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Which specific aspect of GAAS turns you away?

What exactly makes GAAS unappealing to you?

  • Inevitable post-launch monetization

    Votes: 20 24.4%
  • Lack of complete storylines

    Votes: 13 15.9%
  • Indefinite nature of content release cycles

    Votes: 12 14.6%
  • Lack of polish (they'll patch it up/in later)

    Votes: 14 17.1%
  • Fractured content

    Votes: 18 22.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 44 53.7%
  • Something else

    Votes: 20 24.4%
  • Nothing, because this is the future of games

    Votes: 7 8.5%

  • Total voters
Where do you stand and why?

Oh, and my bias should be obvious from the poll options, so we're clear on where I stand

edit: and as for why I made this thread, I think it's important to know the specific reason.
This model isn't going away, so it might help to recognize when a game comes along that technically is GAAS but doesn't have the specific aspect that puts you off.
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Gold Member
I never buy DLC or mtx. Last time I bought someone extra was Modern Warfare 3 map packs 10 years ago.

Any game resembling F2P or GAAS with tons of mtx in order to progress well forget it.

1. Too much grinding

2. Too many other players doing pay to win

3. I'm a cheap fuck. Even if the best gun can be unlocked for $2, I'm not doing it.

For anyone like me being cheap, it does sound weird. I can go out and spend $10 on a shitty lunch combo, but spending $2 to unlock a gun or perk is not happening even though it is better for my enjoyment than that crappy lunch I bought. But I wont do mtx.



GAAS is not a gamer need, just a business money grabber.

angry tom hiddleston GIF
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Mostly that it's open ended in the structure. I have no itention of playing a game for several years because they keep adding stuff. Rather play a game, then wait 2 years and play the sequel. Rinse and repeat.


always chasing the next thrill
i liked the destiny games .. i buy it at launch hit max then be done with it.. then revisit when it's dirt cheap with all the expansions.
you know completly not the way they intended it to be played.

i am simply not investing that time they want me to .
oh and i play them SP only
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All of the above. I largely want single player, story driven experiences. Have no interest in loot boxes and stuff like that.

Some of the games look fun but I'm not their audience whatsoever and never will be, zero interest in stuff like that.

Mr Hyde

Pretty much everything, but the fact that the game doesn't seem to have an ending in sight turns me off the most. That and the endless grinding. It just keeps going and going, with new content arriving to the point where it all feels overwhelming. That's why I stopped playing Warframe and No Man's Sky, the only two games I've enjoyed in this genre, because in the end you are just doing the same thing over and again, grinding your guts out for better gear and loot. And in the case of Warframe, you're spending a lot of money doing it too. I want a complete package from the get go, with maybe one or two meaty expansions later down the road, before I move on with the next game.


All of the above. They are usually grind fests, pay2win aspects to get there quicker (gotta earn money, right?). Slow on content while also inconsistent or fun/interesting enough. I just want to pay once for a game that is complete.

Don't feel like playing the same game for years on end, either.


All of that.

Fractured/never complete story is a big one for me. Take Destiny, years of teasing the Darkness and now it's just like, hey bob, have some new powers? It never feels like it's coming to a head, now maybe they'll do that with the end of the light and darkness saga, but historically it's been this drip feed of content that just gets you wanting the next thing.

Genshin Impact too...A number of people seem to like it here, but I found it wasn't long till it got grindy, and I do not remotely agree that it's better than BoTW because it's controls are floaty and weird and just not AAA feeling (ok, except The Witcher), and that same content drip feed and lack of closure with a cohesive complete story.


Gold Member
I picked "all of the above" and something else...

The something else, the fact is I feel like GAAS just don't reward player time, they reward player spending and this I think is just a major issue with modern games although GAAS seems to have it far more.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I love GAAS as long as I dont "have" to pay for the shit.

Absolutely hate getting to "100%" of a good game and knowing im not going to get anymore content till I have to pay for a full sequel.
Map packs fuck paying for that shit, it just splits the community.

Games doing this whole DLC will be free, cosmetics cost money is my jam....thats my absolute jam.


Gold Member
Regarding Fortnite and Apex Legends (I dont play them), can someone playing the game normally do well and level up no problem?

