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Where the Novalogic are the Civil War games?


Perhaps America's most important war, and definitely the most dramatic (For America, that is). However, I've seen at most 2 games covering the Civil War, and both were grid based strategy(Board) games. BLEGH!

I'm a NovaLogic fan. I LOVE their games and presentation. However, they found it more important to incorporate an African incident in a game, rather than the civil war. I've seen FPS' based on wars with technology even more archaic than the Civil War. Is the subject matter on the unwritten 'Black List' of gaming subjects?

I long for a game based on the Civil War, with gameplay pacing and plotting akin to Call of Duty, developed with the gritty realistic NovaLogic touches. Though I know for sure there wasn't a wealth of gun types and weapon types during that war, but there were more than the average today's FPS. Even some vehicles.

If anyone's reading this: I've been dreaming of a game like this for years and I have some ideas. Very interesting stuff. Contact Me.


The problem is, anything without automatic weapons is gonna be a hard sell.

I mean, do you wanna play an FPS where you have to hold still for half a minute to reload a single-shot rifle?

True, maybe you do, but a larger slice of the market may not.



they call me "Man Gravy".
Vagabond said:
Perhaps America's most important war, and definitely the most dramatic (For America, that is). However, I've seen at most 2 games covering the Civil War, and both were grid based strategy(Board) games. BLEGH!

Uhh, Sid Meier's Gettysburg? that was a great game.


There are workarounds and fabrications (Or shall we say, unrealistic facets) that could be added. The classification for weapons is much wider than just guns, however.

The Civil War centered around long range almost sniping-like shooting but mostly around close combat (Knives, Swords, adjacent objects, flamethrowers, explosives, traps, bombs). That could be a workaround that would be true to life. Soldiers carried bayonets and multiple pistols, and a machete on the side. They mostly worked around their environment though.

I think that the lag using those pistols and rifles could add to the frentic pacing, actually. Imagine the panic when you're shooting a pistol with only 6 shots in a load and a more powerful bayonet with a long reload (Akin to rockets in present-day games). Imagine later on when funding is low, and just being armed with a lead pipe. Being cheered in a crowd and all of a sudden a flood of opposition forces arise from the crowd to attack you, mounted on horses, with attack dogs. The detail and potential is just IMMENSE. Movement is critical, too.


Nerevar said:
Uhh, Sid Meier's Gettysburg? that was a great game.
And Sid Meier's Antietam.

I just don't see how such a war could not be translated into a FPS. You cannot recreate the expressions of the Civil War in a strategy game.


Play Gods and Generals. After 5 minutes, you'll never want a Civil War game again.

But, It be cool to have Civil War game from the makers of Call of Duty...if only for the realism and experience of playing in the war it would bring. Even if it wasnt filled with exciting fire fights.


I can't believe i'm the only one who yearns for a Civil War FPS.

I guess everyone's happy with the million World War 2 FPS'.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Civil War FPS would be so god damn dull.

Ok stand in line... ok wait... ok... fire. Ok reload

1 minute later

Ok wait... ok... fire. Ok reload

30 seconds later

Oh damn they got me.

Worst. Game. Ever.


No, you're thinking of the Revolutionary war. Standing in line was a British tactic. The Civil War made use of trenches and there were more weapons than the fucking stuffed musket, which everyone seems to be fucking forgetting. It's appaling as to how ignorant the lot of people are concerning the Civil War. There's a fucking reason why it's called the "First modern war" because the same tactics in the Civil War were reused in World War I and II. There were no automatic weapons, but the only fucking muzzle-loading weapons were for sniping uses and even THEN top loading rifles proliferated both armies. Most of the war was fought (As far as guns go) With 4, 5, 6 or 8 barrel pistols and close range with swords, Greek Fire (Flamethrowers), grenades, traps (Land mines, fire mines, trip-traps) and other means of close combat.

There were gatling guns, repeating rifles and machine guns as well. To continue on that mindset that every weapon would take more than 5 seconds to reload is fucking ignorant. Your point failed. Especially if it were meant to be funny, it FAILED


I'd be interested in a game like that. Maybe not the civil war, but 1600/1700/1800 (thirty year war, great nordic war, napoleons wars etc) Europe. Thats the most interesting timeline IMO.

A total war type of game in that time line would rock (with the same "on map"-detail as Europa Universalis 2) , but a FPS would be great aswell (if its done right).


Bart: That's not fair, Nelson. They didn't have the Killmatic 3000 back then.
Nelson: Hey: records from that era are spotty at best.


Forsete said:
I'd be interested in a game like that. Maybe not the civil war, but 1600/1700/1800 (thirty year war, great nordic war, napoleons wars etc) Europe. Thats the most interesting timeline IMO.

Then the complaints about the weaponry would really hold some weight. The Civil War had some great weaponry, and some VERY interesting circumstances for battles. I just find it immeasurably interesting as far as the non-world wars go (Barring perhaps the pre-1900 wars involving China, Russia, Manchuria, Korea and Japan. Those wars ruled.)


Vagabond said:
Then the complaints about the weaponry would really hold some weight.

Yeah perhaps. But to me that doesn’t matter.

March towards an enemy, he fires a platoon salvo when you are 30 meters away, you respond with a platoon salvo when you are 10 meters from him, then you charge with your rapier and see if his lines hold up.
An interesting way to play a game, lots of hand to hand combat, that’s not very common in a FPS?

Slowdowns should not be a problem since black powder smoke solves that naturally, I have read about the smoke getting so thick that you could not tell friend from foe. ;)
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