bay theater all the time, and that particular 7-11 was a stop over to grab some coffee afterwards.
the reason this is so god damn corny is that it is a local shopping mall that's being opened up in a place that's VERY far from what people would consider "hip" it's a family neighborhood/low income. so to have all these trendy douches in a place they are never gonna set foot in again makes it all the more ridiculous. and corny. cant forget that.


Count of Concision
nitewulf said:
i'm not exactly from around there, i live in borough park. but we used to go to the sheepshead bay theater all the time, and that particular 7-11 was a stop over to grab some coffee afterwards.

Ah, I see. Yeah, the UA theater over there is also a huge poseur hangout imo. :p I'm surprised you went to the 7-11 for coffee, as there are dozens of cafes and shops on Emmons Ave. which are closer to the UA. I guess maybe because you can hop right onto the highway from there. My old allergist is in Borough Park-- Dr. Friedman (yeah, I'm sure that's a big help given the demographics of Borough Park ;)). :)


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Oh, well then you don't understand Target. Target used to be just another family friendly department store with lots of family friendly locations. Then Wal-Mart showed up and absolutely beasted everyone in that market, so Target had to find a new spin or they'd be out of business. I guess what they did is decide to be kinda trendy but at prices the people who were around their already existing stores could afford.

Seems to be working for my local Target, my city isn't all that big (around 100k) so you have a lot of small-towners, then there are also a lot of poor college kids. However while it would otherwise be fairly laid-back, the large State Farm working demographic means we have a lot of high-income people who travel around a bit for their job. This causes the general style of many people to be fairly trendy even outside the college kids, and Target seems to be rather successful as a place to get trendy stuff for a lesser price for both richer and poorer. Though we do have a mall with the trendier, more epxensive stores.

Thats how it is for my city, though I guess no matter big or small, high or low income, urban or out in the country, any city you go to kids will watch MTV and older kids will watch VH1 and your general populace will have a taste for things that simply aren't sold in their location outside of a local Target. I understand how weird it would be to a person in NYC where there is everything you could imagine all sorted into different districts, but thats the general way Target works everywhere else in the country.
Yeah, all the Targerts recently built here are in the affluent areas of the city. They're pretty nice, too, as I'm not totally ashamed to be shopping in there as compared to Wal-Mart.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
HalfPastNoon said:
Yeah, all the Targerts recently built here are in the affluent areas of the city. They're pretty nice, too, as I'm not totally ashamed to be shopping in there as compared to Wal-Mart.
Yup, that's it. Basically the secret to Target's success is....

Target = Trendiest place to get Clorox for 90 cents.


There was a Target in Brooklyn before....Gateway. I still haven't used up the CD-Rs from the last time she went and they were on sale.


Seriously, you have to see it. If anyone's in Brooklyn, check out the Coney Island Avenue/Avenue Z 7-11 any weeknight for proof of just how ludicrous people's behavior can get. I mean, if you wanna pose, at least take your $90K ride to the city and chill in front of a club or bar or something...jeez.

I know exactly what you're talking about. I go to school at KCC and I travel through that area every day. Lot's of rich russian teens in that area, usually sporting a expensive cars (especially HUMMERs). Some of them are really rude, but I just mind my own because I heard there's a Russian Mafia over there. *looks around nervously*


Count of Concision
Vieo said:
I know exactly what you're talking about. I go to school at KCC and I travel through that area every day. Lot's of rich russian teens in that area, usually sporting a expensive cars (especially HUMMERs). Some of them are really rude, but I just mind my own because I heard there's a Russian Mafia over there. *looks around nervously*

You should see the 7-11 at night lol. :p

Yeah, big Russian mafia around these parts. Used to be Italian mafia, but now that's mostly in Bay Ridge/Dyker Heights and Staten Island/NYC etc.

It's not that they're rude so much as they're arrogant, and you can just feel it coming off of them. But a lot of them are, in fact, quite rude.

aoi tsuki

A bunch of rich redneck kids in their Mustangs and F-150s hang out at the local Walmart here. Then, when they think the cops are on to them, the move to the other end of the shopping center, where there's Staples. This happens every night, especially on the weekends. It's completely ridiculous to me, but they don't cause much trouble outside of blocking the garden entrance (which is closed by that time anyways), so i just ignore them.


insert blank space here
What the hell is a hipster?? What are you people talking about???

I've seen mention of posers... are hipsters posers?
If so, I hate them.

EDIT: I'm gathering a hipster is a rich kid who tries their best to be cool with all the latest gadgets and "cool" clothing? Or are these the kids who try to start new trends? Where I live, I'm in such a white neighborhood... all we have are preps. I kid you not! 6 black kids in our school... it's ridiculous. And it's not just diversity of race that we are lacking in... we're lacking in style. We have 2 styles here... goth or prep.

nitewulf said:
eh, real NYC hipsters are actually pretty damn cool. but recently we are having an influx of people from the midwest that are very sheltered, and they are moving to nyc and "trying" to be trendy with adverse consequences.
an aquintence of mine who lives in brooklyn was telling me about a problem he faced with such a person. he has weekend parties/jams at his place that go on all night, and has been doing that for the past 10 years. but recently his neighbor, who just moved from like Ohio or something, called the cops on him for making noise.
these outsiders are trying to turn NYC into Ohio...rather than confirming and becoming NYC-ers themselves.
That is the problem.

And the above quote describes this sentiment perfectly. A true new yorker would never say such a thing. We like our city gritty and dirty. Its real. Brooklyn isnt supposed to be singapore.

man, that guy who called the cops better not have had a car... or it would have gotten so fucked up... that's some real pussy shit.. calling the cops for a party...

i still remember the last time i saw someone's car get fucked up... they parked in a friend of a friend of mine's driveway... BAD MOVE


*drowns in jizz*
You know what I find most disturbing? People actually being bothered enough to post about crap like this and complain. Who gives a shit? Who are you to say anything?
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