I just find it interesting that when someone's ancestors lose their land its because the war "wasn't fair" or because "bad people took advantage of my peace-loving forefathers." lol GTFO. We all come from warring ancestors that won battles because of technological advantages. Europeans just did it more recently and on a grander scale.
People only care about the past 100-200 years because that's all they know, too lazy to read history books, and are jealous that the way the world works now things are kind of set. And they know if you go back too far you got godly crusades by countries trying to take over an colonize the other end of the world, so it counters their agenda.
There's no more Nazis trying to take over Europe. No Genghis Khan sweeping across Eurasia. No whities or spaniards sailing on ships colonizing new lands. Everything is set, every piece of land claimed, and unless there's some weird break ups like Yugoslavia/Eastern Europe separating into like 8 countries, there' no borders changing or lands conquered. The biggest battles we have are global trade...... aside from the forever squabbles in the mid east and israel.
So what you got are a bunch of whiners.
The funny thing is that history shows that hub of Southern Europe/Africa/Mid East and Asia seemed to have the most people, most advanced societies, best trade route, biggest cities, etc.....
While other regions of the world like North/South America and most of Europe had much fewer people, had mostly natives, didn't have the latest greatest money and tech and had to be built from the ground up through centuries of colonization and shipping things over by boat.
Yet, that hub seemed to falter and fuck around while the newly colonized lands grew great.
All those starting hub countries had to do was keep on going and places like NA and SA and any other relatively new colonized country/continent would be left in the dust.