Or are you way behind paying gamers and there's not much point playing?

Sure seems like shitloads of gamers play and enjoy it, and I dont see everyone being payers.


Where do you stand and why?

Oh, and my bias should be obvious from the poll options, so we're clear on where I stand
Overall I am a big fan of Gaas, they just need to figure out a better way to deliver story content more consistently for story driven games.

I'm sure it is easier said than done but that is the one missing piece for me. I know some people might want everything at one time, but breaking the story up into chunks works perfectly for people like myself with little to no time every week to play video games. From Microsoft's standpoint it is another way to keep gamers engaged with Gamepass.


Gold Member
Most of that stuff.

Grinding for content and the general attitude of playing for unlocking bullshit rather than playing for the gameplay.

I still have friends that hop onto Fortnite with statements like "hey, the new __ came out we need to ___ this to unlock it". How about playing the game to enjoy the damn game? I'm not saying everyone is like this, but I've noticed this A LOT recently across many MP games. I have over 2k hours in Siege and would still play it even without cosmetics constantly coming out. It's the core gameplay, the new operators that change the gameplay, and the various maps that keep me coming back.

Most of the issues I have stem from games being held up by things outside of the core gameplay and this usually involves stupid daily and weekly challenges. GAAS can be done well, it's just very rare to see it.
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Selling you a game that's incomplete or very grindy just to then sell you the content or convenience. It leads to a design decision based on what will make the most money vs what makes the best game. Example, I'm going to design a system where you need these things to upgrade your gear and there are 40 of them that will fill your bag space so you'll have to buy more bags. Or the lottery level up system on gear where i'll sell you a 100 percent upgrade chance.
Regarding Fortnite and Apex Legends (I dont play them), can someone playing the game normally do well and level up no problem?

Or are you way behind paying gamers and there's not much point playing?

Sure seems like shitloads of gamers play and enjoy it, and I dont see everyone being payers.

The idea of "leveling up" in those games is ridiculous as it only refers to cosmetics.

The gameplay is exactly the same whether you spent 0 dollars and 2 hours on the game or $1,000 dollars and 3 years on the game. The gameplay loop is the same for everyone.
They are designed to be "products" first. The soul is left out when profit is the primary driver, and in a creative endeavor, that's an unforgivable sin.


Unlimited Capacity
Regarding Fortnite and Apex Legends (I dont play them), can someone playing the game normally do well and level up no problem?

Or are you way behind paying gamers and there's not much point playing?

Sure seems like shitloads of gamers play and enjoy it, and I dont see everyone being payers.

The only advantage somone will have over you in Apex is the experience they have gained from playing more. The unlocks are all cosmetic.


Don't mind GAAS games honestly. You choose which content you want to engage with, you're not obligated to keep going but it's cool having the option to if you enjoy the game well enough.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
If I think of Splatoon 2 as a GAAS game, then I love it. You have regular updates constantly all for free, balance changes, small DLC, new stages, new weapons, new clothes, events, all for a year + for free. The game is polished, well made, and doesn't feel short on content. In that case, the only thing I hate is the monetization.

But bad GAAS games basically sacrifice every aspect of quality to put the monetization first. They mess with the balance and pacing of the game, and make the entire experience less fun to play - while also shoving ads in your face to "fix" the issue with purchasing. It's trash.

GAAS can be good, it's just that 99.9% of them aren't.


GAAS can be good, it's just that 99.9% of them aren't.
Yeah, that's the whole point.

Oh, they're gonna sell me a *complete* game and keep supporting it for years? Wow, I love it.

But it doesn't work this way. That doesn't make enough money.

Instead they're gonna gimp that game you want to play, just to keep selling it to you piece by piece.

No guys, gaas are NEVER good.
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All of the above and grindy repetitive nature of these games. The Assassin's Creed games have been some of my favorites over the past 15 years because I love exploring historical settings and time periods and Ubi does such a great job recreating them. But the games are already getting too bloated with repetition, now that they're supposedly going the GAAS route, it will pretty much kill the franchise for me.
Yeah, that's the whole point.

Oh, they're gonna sell me a *complete* game and keep supporting it for years? Wow, I love it.

