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Which Alien movie was your favorite?

Which Alien movie was your favorite? You may select 2.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Hold onto your panties
He was obviously bleeding and in pain when he got hit so he was a human. Also, he was visibly distressed when he was talking to Ripley at the end, not at all like the ever calm and logical android. Was there any doubt?
The Assembly Cut further proves this, but yes...he was the original. There were doubts and debates about this for years (probably still are). I think it had a lot to do with fans not liking the idea that Bishop's creator was a company guy. Yet another reason why Alien3 stood out unlike a typical movie in a franchise. The scenes where he further expresses pain were cut in the theatrical to make the audience question rather than know.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

It's one of my favorite movies of all time and has some of the most memorable one-liners (especially Hudson) in movie history.

It is also the inspiration of so many FPS and imo responsible foe how the genre took off.

Halo even unashamedly ripped off the Sarge right down to the cigar.


Just tell me one thing Burke, you're going out there to destroy them, right? Not to study, not to bring back, but to wipe them out!

Even for what he did, Ripley would still show him some sympathy and wouldn't let him go through the agony of having an alien burst through his chest.
But the scene was eventually deleted because James Cameron felt that according to the Alien lore, he should have been with a face-hugger still latching on his face when Ripley bumped across him - and not in a state of consciousness being able to talk.

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Under normal circumstances I'd say Alien since it ticks all the boxes in what I look for in a movie but honestly the character work and performance for Ripley in Aliens is just dynamite stuff that you dont really get out of this sort of genre stuff most of the time.


Alien is one of the best sci-fi/horror movies ever made and Aliens is one of the best sci-fi/action movies. Hard to pick one over the other as they’re so different.

Gotta love Ripley in her underwear at the end of Alien though.

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Resurrection zero votes? Shamefur dispray.

Look I get that it was completely different. It had french comic book aesthetic, it was a cynical black humored action comedy instead of military scifi action or horror like the previous three. But holy shit did I enjoy all of its oneliners, awesome action sequences, cynical as fuck Ripley, hot young Ryder, pervert extraordinaire Dourif, bad ass dying too soon Wincott and Jeunetian french atmosphere. Oh and Perlman of course. Sure the hybrid was kinda lame but that's about the only thing I dislike about the film.

"So, you met these things before?"
"And what did you do?"
"I died."

For me it is

Alien 10
Aliens 10
Alien 3 10
Alien Resurrection 10
Prometheus 5
Covenant 5
AvP 4
AvP2 4
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Whilst I like all the movies, most have added and expanded that little but further on the original. For me the original is best. Watching it unspoiled for the first time was such a treat. The cast, the art on set, the change of direction and surprises that followed. For me it’s a very special movie.

My order



Hold onto your panties
Even for what he did, Ripley would still show him some sympathy and wouldn't let him go through the agony of having an alien burst through his chest.
But the scene was eventually deleted because James Cameron felt that according to the Alien lore, he should have been with a face-hugger still latching on his face when Ripley bumped across him - and not in a state of consciousness being able to talk.

This scene is included in one of the extras discs of the Anthology release. Before it's release, people knew it existed from a picture in a magazine nearly 25-years prior. There's also a rumoured scene (appears in the original script) where Bishop encounters the Alien while crawling through the conduit line.


Alien is one of the best sci-fi/horror movies ever made and is amazing in its build up and dread.
Aliens is one of the best sci fi/action movies ever made and is amazing in its kickass way.
I refuse to acknowledge Alien 3 exists.
Have also not seen Resurrection.

Predator was great.
Predator 2 was absolutely sick and better than I thought it would be.
Predators was ok.
The Predator sounds really, really dumb.

AvP was ok.
AvP 2 Requiem sounds like hot garbage.

Prometheus is down there with Last Jedi and Independence Day 2 as the absolute worst blockbusters I have ever seen. Alien Covenant sounds even worse, somehow.

