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Which Fighting Game On Live Are You Looking Foward To This Fall?


Which Xbox Live Fighter can you not wait 'til you get your grubby little hands on?

Guilty Gear X2 #Reload

Street Fighter Anniversary Collection

Capcom Fighting Jam

Dead Or Alive: Ultimate

SNK Vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos

King Of Fighters 2002/2003

Iron Pheonix

Mortal Kombat: Deception

Capcom Vs. SNK 2: EO (Still Playing)

None Of The Above

Cast your vote.

Where is the poll option on this board?
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload

I've been putting off getting X2 for so long and then I wound up putting it off even longer for this version. I'm not waiting any longer heh.
Only one? Tough decision between Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, Capcom Fighting Jam, and Dead Or Alive: Ultimate...though I think CFJ isn't due until next year...

Hmmm...DOA U is my pick.


From what I've read, DOA is has the potential to be as fun as Tekken if you really get to know the moves and characters. Can anyone add to this assumption? Or is it true that it really is as shallow as the haters make it out to be?

I am looking forward to all of them but I really wish Capcom would make a Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo game for XBL, and I wish SNK Playmore would make an SS game for it too. I mean what the hell dude...we WANT to play those game online dammit! :shakesfist:

And Be, there's plently of room for the pavement homie. I just wanna broaden my horizons :D Fighting and racing can and WILL coexist!
isamu said:
From what I've read, DOA is has the potential to be as fun as Tekken if you really get to know the moves and characters. Can anyone add to this assumption? Or is it true that it really is as shallow as the haters make it out to be?

It can be pretty fun, but if the reversal system is as easy as it was in DOA3, then the mid-level skill field will be ruled by constant reversals. It's just too damn easy. It's the game's biggest flaw.

If they do the reversals like in DOA2, or even the arcade, it'll be a little better.

Because of reversals, characters mainly rely on long combo strings with lots of opportunity for changeups.

The animation is top notch, though.
isamu said:
From what I've read, DOA is has the potential to be as fun as Tekken if you really get to know the moves and characters. Can anyone add to this assumption? Or is it true that it really is as shallow as the haters make it out to be?

DOA3 tag-battle is amazingly fun and highly replayable. This is why I picked it. It's not as deep as VF4E, but on par with SC/SCII & TTT, IMHO.

It can be pretty fun, but if the reversal system is as easy as it was in DOA3, then the mid-level skill field will be ruled by constant reversals. It's just too damn easy. It's the game's biggest flaw.

If they do the reversals like in DOA2, or even the arcade, it'll be a little better.

Because of reversals, characters mainly rely on long combo strings with lots of opportunity for changeups.

The animation is top notch, though.

Yes. And since DOA U is a highly upgraded DOA2 Hardcore, it should allow for arcade-style countering, which makes the reversal system balanced compared to DOA3.
MightyHedgehog said:
DOA3 tag-battle is amazingly fun and highly replayable.

Ah yes. You can do sick, sick things with the proper characters. You can, and are
supposed to, switch characters mid combo, several times if needed.



Nothing else matters.

Though I'll probably be picking them all up :p

aoi tsuki

ArcadeStickMonk said:
Ah yes. You can do sick, sick things with the proper characters. You can, and are
supposed to, switch characters mid combo, several times if needed.
Are you supposed to fall asleep on b+F to counter, too?


Semjaza Azazel said:
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload

I've been putting off getting X2 for so long and then I wound up putting it off even longer for this version. I'm not waiting any longer heh.

FOOL, just buy XX already, it's what 20 bucks at gamestop or something?


Ya, that's what I figured.

I have an X-Arcade solo. I'm far more used to controllers, but from getting my ass whooped at my University arcade I had to do something bring up my arcade stick skillz. I'm slowly picking it up, and SF3 online will be a great way to really tax them.

I can't even friggin wait. Ever since I got into SF3 last year my f'n DREAM has been for an online version to come out, and now that it is, it's almost too good to be true.
rastex said:
I have an X-Arcade solo

Then it's my duty to inform you about the lag. Sooner or later somebody is going to try and tell you that the X is shit because of input lag. I'll tell you that the lag is only around a frame and a half and is neglible in almost all cases.

SF3rd is not one of those cases. Parring requires very precise input, the slight lag will fuck you here. Add to that you want to play online, and the guys over at Shoryuken swear that the lag gets worse online.

If SF3rd is really all that matters, seriously think about upgrading.

Personally, for this I'd use my MAS, since it is currently my best stick that is Xbox compatible. It cost me too damn much, but I love it; it has no lag.