But it doesn't work this way. That doesn't make enough money.

Instead they're gonna gimp that game you want to play, just to keep selling it to you piece by piece.

No guys, gaas are NEVER good.


You don't "gimp your game" in a highly competitive market. There are too many releases to pull player attention away.

The reason why GAAS is making so many inroads is because it aligns with what players want better.

Dr Bass


You don't "gimp your game" in a highly competitive market. There are too many releases to pull player attention away.

The reason why GAAS is making so many inroads is because it aligns with what players want better.

Hmm, I think it might have to do more that games that are designed for "GaaS" are built to be addictive and target younger players with low impulse control. Not that it's "what players want."

NeoGAF is always online.

NeoGAF isn't a console game.:messenger_tongue:


Everything you listed bothers me.
But the main reason is that I hate grinding/farming in games and GaaS are essentially all about the grind. Since it's not humanely possible to constantly release new content, they always devolve into doing the same stuff again and again with progression that's design to be slow to keep people playing for longer.

One could argue that you can just play the story and be done with them, and that the whole grindy end game is just a bonus if you are into that stuff. But in my experience the story/campaign is usually lacking in these games as the very core of the game has been designed around the grind.


All above.
The game is not complete, gonna be basically release by pieces very slowly(so people can only breath hopium), theres gonna an extremelly grind factor that can be "eased" by monetizing, they keep giving "freebies" as a form of fool their sheeps into to thinking everything is free and they're good guys, etc. All this couple to the fact that players are already doing their jobs(making the game well know, bug test, etc).

No...it's not a good thing for gaming at all. This is as much as cancer as looboxes and day on DLCs.
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is gaas some kind of catch-all or have multiple meanings? like to me gaas is something like amazon luna or geforce now, but when i went to look it up people are saying games like Overwatch is a gaas? that confuses me because OW is just a one time purchase with cosmetic microtransactions. the microtransactions make it a gaas?


All of the above, all i can do is echo what posters are saying mostly, watered down games grinding to charge customers more money etc, and it means bad games to me, i won't be playing AC infinity after playing all of them bar 3, just like i didn't play Fallout 76 after playing all the previous BGS owned ones,.

Gaas are mtx focused, no other reason for them really imo.


Unlimited Capacity
Yeah, that's the whole point.

Oh, they're gonna sell me a *complete* game and keep supporting it for years? Wow, I love it.

But it doesn't work this way. That doesn't make enough money.

Instead they're gonna gimp that game you want to play, just to keep selling it to you piece by piece.

No guys, gaas are NEVER good.
What a ridiculous notion. Imagine thinking something like Warframe is gimped. There are plenty of bad GaaS games, just as there are plenty of bad non GaaS games. Bad game design that is filled with unrewarding content, bad stories or half baked mechanics are not exclusive to service gaming.


what pushes me away from GAAS is how a lot of these titles are purposefully designed to take as much of your time as possible.
Grind, time limited events, ever changing content, even real-time storylines in some cases.

I like playing games at my own pace. I don't want to have to log in this weekend because of some special fair that only happens once a month, i don't want to feel obligated to play every day to complete some 'daily tasks' bullshit that are often required to make proper progression.
Thats not to mention how a lot of these games can just suddenly decide to change content or mechanics, Destiny 2 losing a lot of previous maps after an update being such an example.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
If game fun, I play game.

GAAS doesn't really matter to me; some GAAS games are great, the GAAS part just means new stuff every once in a while, which can add to the fun.

I don't really buy MTX, so if a GAAS game requires those for "fun", well then.. it isn't "fun" to me and I don't play it. I don't get upset about profit models.

A lot of them are not great at launch, but are great later... so.... I just... buy them later, they also tend to be cheaper... win/win lol
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Gold Member
is gaas some kind of catch-all or have multiple meanings? like to me gaas is something like amazon luna or geforce now, but when i went to look it up people are saying games like Overwatch is a gaas? that confuses me because OW is just a one time purchase with cosmetic microtransactions. the microtransactions make it a gaas?
Different people have different meanings I think.

For me, it's more about F2P games with mtx everywhere (content and cosmetics).

But for others, it could be a full purchase with mtx to keep it going.
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