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White House to direct Pentagon to deny admission to transgender people


I would just like to point out that the military pays for plastic surgery but transgender care is just a bridge too far? I have a personal friend that got implants for free and Tricare paid for it.
Its really a "deployability" issue. How do you expect a bunch of totally completely no-one is transgender or gay guys to survive on a boat for months on end without any big boobs around?
Well I usually want to avoid posting in Donald Trump posts, but I'm gonna say this:

Fuck that clown! Drop the "T" and "U" from POTUS and you get exactly what he truly is.

And it wasn't that long when he said that he "loved the troops" from the Arizona speech, wasn't it?

This is plain wrong and discriminatory!
Man, president Draft Dodger sure doesn't like people fighting for America.
First he'll come for the transgenders, then others of the LGBT, then women and finally the minorities. Just enough to significantly weaken the US military for Russia. Putin is going to be proud of his boy Trump.


Remember, folks... every move that the Trump administration deems fit to make is tied to the ENTIRE Republican party and everyone that voted for him or normalized his actions out of selfish interest (that includes you CNN).

You must treat them ALL with the same degree of scorn and distaste. And they must ALL pay the price when you have the opportunity to vote with your wallet or with your electoral power. They are ALL complicit. Even through their cowardice when they fail to act. Even when they throw empty shots at him in faux outrage. They are ALL equally guilty.

Trump doesn't know the meaning of right and wrong. He has no value system so those concepts are empty to him. Legality is merely an obstacle you throw money at to make it go away.
This shit right here.


Remember, folks... every move that the Trump administration deems fit to make is tied to the ENTIRE Republican party and everyone that voted for him or normalized his actions out of selfish interest (that includes you CNN).

You must treat them ALL with the same degree of scorn and distaste. And they must ALL pay the price when you have the opportunity to vote with your wallet or with your electoral power. They are ALL complicit. Even through their cowardice when they fail to act. Even when they throw empty shots at him in faux outrage. They are ALL equally guilty.


Far, far more dangerous to the U.S. than ISIS or Russia or N. Korea or anyone else.


Wonder if the top brass that came out against it will have the balls to stand firm, or bow to the boy king


Let's not deflect too much blame from the one putting the ink on it.
To be frank, "hey guys we need a distraction throw me one" and Pence saying "ban trans people from the military" would probably be enough of a reason for him to do it.

I'm all for going fuck all of them.


$20 says all Transgender kicked out will receive Dishonorable DIscharges to boot.
Nah, most will be Honorable, General (under Honorable Conditions), or at the worst, Under Other Than Honorable Conditions (which isn't a good one to get, but better than a BCD or dishonorable; OTH can still be eligible for VA benefits depending on their circumstances), and then an Entry-Level Seperation for people in boot camp/basic training when the policy hits.
I'm sure that some transphobic commander somewhere might delve into the UCMJ and create some trumped up charges to try to court martial a trans service member whom they dislike and want to make an example of,mouth it probably won't be common.


Nah, most will be Honorable, General (under Honorable Conditions), or at the worst, Under Other Than Honorable Conditions (which isn't a good one to get, but better than a BCD or dishonorable; OTH can still be eligible for VA benefits depending on their circumstances), and then an Entry-Level Seperation for people in boot camp/basic training when the policy hits.
I'm sure that some transphobic commander somewhere might delve into the UCMJ and create some trumped up charges to try to court martial a trans service member whom they dislike and want to make an example of,mouth it probably won't be common.

Anything that isn't an Honorable discharge will cost them their G.I. Bill, which is one of the biggest reasons why people join the military.
Add another countdown timer onto the pile.

I hope you're feeling sufficiently motivated to work fast, Mueller.

For something like this to get stricken off the record once it's suggested, you'd have to go past Trump, past Pence, and probably past Paul Ryan and maybe even past Orrin Hatch (who I believe is next in line) to find someone who might actually reverse/negate it. Truthfully, you might not actually find a national Republican in the line of succession willing to stick out their necks enough to actively undo it.


The White House memo also directs the Pentagon to deny admittance to transgender individuals and to stop spending on medical treatment regimens for those currently serving, according to U.S. officials familiar with the document.