I remember reading a while ago about the lag factor, but I thought that was fixed in the new revisions of the stick. D'oh, if it's still messed up then ya, that'll be annoying. Really, the X-Arcade is decent right now, I'm not in love with it or anything. It has definitely improved my very meager stick skills as evidenced by my increased performance on the SFA3 machine at work, but that's not hard. I'm gonna go play some CvS2 online right now and see if I can notice anything now that it's been pointed out to me.


ArcadeStickMonk said:
Then it's my duty to inform you about the lag. Sooner or later somebody is going to try and tell you that the X is shit because of input lag. I'll tell you that the lag is only around a frame and a half and is neglible in almost all cases.

SF3rd is not one of those cases. Parring requires very precise input, the slight lag will fuck you here. Add to that you want to play online, and the guys over at Shoryuken swear that the lag gets worse online.

If SF3rd is really all that matters, seriously think about upgrading.

Personally, for this I'd use my MAS, since it is currently my best stick that is Xbox compatible. It cost me too damn much, but I love it; it has no lag.

Do you think Capcom will optomize their code so the game will be practically lagfree? I mean, just look at how well Zbattle pulls it off.
isamu said:
Do you think Capcom will optomize their code so the game will be practically lagfree? I mean, just look at how well Zbattle pulls it off.

I'm uncertain as to what Zbattle is. Is it Emu?

There's no chance in hell of the code being optimized: LINE OF CONTACT

The lag I was refering too comes solely from the X-Arcades console adaptors. But if you were already working one step ahead to counteract that lost frame or two, the possibly of a little more due to online play could be catastrophic for a player who already had his game down.


Dead or Alive Ultimate.

I loved DOA2 on Dreamcast and DOA3 on Xbox. DOA Ultimate is a no brainer, I have to have it.
rastex said:
I remember reading a while ago about the lag factor, but I thought that was fixed in the new revisions of the stick. D'oh, if it's still messed up then ya, that'll be annoying. Really, the X-Arcade is decent right now, I'm not in love with it or anything. It has definitely improved my very meager stick skills as evidenced by my increased performance on the SFA3 machine at work, but that's not hard. I'm gonna go play some CvS2 online right now and see if I can notice anything now that it's been pointed out to me.

Maybe some of the lag did get cleared up, but the X had already had it's name drug through the mud by then, and there's no changing some people's minds.. If the hardware did change it would have changed in the adaptors, and mine are kinda old.

Regardless as to the X's rep, I love it. The solo is the perfect companion to MAME and Kawaks if you don't have a cabinet built and need to play on a desk (which I do). And the parts that it's made of are pefectly fine, even if not authentic Happ.

If you play CVS2, for christ's sake don't ever drop a game. The dropper black lists run long on that one.


Ok, well I just had an hour long session of CvS2 both offline in training and a few online matches. My game is definitely improving, I can start to do 2xqcf somewhat consistently from the left side, about 75-80% of the time which is an improvement from 40%, and right side has moved up from 20-40%. Still really gotta work on the right side it's really annoying me.

First thing I did was do vs both with Ryu, C-groove with ratio 2. I then proceeded to jab at the same time on both controllers to see if there was any perceptible difference. I couldn't see any. However, when I made them within hitting distance, the Ryu with the controller consistently won out. Though this may be attributed to the that that is necessary to push the button down before the button is registered.

So I tried out P-Groove in training mode, and as a note I *HATE* parrying in CvS2, I find it a lot more difficult than 3rd strike parrying simply because the motion isn't as fluid and I don't have it "down". After practising for a bit I could parry Ryu's Super fireballs pretty consistently, it's not the most difficult super to parry through for sure, but if the lag was a significant factor I don't think I could've even parried that.

I then went online and played against a first timer, he wasn't that bad but I won 2-0. I then played against a japanese guy on my friends list who is now ranked 400th or so and did ok against him. I couldn't get past his Ryu, but I gave him a good run when it was Guile vs Ryu. I could pull wake-ups successfully and blocking was all very fine. I honestly couldn't notice any lag if it did exist, or rather, I'd just chalk it up to "internet lag" anyway.

I mean, we're talking 1 or 2 frames here, I don't work on that level, just don't have the instinct or reflexes for it so I won't notice that level of lag. I'm not a master parryier in SF3 by any means, fireballs can be parried consistently and jump-ins and the like, the basic fair. Multi-hit stuff I fall down, and same with low parries, can't do them for the life of me.