I very much despise the fact these two movies were greenlit over Neil Blomkamp's Alien 3 reboot.
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Hold onto your panties
Overview of the poll so far:

Alien and Aliens are nearly head-to-head. Alien 3 I'm happy to say is trailing closely behind. This poll doesn't close until next Monday, but you can still comment after that. I'll eventually need to make an Alien franchise thread based on the diverse interest GAF seems to have in this sci-fi universe. Need to still let this one breathe. I'll confess this...I read the screenplay for Covenant but did not watch. Prometheus left a bad taste in my mouth
because I had already written a self-proclaimed better prequel to Alien 😏


Hold onto your panties
Aliens then Alien. After that I like them equally for different reasons but I have no illusions of the resurrection, Prometheus or Covenant being good films. 3 is a great film it just misses the Alien good mark for me.
Alien3 was meant to be an end-all to the franchising when the final film was submitted. It was just a mess of production, really. Possibly hundreds of unread scripts, over budget, late post-production (which led to the original assembly cut getting scrapped until 2003), tension/termination of film crew, over spending, delayed, and the fact that portions of the Assembly Cut are still missing due to them having to re-write/re-film after nearly 1-year of production. The experience almost black-listed David Fincher and he only regained interest in directing while working on "Seven." He hates the film till this day. I love it -- mostly because I liked that the nihilistic environment and that they had officially decided to end Alien possibly with the intention of not destroying the legacy of the first two. Then...someone went and made a 4th 😠 So much for the legacy.
Alien3 was meant to be an end-all to the franchising when the final film was submitted. It was just a mess of production, really. Possibly hundreds of unread scripts, over budget, late post-production (which led to the original assembly cut getting scrapped until 2003), tension/termination of film crew, over spending, delayed, and the fact that portions of the Assembly Cut are still missing due to them having to re-write/re-film after nearly 1-year of production. The experience almost black-listed David Fincher and he only regained interest in directing while working on "Seven." He hates the film till this day. I love it -- mostly because I liked that the nihilistic environment and that they had officially decided to end Alien possibly with the intention of not destroying the legacy of the first two. Then...someone went and made a 4th 😠 So much for the legacy.
I saw Alien 3 in the Theater with my Grandmother.


Hold onto your panties
I saw Alien 3 in the Theater with my Grandmother.
You have a cool grandmother. I guess humanly gripe with Alien3 was the dog Alien design. Lurking was about the only thing that made it slightly scary. The original Giger Alien was the best and the fact that it's only in the movie less than 15-minutes. What grabbed me with 3 was the story and the characters. To me, if they cut the Alien out completely from that one...it still would have worked.
You have a cool grandmother. I guess humanly gripe with Alien3 was the dog Alien design. Lurking was about the only thing that made it slightly scary. The original Giger Alien was the best and the fact that it's only in the movie less than 15-minutes. What grabbed me with 3 was the story and the characters. To me, if they cut the Alien out completely from that one...it still would have worked.
That is why I think 3 is a good movie. It’s just I would have wished it was another universe or at-least not a direct sequel to Aliens.


Hold onto your panties
As of this moment Aliens has 86% of the votes. Ironic as 86' was the year it premiered in theaters. Alien is the runner-up and Alien 3 has still trumped the sequels and the prequel (Prometheus). Voting is still open until Monday. By the by, mods...you can jump in and vote, too.

have fun with this and in the future, I'll try to come up with another decent Alien Franchise thread.


Look into my eye!



The first one is probably the better film, but i love the second one much more.

Also whoever voted for the last 2 film deserve a castration therapy :ROFLMAO:
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Alien is a horror masterpiece, Aliens is an action masterpiece, both are sci-fi masterpieces. Either answer is acceptable, but the original wins out for me.

If 3 is your favourite, stop sniffing your own farts.


Hold onto your panties

The first one is probably the better film, but i love the second one much more.

