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Which sequel added more to the series: GTA:SA or Halo 2?


Now now. No need to bring Goldeneye 64 into this.

Thats a good one,play Halo 2 then go play GE64 and you'll be thinking "How the fuck did I have so much fun with this back then?!" :lol
If you're measuring by quantity of gameplay added, GTA:SA over Halo 2 by a country mile.

But if you're talking about wuality of gameplay additions, I think Halo 2 is better in this respect. A lot of the tweaks and additions blend beautifully with the gameplay and really serve to enhance it. In GTA:SA there's a lot of shit they added, but not all of it is fun, most of it is either mundane or unecessary.

The 1up reviewer put it best, "But unlike October's blockbuster Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Halo's masses of content have been tossed in a strainer and all serve to make the main game better, rather than simply providing more for the player to do." Sums up my POV perfectly.
Razoric said:
Lack of online? What about San Andreas would even work online? Keep GTA offline.
You can't be serious.

Just take the 'sandbox' gameplay that makes GTA so fun, throw about 64 players into the mix and enjoy.


trippingmartian said:
You can't be serious.

I'm a known online gaming fanatic and I see potential in GTA being online. What I don't see is how GTA:SA (as it is right now) could be any better with online features. It would have been rushed and buggy at best. (64 players running around shooting each other like idiots doesn't seem as fun as playing through the single player story IMO) I would also hope any online GTA that comes out in the future will not effect the offline GTAs in any way. Believe it or not some games weren't ment go online (resident evil comes to mind). Hopefully rockstar can prove me wrong and find some legit way to bring GTA online and still keep to the series norms, but I'll have to wait and see on that one.


trippingmartian said:
You can't be serious.

Just take the 'sandbox' gameplay that makes GTA so fun, throw about 64 players into the mix and enjoy.

You mean add 64 mouthbreathers with Action Replays and then ponder why you ever bothered with online gaming to begin with.

Keep it offline, thanks.


Foobar said:
You mean add 64 mouthbreathers with Action Replays and then ponder why you ever bothered with online gaming to begin with.

Keep it offline, thanks.

So you simple dislike EVERYTHING online. Good to let us know or something....


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
rastex said:
I don't really know if you can compare the two. Not because they're totally different games, but because their entire approache to game design is fundamentally different. GTA:SA is about giving the player a crap-load of stuff to do and just letting them do it. There's a nice story that can be followed with some sweet Voice Acting but the real features of the game are just how many different things you can do (parachuting, jetpacking, dildo bashing, etc.)

Halo is about giving a small number of abilities that are highly highly tuned and polished. Gameplay-wise Halo2 adds 2 new features, dual wielding and hijacking. Whereas GTA:SA offers dozens of new gameplay types and experiences over its predecessors.

In terms of pure numbers, GTA wins hands down. However, when you consider that one of th changes that Halo2 brings is Live that really changes the balance. Live has totally altered the way the game is played. Instead of having to get a bunch of your friends over to have a big LAN match, or just do 4 player split-screen, you can have 16-player CTF matches in the span of a few minutes. That is a fundamental shift in the dynamics of the package as a whole. In contrast, while GTA:SA offers a vast number of improvements and additions, none of them makes a significantly large impact to the way the game is played.

So taking that all into consideration I'd say Live play really puts Halo 2 above GTA in terms of new features. However, if GTA:SA had included an online mode, even if not well implemented, would have won the features contest hands-down.

THIS is the correct answer. :)
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