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Where and when do you plan to play the PSP/DS?


I see a lot of people who are really hyped about getting the PSP or DS, but honestly when and where do you plan on playing these handhelds? I have and love a GBA SP, but only because of the different games it offers not because of the portability, I would have been just as happy if Nintendo released a new 2D system.

So for the big fans of each system where are you going to be playing these things, on your couch at home in front of the TV or do you just have a bitch of a commute everyday?
At home and on airplanes. Maybe on the bus, but not sure if I'd want to wave either system around in public for the first few months.

Much like the GBA I expect to do most of my DS playing at home. But whatever--it offers a completely different experience from what you can get on television screens. The DS' portability isn't it's main feature. It's incidental.


Currently living on a wired campus...plan on using the DS as an organizer if they do create palm-like programs for it, will play it mostly here in my dorm room, and if this warp pipe thing is for real, there's a wireless hotspot across the street from my residence with some nice big leather couches.

And while waiting for laundry to finish.


At home. I play enough videogames without doing so otherwise. That's why I'm disappointed that the PSP is mostly just a portable PS2 so far and the DS hasn't proven itself to me with worthy software, either.


Strange the biggest sony and nintendo whores have not responded, sometimes I wonder if they even play games or if they just flood message boards with their company's propaganda.


I'm not planning on buying either system...but to add another data point, I play my GBA SP at home (rarely), on planes, in hotel rooms, or when I visit my parents. I also feel a little strange playing games on planes, though, and often I have work to do during the flight.


hyperbolically metafictive
in the belly of a whale.

and adults playing gameboys look cretinous. probably because gameboys are so tiny and require such concentration. that's not to say you shouldn't do it. just don't fool yourself. and i use "gameboy" as a generic term to cover all portable game machines.


beerbelly said:
Only at home. IMO adults look silly playing these devices in the public. Just...ugh... grow up!

It's funny how that's taboo. Reading a trashy book, or a trivial magazine is perfectly fine, but the second you bring a handheld electronic form of entertainment into the equation, it's frowned upon. We're getting better, our society, at accepting people who play GBAs and such in public, but it's still not where it should be.


And even i am moderately surprised
subway to aki
subway to work

but most extensively :
on the toilet

I see myself making many "i'm off for a PSPoo" and "i need a DS" (Dirty shit) jokes... well, i'll amuse myself ... for at least a week.
I plan to drive my car and play the dspsp at the same time. Since they illegalised mobile (handfrees sux).. the dspsp will be my travel buddy


Probably in class at college, if there's anyone else nearby with one (DS).
At home.
While driving home.

Heh heh, just kidding about that last one. That's when I sleep.

El Papa

At work/school when I've got nothing to do or taking a break (I work at my school's CG lab)
At home when I'm taking a dump or in bed
Friday nights in the car sobering up before I go home


Running off of Custom Firmware
I've generally spend 2 - 2.5 hours a day in NY subways. So you can be sure that a good book, a full iPod, and a fully charged GBA SP are permanent parts of my traveling gear. Daily traveling gear.

I'll undoubtedly retire the SP once the DS hits, except perhaps for the occasional GB/GBC classic and/or occasional bout of GBA multiplayer.

That said, if/when the truly awesome and irreplaceable games start to show up, then the DS/PSP will also take the lead over my consoles, just as my GBA today gets played more than my Cube or PS2.


beerbelly said:
Only at home. IMO adults look silly playing these devices in the public. Just...ugh... grow up!

And I guess you wouldn't be cough chatting on a gaming forum neither. Poor soul.

I'll do around 3hrs of (public) transportation per day once I'll move into my house so I'll probably play them in the bus and subway, just like I do with my SP.

aoi tsuki

Mostly at home, although i may make some quick friends to play Hunters with at the launch. Unfortunately, i don't have a job where i have nothing better to do than play games when it's dead.

aoi tsuki

nubbe said:
I mostly use mine in the bathroom

But I will promote DS actively at work due to PictoChat and WiFi
On that note, how many of us will carry our DSs with us daily? i intend to, with a nice belt case to keep it safe. Honestly, i can't wait to for the first time i hear my DS alert me when another one is in range.


In the park, around the house, at work (in the loo), with my G/F at her house, on the train perhaps..

My G/F can't wait to play Animal Crossing in the park near her house with me when we get ours :)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
At home...or maybe while waiting in line. I don't really play handhelds on the bus, or read for that matter. I'm afraid someone might be looking at me and planning something, so I only act like I'm reading. I can't immerse myself in public places, I have to be aware of what is going on.

But I could see myself carrying my PSP around the town. Maybe keep the DS at home or save it for the mall when tons of other users will be around. I'm sure I could find someone in the food court. :)

Jim Bowie

I carry my GBA on me on most days along with the iPod. I use them whenever I have some down time, mostly lunch and waiting for classes. Laundry and bathrooms also factor into the equation.

After I play the GBA in the bathroom, though, I seem to just continually play past the point of bathroom...ing.
At home, on the bus, and on breaks at school (collage). It's not uncommon to see people playing GBA on break. I've even seen people playing N-Gage. :lol

aoi tsuki

This were posted in the newspiece about Mad Catz accessories over at Planet Gamecube:


(DS cartridges cases on the left.)

Original article:

Edit: Meant to make this a new thread. :/
I'll be playing my DS outside during the day mostly, nothing better than being outside to play some gaming rather than staying cooped up inside. I'll also be playing just about whenever I'm not busy and away from my PC.

PSP, uh well, I probably won't have one till I'm in college, and in that case maybe whenever I'm at home, probably before bed. It really depends on the games though, I can see myself buying more short, on the fly games for PSP, especially those slick fighters, but getting games I can dedicate myself to for with the DS. Then again, I don't expect myself to have a large PSP library either, sadly.


I reserved a DS last week at Gamestop. As far as where do I plan on playing it, well I guess around the house when I have time, I will def play it on vacations and such, but the main reason I'm buying it is because I am a game junkie, I have to have it.


Whenever. Plus the connectivity is really cool. My buds and I generally get together once a week for a gaming session. It'd be great there.
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