Alien and Aliens are the only two worth discussing especially Alien.
I was introduced to the movies in a reversed order. I first saw Alien3 and a few years later the special edition VHS of Aliens came out. I read about the first film and eventually bought the original CBS/FOX video release. It sat and collection dust for about a year. Then one rainy winter weekend, I dusted it off and put it in my VCR. I recall the condition of the battered VHS added to the thrill of watching it the first time. The soundtrack was almost inaudible and character dialogue was softer in some scenes due to damage on the tape. This made for probably one of the best build-ups to a scare. I'm a bit biased and tend to stick to 1 and 3 as favorites. I loved Aliens but it wasn't as personal to me and the action in it sorta caused me to feel that it lacked the suspense of the first. I too own nearly every printing and box set of the Alien movies. Alien Resurrection is unfortunately in those sets. I watched it when I was 14 and it sorta pissed me off. I felt them doing a super future Alien movie with clone Ripley kinda neglects how she (and every living cell of the Alien were incinerated on Fiorna Fury). They claim to.have found "DNA samples" which is crap and the or reasons for bringing back Ripley were as just 20th-Century digging in to see if they could still make money off an Alien film. Watch the movie...but...don't set your standards of holes to high.Huge Alien fan here.
I'm glad I could put Alien 3 ahead of anything after. Sorry but I saw that flick about 5 times in the dollar theater at age 14-15 so there's a nostalgia there. I'm sure I was high and to this day I still love that stupid movie and all the controversy around it.
My other vote was Aliens. Alien is top 3 but I have a hard time putting it at the top because even thought I love it, it was my dad's all-time most terrifying movie and he hilariously never let us hear the end of it (RIP).
I own but have never seen Resurrection (thanks box set). I own Prometheus and enjoy it on it's own merits but I don't even really consider it an Alien film so much as just a general "universe" tale. Which was exciting before it came out but proved to be kind of half-baked afterwards.
Covenant....jesus christ. And that's not even the worst because I'm not counting the AvP movies (any of them, lower than Covenant)
I've already written a lot about 3 in this thread. My feeble defense is over the assembly cut of 3. I feel that I'll be making this into a thread soon. There's much to be discussed about what people like and hate. However, the idea of the thread was to give two that were liked the most. Expect a full thread to appear early next week.3 is worth discussing. Its David Fincher's first movie, afterall.
Its just worth discussing for the wrong reasons lol
I've already written a lot about 3 in this thread. My feeble defense is over the assembly cut of 3. I feel that I'll be making this into a thread soon. There's much to be discussed about what people like and hate. However, the idea of the thread was to give two that were liked the most. Expect a full thread to appear early next week.
Once again, this is why all the Alien movies need a discussion thread. I have no disagreement with the inane way production was on Aoien3 from day 1. I always watch it as an Alien universe film and try not to tie it to Alien. My own wife was pissed at Alien 3 for killing off Newt, Hicks, Bishop and then dooming everything else. Me being into movies that kill franchising and have darker nihilistic vibes...I ate it up. I cringed reading about how botched production was years ago. There are still stories being written to try to blot-it-out and others want the comic/early story Wooden Planet (early Alien3 draft to be released by Dark Horse). I think it would have stood better as a comic book but...that would not change the response. I don't blame Fincher...20th-Century settled on him but too many ideas were going around and while money was being overspent -- nothing came out of it. I kinda support fans who liked only the first film, too. I like Aliens and Alien3. Thinking back to "what if" a sequel was never made...we wouldn't have lost anything.Seen the assembly cut twice. Its better of course, but I wouldn't say it salvages the film. There were too many things going wrong in pre-production for the movie to have a chance. I even listened to the audio-book of one of the original scripts. Had Michel Biehn and Lance Henrickson as voice actors too. Not bad, not good.
Looking forward to your thread but in the meantime: if you ask me Alien 3 should've been an Earth Hive story. The terrible AVP Requiem is the only movie to even resemble the subject, and thats a shame. Its pretty obvious how intense a story like that would be, and why its something that needs to be on film. The original Alien 3 teaser trailer was even hinting at it: "In Space, Nobody Can Hear You Scream; On Earth, Everybody Can Hear You Scream"
Shows you just how jumbled production was, when they made a teaser that had fuck all to do with the actual film.
The poll agrees with you. I think younger generations that didn't grow up with Alien, Aliens, or at minimum Alien3 seem to adapted to the newer movies. You can't blame them entirely. No one will ever call the last three classics. Think about Resurrection. It's been on these polls since Monday and still 0 for votes. I believe Resurrection came out in 1997 and already has over 20-years on it. I have not seen or heard of anyone going back to reclaim rights to remaster it.It's not fair to make me choose between the first three films. A really unique trilogy for such a big franchise, with three quite different acts. Aliens is a perfect blend of horror and action so it tends to be my top pick. Of the other two. Alien is obviously amazing for atmosphere and style. Alien 3 may not have lived up to it's creators hopes but I have always loved it, again for it's moody atmosphere and strange characters. So I'm giving the vote to Alien 3 to show some support.
Resurrection is trash. Prometheus is dull and forgettable. Haven't bothered with Covenant. I enjoyed watching Life more.
