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Which Fighting Game On Live Are You Looking Foward To This Fall?


Capcom Fighting Jam, Anniversary Collection, and GGX Reloaded, the best games on the list. Well, that's assuming CFJ turns out good.



You've convinced me, but if it's too late to return the stick, I'm going to be very angry. Not at you, or me, just angry. Thanks for the awesome advice, the stick was about $80, so spending some extra cash for a better experience is worth it. Thanks again man.

I look forward to playing you this fall.
rastex said:
You've convinced me, but if it's too late to return the stick, I'm going to be very angry. Not at you, or me, just angry. Thanks for the awesome advice, the stick was about $80, so spending some extra cash for a better experience is worth it. Thanks again man.

Even if it is too late to return it, it's still a sweet PC stick for emulators. I don't see it as a loss, think other consoiles and other games, but I understand the funds.


I can't believe the low number of people who said MK Deception or King of Fighters. What happened to all the props for the new MK? And surely the KOF crowd here is bigger than most other forums sans Shuriken?


here's a conversation I had with a guy over at Shuriken forums.

Originally posted by Decoy

I'm currently testing the SlikStiik Solitaire unit with Xbox adapter. So sar so good. Absolutely ZERO button delay. The SlikStik is costlier than the MAS. I own both, but I can honestly say that the SlikStik is the better of the two hands down.

Here are a couple of reasons:

1. The SlikStik Solitaire unit is about twice the size of the MAS stick and it's built like a tank. I can post pics with a side by side comparison if you're interested.

2. All the wiring is done with quick connects. Unlike the MAS which is totally soldered. This means EASY button swapping.

3. SlikStik tech suport is topnotch with an informative site to boot.

If you want to get a feel on how the stick performs, just send me a Friends request and I'll give you a whoopin with my SlikStik. j/k:D


Thanks for those impressions Decoy! Your reply couldn't have come at a better time, since Christian has just replied to my post inquiring about possible compatibility features with the Xbox. Check out *this* thread. I have owned a MAS stick for years and know him personally. He's a great guy. But after reading and looking through SlikStik's site, it's almost obvious that the difference in quality is night and day. Having a spinner and trackball on the same stick with two sets of fighting sticks and all customizable they way you want them kicks all kinds of ass! Plus those new stainless steel sticks looks fucking killer!


Arcadestickgod.....I would say it's safe to say that SlikStik's sticks burn MAS' sticks. And he's my friend for over 10 yers so you know I'm being objective.


Street Fighter IV World Champion

Street Fighter 3

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo

Capcom Fighting Jam

King Of Fighters 2002/2003

Provided they get the timing absolutely perfect - something I felt CVSnk2Live lacked - this will be all my household needs this year, to compliment the awesome Halo 2 and Half Life 2.

I'm - late to the party but - am loving Streetf Fighter 3 on my DC right now. I can't believe I hated this game a short while back. Must be the Oestrogen in the drinking water.


Guilty Gear XX reload will be purchased becuase it is cheaply priced. Dead or alive ultimate will be purchased because I love dead or alive and playing it online will be sweet.
isamu said:
I don't like you

I certainly believe that the Sliks are built better than the MAS, not that my MAS is shoddy. Better Tech support than MAS isn't hard to do; I remember when I called them up the guy yelled at me for a half an hour because I only wanted six buttons. MAS does offer some customization options, not nearly as many, but I got mine to look just how I wanted it to.

However I still would not agree that the Slik solitare is unquestionably better than the MAS. It is more versatile, true, but this thread is centered around Xbox Live. How is that extra stick and spinner going to come in handy for the games that this thread is about?

My philosophy, is that if you really want to play one fighter as best as you can, then you need a unit specialized to that game. Just the buttons you need, nothing else, just like the arcade. I hate having buttons that I don't need. I wanted a Street Fighter stick, and I got a damned good one, and that Solitare has no edge over my MAS for playing Street Fighter. My MAS also supports more systems then that Slik unit (four) which is why my particular MAS cost more, not that I think it was wise to go that far.