The way I figured it, is if it's a constant lag of 1 frame or so, if on a subconscious level I DO perceive it, then my hands and such will adjust to the timing. It's simply an offset that'll be present that my mind will adjust to and I probably will never even be aware of it. And if I become serious enough that it does become an issue then I'll probably look for alternatives, but for now it suits my needs.

I'm just afraid I might be justifying my purchase decision but I think I still have time to return it so it's not too late. I looked at the MAS, and it's just too big :/ The X-Arcade is nice, because even though it's pretty sizeable I can still play with it on my lap.

And about CvS2, I *never* drop. Ok, maybe not NEVER, I think there were 1 or 2 matches where the lag was just ridiculous (1 second between frames) and after 30 seconds I just said screw it. Other than that, I've never dropped. The annoying thing is that I've played against the upper rank guys A LOT of matches. Like some guys I'll play against 10-20 matches in a row winning MAYBE one of them. I like it, it's fun for me because I learn a ton, but the problem is that my record looks HORRIBLE (1100 matches, 400 wins) and sometimes people think I'm a dropper. But I think at this point, people play the game on Live because they like it. The level of skill has definitely gone up compared to last year as even the 2000th ranked people are rocking me pretty badly >_< Though there's also the combination of my skills lagging as well.

Man, I don't even LIKE CvS2, I think it's stiff and boring, but it's a fighter and it's ONLINE. That's why, when 3S my favourite game ever comes out online I'm gonna go nuts.


Chili Con Carnage!
DOAU for sure, seems to offer the best online experience, i think its actually gonna be a hell of a lot of fun online even if it isnt the most balanced fighter ever.
Dear Rastex,

How are you? I am fine.

If you have the resources, boot up SF3rd on a DC and check out the lag there. How it looks and how it feels. I've done a lbunch of testing on diffeent systems with different hardware and I consistenly found that slight lag on the X-Arcade, except on PC of course. I simply went into training witha character facing themselves, hit te same attack button on both sides and then paused repeatedly to see who finished first. Not exacting I know, but the X always came in second, every game every system across the board. Except PC, where it beat my wireless keyboard! Couldn't beat a waveboard though.

Before I saw the revulsion against the X on the Shoryuken foums, I never even noticed the lag. I was turned off about it at first, but realized that I was still a hell of a lot better then very nearly all of my friends at SC2: the lag wasn't hurting my game.

Except in SF3rd. I wondered if maybe that was why I was never good at parrying. When my MAS showed up I knew for sure.

Speaking of the MAS, I agree the shape of the X is fabulous for lap play, but I've ditched that method. Get a little table and lean over it. In lap play, you position your body differently than in the arcade, and the reason you got the stick was too practice with an arcade feel (JT!) right? Sometimes I flip a tall claundry basket over and lay a shelf-papered board over that; when I'm in my chair, leaning over, the orientation is really close to arcade play and I saw my accuracy with fact combos in SF3rd raise quite a bit.

The MAS is the easiest way to get an arcade perfect (Happ) stick if you don't yet know how to make your own. Cost you about a $130 to add Xbox to the PS2 stick (have to) or you could get a straight PS2 only unit that can reliably adapt to the other 3 systems and more via off-the-shelf adaptors; the PS2 only is the one MAS that can do this because all combo MAS use a non adaptor-compatible PCB. Trust me on all that. Have them put it all into their Supernova box, since it has only 6 buttons; ensure them that you don't care about the lost buttons as you won't ever need 8 (nobody does). The Supernova graphics also put a mock-up of the original SF button labeling (defensive crouch, roundhouse kick). I'd post you a pick of mine but it's not with me at the moment. Also, get either a Happ Competiton or P360 stick in it. For SF3rd, I reccomend the P360; I'm in love with mine.

Don't trust the Red Octane shit unless you know how to work on sticks.

That's all I have to say for now.

Think it all over,



force push the doodoo rock
BeOnEdge said:
outrun 2 and burnout 3. take the fighting to the pavement.

Initial D ver 3 on xbox live would force me to finally get live.

As for fighting games, ill stick with the offline.

And if you guys want fighting sticks, Hori is where its at. Their new real arcade sticks will fuckign own.
I have DOA: U pre-ordered at tecmo.com, and that will be the only fighting game I get most likely..

cant afford more than 1 when there are so many other games I Want... primarily Halo 2, Doom 3, outrun 2, fable, etc.


GameFan Alumnus
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - My friend who just came back from Japan said a lot of people play in the arcades. Should be fun kicking ass online.
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