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where can I buy Booklets for Console games?

I got a couple of used games recently and they were mission books...specifically MGS2:S and .Hack pt1....I checked Ebay...no luck, is there anywhere else I can order them from?

Musashi Wins!

I know that with a bit of google searching you can find trade/retail sites that sell boxes and cover art, so you might have luck with some books. I wish I had kept the links, but when I was looking for some printable covers I saw specialty sites for that.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Great Wasabi Man said:
I got a couple of used games recently and they were mission books...specifically MGS2:S and .Hack pt1....I checked Ebay...no luck, is there anywhere else I can order them from?
do what most people in my neighborhood do, scour the used sections of EB or Gamestop and steal the manuals that are left in the boxes. your local store may vary.


Try emailing the publisher's customer support. SCEA replaced my SO2 and Grandia PSX manuals for free and Atlus only charged a few dollars to cover shipping (Persona 2).
I just mailed out a $6 check for replacement manuals for Ogre Battle(PSX), and Ogre Battle 64. Not bad at all.

They were sold out of Persona 2 manuals though.


I got Persona 2's manual over a year ago. Looking on Atlus' store right now, it appears to be out of stock but I'd send them an email anyway. They've got some very old manuals still available including Space Griffon VF-9 and Kartia for only $3. Very useful because some of the games I've bought off Ebay have manuals in horrendous shape.

edit: Nevermind, you've got them. :)
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