That all said. I'm not a MAS fanboy. I'm not a X-Arcade fanboy. I'm an arcade stick fanboy. I really think that all these major offerings are very suited to particular purposes, and that none are the ultimate stick to rally behind. What I'm working towards is the ability to build my own entire sticks from scratch and a PCB instead of just modding them. Building them per-game, per-system. At that point, the X-Arcade won't be good enough for me, the MAS won't be good enough, nor the Slikstik. I'll be really unbearable.

Thank you, BTW, for the links. I hadn't followed the Slikstik line in a while and did not know that people had put it on console. I'd decline on that Solitare just the same though, I'd be afraid that the second stick would get in the way.


Ferrio said:
FOOL, just buy XX already, it's what 20 bucks at gamestop or something?

just checked, its pre-owned. but xx reloaded is only 20 bucks! so thats a no brainer for me, i love the guilty gear metal soundtrack, graphics and over the top gameplay.
and DOAU and SFAC.
but i dont have live, so i dont think ill play online.


Well, my sister and her husband bought the X-Arcade for me on June 17th, so today we went and returned it for a full refund :)

So now I'm back to square one.

Here's my specifications:

My main goal is a stick to play Street Fighter 3 with Xbox Live. That's about 42%, the other 25% of the use will be covered in all other fighters for Xbox plus Mame emulators for Xbox as well. ArcadeStickMonk, what configuration of MAS do you recommend and how should i go about obtaining it? I've never dealt with MAS or anything before.
rastex said:
So now I'm back to square one.

Derailment will ensue, er, completely ensue, if we go over the details here. A lengthy PM is forthcoming.

Uh, I notice that you want Live and Xbox Emulation. Somebody wanna comfirm that one does not need two Xbox's for this? Nobody wants to paint themselves into a corner.


The slikstik 169$ arcade stick? God fucking damn, damn about overpricing a product

edit: and i bought steel bataillon


ArcadeStickMonk said:
Uh, I notice that you want Live and Xbox Emulation. Somebody wanna comfirm that one does not need two Xbox's for this? Nobody wants to paint themselves into a corner.

Don't worry about the emulation and Live situation. I'm already doing that every day now on the same Xbox so don't worry about it :) And I look forward to your PM, though I'm sure there are a ton of people other than me that value your advice and want to hear what you have to say.
shuri said:
The slikstik 169$ arcade stick? God fucking damn, damn about overpricing a product

The MAS stick that I bought expressly to play Street Fighter in cost me three hundred.

Which puts it right up there with Steel Battalion, which I purchased off of Ebay Jan '03 for nearly three hundred, as my most expensive one-game controllers.

I've been told I have a problem.


DOAU and MKD, although DOAU tag mode is the most broken fighting I have ever witnessed. I'll stick to singles.


ArcadeStickMonk said:
I've been told I have a problem.

Heh, believe it or not I am crazier than you are :) I have had Tao(MAS guy) do custom controller mods for me in the past. I had him make one of my old steering wheels work with the Saturn *just* cuz I HAD to play the Sega Ages version of OutRun with a steering wheel! That was $200. Then had him mod a couple PsOne gamepads and wire them to work on my SuperNova because I just could not play Mortal Kombat II with a stick. That was $150. Then had him wire my Happ arcade gear shifter(same one used on Daytona USA cabinets) to my Thrustmaster FF wheel. Another $65.

Only for the nutty :D


The MAS stick that I bought expressly to play Street Fighter in cost me three hundred.

Bullshit, what the fuck could of you included to have it that high? Shit mine only cost 130, but didn't have optical or anything like that.
rastex said:
... that's a bit more than I want to spend...

Don't worry, you won't. Currently on page 7 of my letter BTW

isamu: You hooked up pads to a supergun? That is blasphemous. I'm impressed with the other mods but that is just.... hooo

Ferrio: Playstation ($95) + Dreamcast ($25) + PC ($25) + Xbox ($25) + P360 ($40) + Shipping.

I forget how much the shipping was, I used an impatient method but the total came to around $285. Ok, so I exaggerated fifteen bucks. I just wanted to look like a big monk.
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