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I've seen some bad commercials before but these new cellphone ads are a killer. Not only do I have to look at fuckin old people. I have to look at an old woman and grandpa getting their grind on. It's quite foul.
The ending of that one commercial where all three of them are rubbing on eachother almost seems like a bit too much for commercial... especially considering the times of day I see it come on.


Queen of Denmark
I dislike them for different reasons -- the way they portray current youth culture as one big sex-fest party.

"Hmm, I'm bored. What should I do? I know -- pull my phone out that my parents pay for and call people up! We'll go get drunk and have sex!"

Ugh. The companies set the image, the kids fufill the image, so the companies have to keep maintaining the image, and it's one big perpetual debauchery machine. Stuff like this, and those god damned Bratz dolls, and movies like "Sleep Over" should be banned. They're far more dangerous than hearing dirty words or seeing a woman's body part pop out.
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