Also whoever voted for the last 2 film deserve a castration therapy :ROFLMAO:
I've actually never met a fan who was the original Alien trilogy growing up that is impressed with Resurrection, Prometheus, and/or Covenant. Even though Ridley Scott (Director of the original Alien) came back for Prometheus -- it really wasn't the prequel it could have been. Hiring a Director back alone can't fix and Alien movie. The majority of the original story's credit goes to: Ron Shusett, Dan O'Bannon, Walter Hill, and David Giler. Without using all those guys...it's hard to make a good film. For example -- Walter Hill and Dan O'Bannon really weren't modern film conformists like Giler/Shusett (Brandywine); therefore some of the cheap modern cinema tricks used wouldn't have passed as well with them and they would have likely asked Ridley to change them. For the sake of being fair to the GAF community; I included the last 3 films of Alien.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Aliens is my favorite. The pacing is solid throughout. One of those movies where the first time you watch it you don't want to miss a minute. Every character is memorable and quotable. Everything after it felt like cash grabs. No heart.


Alien is great, but I somehow always prefered Aliens over it, I like the more action brrrbrrrr goes the machinegun style of the second movie.

The sound of that gun is so damn good.


Hold onto your panties
Alien is great, but I somehow always prefered Aliens over it, I like the more action brrrbrrrr goes the machinegun style of the second movie.

The sound of that gun is so damn good.
James Cameron delivered well on Aliens. He was hired while assistant producing Rambo 2. The English staff hated him because he was American and the Americans (Actors mostly) didn't trust him initially because they thought this was his first big film (almost no one was aware the first month of shooting Aliens that Jim Cameron wrote/directed Terminator). Eventually, it turned around and he developed friendship and confidence with most of the crew and tired the old carts at Pinewood studios that were constantly lambasting him. Made an action sequel better than what anyone imagined....even better when the special edition came out in 1991.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Love Alien, but Aliens was better for me. It stands with T2 and Godfather 2 as one of the best sequels ever made.

Every single Alien film after Alien is hot trash. The last one (Covenant) had the most idiotic, incoherent plot that I straight up hate watched it.


Hold onto your panties
Love Alien, but Aliens was better for me. It stands with T2 and Godfather 2 as one of the best sequels ever made.

Every single Alien film after Alien is hot trash. The last one (Covenant) had the most idiotic, incoherent plot that I straight up hate watched it.
Dan O'Bannon who wrote "Star Beast A.K.A. Alien first draft" would agree with you if he were here today. Dan had such a strong temper with the changes in the final script and filming of Alien that he was eventually removed from the set during filming. Fortunately for Dan O'Bannon...he died prior to knowing about or seeing Covenant. Seems like nearly all movies made in the last 17-years have been almost exclusively Producer -driven; whereas movies like Alien were the result of 4 great writers, 8 great actors (I'm including the tall African artist who was inside the original Alien costume), a Director who was dedicated enough to storyboard a whole alternate version during production down-time (Ridley Scott), Jerry Goldsmith's incredible film score, and production was mostly rounded out to 20th-Century but it was never the spotlight. They will not make the effort to create a movie that way today. That's one big reason Covenant and Prometheus are the way they are.


This is a good movie. RIP Alan Rickman

Also from what I've seen in the Making-Of, Weaver was the one who wanted her cleavage to show up haha
Yeah, it's an underrated classic! I really loved those goofy aliens and their strange way of speaking and yelping. They also always smile even when talking about the mundane or even depressing things like the genocide of their people (it's amusing but also a tad unnerving). Also, looking back on the film I realized Rainn Wilson is one of the background aliens! It's weird because in my mind I associate Rainn with The character Dwight from the office and his prescence in the film pops out more than it is supposed to.

Also Tony Schalub makes out with a tentacle monster. That will always be in my head with this movie.


Huge Alien fan here.

I'm glad I could put Alien 3 ahead of anything after. Sorry but I saw that flick about 5 times in the dollar theater at age 14-15 so there's a nostalgia there. I'm sure I was high and to this day I still love that stupid movie and all the controversy around it.

My other vote was Aliens. Alien is top 3 but I have a hard time putting it at the top because even thought I love it, it was my dad's all-time most terrifying movie and he hilariously never let us hear the end of it (RIP).

I own but have never seen Resurrection (thanks box set). I own Prometheus and enjoy it on it's own merits but I don't even really consider it an Alien film so much as just a general "universe" tale. Which was exciting before it came out but proved to be kind of half-baked afterwards.

Covenant....jesus christ. And that's not even the worst because I'm not counting the AvP movies (any of them, lower than Covenant)
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