Not sure what you're talking about here. I agree the XPS is a nice computer but Windows still sucks. lol and this whole "unification" thing hasn't materialized yet. Everyone, even linux, has tried to do the unification of mobile and laptop/desktop with no avail. Apple is very hesitant to converge and for good reason. No one has done it successfully and it doesn't look like anyone will for a long time.
If you're a programmer, developer, content creator, hands down Mac is the choice (unless you prefer linux). The fact that it's underbelly is Unix is HUGE. Oh, and bloated? Da fuck? You really have the nerve to say MacOS is bloated compared to WINDOWS???? Come on dude.
Windows dominates business and gaming, that's it. Outside of that everything else is better on a Mac and since you can dual boot into Windows from a Mac, well... outside of pure hardware bang for the buck (and if you really want to game out of a laptop) there is NO other reason to get a windows machine in my opinion.
Everything I said was true. Windows 10 is a much more lean and stable OS than the current version of OSX. Frankly, your post reads like some meme shit. I'd argue it was true in 2006 in the days of Snow Leopard, and certainly true when we had Tiger, which might have been the most kickass version of OSX to date in terms of stability.
In the latest iderations of OSX, Apple has added a lot of extra layers of baked in iOS functionality, but these come at the expense of stability. Is a result, a lot of uni productivity apps (the Adobe CC Suite is what I use daily on both OSX and Windows 10) are more stable on the Windows side. This particularly also goes for scripts, actions and plug-ins, but I'd wager, than just merging and handling my Cloud storage is more of a hassle and pain in the ass on OSX.
Meanwhile, Windows 10 has actually stripped away a lot of its features. You don't sound like someone who knows a lot of Windows ("windows sucks lol" is the sort of meme shit you'd find on a youtube comment) but Windows 10 has a lot of great customizeable features, and it made big leaps forwards putting Metro style UI elements into the older models. It's like a great mix of XP and Windows 8, and I really really like Windows 10.
I like how little resources it takes, I like the improvements to scaling, I like all the base features and bloat you can remove.
I'm a big Apple and Mac fan. My daily laptop driver is a 15-inch Retina Macbook Pro (late 2013) and its a fucking amazing model. Better than the 2012 model, and in some ways, even comparable to the 2015 model, or even the controversial new model. And I like OSX. I don't hate the operating system at all, but as others have said in this thread- It has gotten bloated. It has gotten heavy around the edges, and could use a step forward.
In terms of Design language, I think a lot of people feel like that it is actually Microsoft (hardware wise) that has begun to be the innovator with it's Surface products, although it has not perfected or materialized the concept yet. It is still a big step forward in innovation in the hardware design, and I'd defend their 2-in-1 approach over Apple trying to draw out the clock, because they know, that if they embrace a 2-in-1 they'll cannibalize their Macbook and Ipad sales into one. From a business standpoint it makes sense, but from every other standpoint it is indefensible what Apple is doing. It's fighting to keep the current climate going, but it's only a matter of time before they have to change things up, significantly.
And on the operating side, I'd argue that it is Google that has innovated a lot with their Design. The Material Design doctrine they've released, has been one of the most awesome forward thinking progressions of design language we've seen. This is Google taking over a spot of Apples glory, who used to be the ones who were known for excellent design.
Apple has stumpled recently, and I say that as a fan. On the software side you see them trying to add features, but it often comes at the expense of other elements, while at the same time introducing iOS style UI interface navigation in parts of the operating system that doesn't fit the desktop space, and you also have archiac apps like Itunes and Iphoto and the app store itself, which are just painful to use. I really, really fucking hate the navigational menus of these and the bloated mess they are.
I suspect that Apple, will eventually make one OS that works across its platform. As energy demands on their OSX devices decline, and the power increases on the iOS side, it makes increasingly less sense to run two separate operating systems, and cohesion and seamless continual productivity between them would be vastly improved under one. And I really hope they will do a formal death funeral for OSX like they did for OS9.
And frankly, I think a lot of other people who also love Apple like I do, are kind of hoping that Apple will eventually snap out of this sort of slough they are in, where they are tremendously succesful, and thus have really lost the desire to be the forward driver they used to be. And in a way, you cannot really blame them for that. I think it's understandable after the journey they've had, but regardless, it is flat out wrong to say that "windows sucks lol". Windows 10 - mandatory security update bullshit and microsoft store are of course spots on the journey, but in general Win 10 is a fucking beast. And not just for gaming. Particularly due to affordable very fast and stable SSDs you can get now, you can really truly make Windows 10 feel like a great experience for a really good price.
And I feel weird being the guy with a 3000 dollars Mac, advising other people to get a XPS at around half the price, but I cannot in good faith recommend Apples products with the same velocity. This idea that creators and content creators have a better experience on OSX. It's a big fat lie. And it deserves to be called out wherever it is being said. Not as a slant against Apple, but because it's a farce that people actually believe that using photoshop on a PC is somehow of a deminished or tainted experience.
Adobes Creative Cloud apps have a lot of problems, and we can piss blood over how much shit is wrong with them in another thread, but they are not worse or more buggy on Windows. At work I have a iMac and that gives me a lot of problems day to day. A part of me thinks the Fusion drive is a part of what taints the experience. Once you're accustomed to SSD, mechanical drives feel like torture ingrained.
I don't know if programmers have a better experience on Mac, but I've not heard such things in my bubble.