Your description of resurrection is spot on. Alien 3 killed any kind of recognisable franchise. At that point they needed a film like Prometheus or an Aliens set on Earth but instead some studio exec said they had to have Ripley in it to make bank and the rest was, not good.The poll agrees with you. I think younger generations that didn't grow up with Alien, Aliens, or at minimum Alien3 seem to adapted to the newer movies. You can't blame them entirely. No one will ever call the last three classics. Think about Resurrection. It's been on these polls since Monday and still 0 for votes. I believe Resurrection came out in 1997 and already has over 20-years on it. I have not seen or heard of anyone going back to reclaim rights to remaster it.
Watched it three times. Fight meSaid no one ever.
Does watching it again make it any less shit?Watched it three times. Fight me
Makes it even better.Does watching it again make it any less shit?
Black gooMakes it even better.
wtf happens to this poor bastard in this scene?
The people who prefer Aliens to Alien are the same ninnies who think T2 was better than Terminator.
They're all awesome movies, but it's just a sign of bad taste imho.
LegiterallyThe people who prefer Aliens to Alien are the same ninnies who think T2 was better than Terminator.
They're all awesome movies, but it's just a sign of bad taste imho.
What a take. T2 is by far a better crafted film. Objectively. Whether it's a better film or not is up to your preferences but Cameron grew by leaps and bounds as a filmmaker from Terminator to T2. I also like Aliens over Alien by far.The people who prefer Aliens to Alien are the same ninnies who think T2 was better than Terminator.
They're all awesome movies, but it's just a sign of bad taste imho.
It would be cool to have an authograph from anyone who worked on the first Alien. Especially if it were from Kotto, Cobb, Stanton, Weaver, Skerritt, Hurt, Cartwright, Holm, Scott, O'Bannon, Giler, Hill, Shussett, Goldsmith, Giger...I could keep going. Everyone who worked on that movie was amazing.I may give away a signed photo of one of the actors on Alien... Stay tuned
agreed!The original is my favourite. I really like the ideas covenant and prometheus brought to the series even though the films are both flawed.
Let me put it this way. Alien is for fans of masterpiece cinematography. Aliens is more of a go-to 80's nostalgia trip but historically doesn't define 20th film-making like Alien.Working my way through them. Just finished alien and aliens back to back. Gotta say I prefer Alien for its visuals and direction. It's masterclass let down by a poorly aged Alien that looks very obviously like a guy in a suit now. . Aliens on the other hand not nearly as memorable or visually interesting. Feels more like a cheesy action movie but held together by a stellar cast. Both are good but for very different reasons. Aliens wouldn't be nearly as interesting without the first movie propping it up.
That's funny because I actually like Alien more than Aliens but I also like Terminator 2: Judgment Day more than than the original Terminator.The people who prefer Aliens to Alien are the same ninnies who think T2 was better than Terminator.
They're all awesome movies, but it's just a sign of bad taste imho.
Sorry, mate - but Resurrection was a desperate plight by 20th-Century to no lose the franchise in making Alien movies after Ripley dies in Alien3. The story and production are a mess. The way the aliens were handled were in three ways which detract from the original 1979 concept:Closed poll nande
Actually resurrection. Not because I'm a hipster, but because it's the first one i saw of my own volition and so i perhaps forced myself to take the characters more seriously.
This scene educated me as to what i should look for in a booty and directly influenced my ultimate choice in wife.
Let me put it this way. Alien is for fans of masterpiece cinematography. Aliens is more of a go-to 80's nostalgia trip but historically doesn't define 20th film-making like Alien.
Screenwriting should be delivered clearly to the staff before pre-production. Without talent like we had from all original 4 writers of Alien; you can't set expectations high on anything Alien related in this century.Finished prometheus last night. It's a good movie if you don't ask any questions.
Why are you taking your helmets off? (actually very believable now that I see how much people refuse to wear face asks and take them off immediately as if they can't breathe with them on.)
Why does the robot poison scientist boyfriend? Does he know what he is doing, just seeing what happens, being a dick? Was everybody in on impregnation of the girl? Why doesn't she bring up to the captain that she just had a squid baby? Does he already know? Why was it a deal that the machine couldn't perform a c section when it was literally just a couple button presses to have it done? Why can't they just watch the recordings of the feeds from the two guys who get killed by worms? Why are the two most cowardly individuals trying to pet this unknown creature? Why aren't they out of the space ship yet and lost while everyone who stayed immediately knows the way out? Don't they know the full layout of the donut ship? Where are they keeping their helmets when they take them off? Is it really that much of an inconvenience? Why is the engineer intent on killing everyone when the engineers decided against killing everyone? Why even hide that Weyland is alive and on the ship at all? It's not shocking and no one cares. Why does the captain open the cargo bay when infected scientist man's visor comes on? , he was just burnt to death, and he is not allowed on the ship. Why does the captain immediately trust the scientist girlfriend, and commit suicide by crashing his ship into the alien ship with barely a moment of hesitation? Why are his copilots also just instantly okay with killing themselves when we only need one person to collide the ship? Why doesnt blonde corporate lady just run left or right to avoid being crushed by the ship with the doctor girlfriend only rolled left a little to avoid being crushed?
Eugh. Other than the myriad of nonsense, it's actually beautifully shot and fun to watch. Just don't think about it for too long.