Could someone be so kind as to explain what is meant by that? I would love to understand.
B-But he held the flag

He held the flag. The worst part is how the Pentagon is going to turn down transgendered people no matter how good they are because an orange turd said so.

How long is it until we get a Trump to say this:
"All transgendered employees will be forced to pay a 'bathroom tax' because you want them to stick to 1 bathroom, they could be perverts, and I like the people, very nice people but we've seen perverts from them. In Trump tower we know all the genders of our trans people and they work fine with the tax, beautiful trump tower good working people beautiful scenery. And you know with their surgery for their whatever they should pay tax like Evey American. And the Dems are being jerks and just blocking this like they want to let this trouble come in like those bad refugees, we don't know if they are terrorist and we should screen them like those drug dealers from Mexico which is why we need a wall which will be beautiful"


Anything that isn't an Honorable discharge will cost them their G.I. Bill, which is one of the biggest reasons why people join the military.
Yeah, but they'll still be able to get jobs after service, which means they would be doing better than if they got the dishonorables that the poster I quoted was betting they would get. Things like buriel benefits, non-GI Bill educational assistance or voc rehab, medical and dental, and more are still better to have than not. The loss of GI Bill benefits is a big deal though.

It's entirely possible that the majority of people get honorable discharges too. The top brass who will have to figure out how to implement the policy have to know it will change again soon, and they have seen the huge number of homosexual veterans who have gotten their General or OTH discharges upgraded or applied to get it done in the wake of DADT repeal (not enough have had their requests approved though, not enough by far, and to my knowledge no one has ever been able to get the Restoring Honor to Service Member acts and bills passed).

I mean, it's a supremely shitty thing to implement period and there is zero reason that trans individuals should not be able to serve. My intention isn't to be like "Oh, if they do get booted out, it isn't a big deal." Fuck Trump/Pence for doing this and fuck Mattis, the rest of the joint chiefs, and the rest of the GOP for not pushing back harder against this. I was just voicing my opinion that dishonorable discharges more than likely won't be handed out.


Hmmmmm so the issue is that the majority (i.e. cis white people) didn't want to pay for a trans-person's sex change surgery, but seem to have no problem paying for Viagra or breast expansion. So transpeople are just flatout kicked out of the military, the one place in the country where socialize medicine is accepted.

So what chance does everyone else have for getting single payer that won't exclude anyone?

But anyway, fuck the disgusting Republicans.
So does it say what makes a transgender individual UNABLE to deploy? Because there are transfolk deployed right now, and they aren't causing problems.
Reminder that it will cost more to replace these troops - hell, just a few hundred of em - than to just pay for their medical needs. The fiscal argument is nonsensical, this is pure hate.
Is it possible to just not tell the military you're trans? Just say you're male or female....

That's not the point at all. The point is medical benefits. It doesn't matter if you "sneak in" if you have a health issue that the military is not equipped for.

This is far beyond a "well, just don't tell them you're X" issue.


That's not the point at all. The point is medical benefits. It doesn't matter if you "sneak in" if you have a health issue that the military is not equipped for.

This is far beyond a "well, just don't tell them you're X" issue.
And just stating your birth designated sex simply means you're staying in the closet, so you'd be stuck between that or skipping the military. It's a shit position.
Will the "deployability" rule apply to all members of the armed services?

And have there been any details provided on what makes someone undeployable? I don't have a sub to the WSJ so I've only read the quoted bits.

And what is the current policy when it comes to active military personnel with medical needs?


Will the "deployability" rule apply to all members of the armed services?

And have there been any details provided on what makes someone undeployable? I don't have a sub to the WSJ so I've only read the quoted bits.

And what is the current policy when it comes to active military personnel with medical needs?
I have seen the deployability rule applied to white males, just depends on the commanding officer pushing it up usually. Usually results in a non recommendation for reenlistment.

There are medical and dental screenings and immunizations that are part of deployability. The guidance the Navy put out on deployability in regards to trans individuals was that they were undeplyable for 12 or 18 months after completing the gender change process. The CO, medical and the individual where supposed to work together for a time to start the gender change process. It really sounded like most of these procedures would be started when individuals were in positions that did not require them to deploy (there is always the chance to be deployed, but the Navy tries to make sure that 'sea duty' and 'shore duty' have a rotation).

Medical needs really depends on the requirements of both the service and the individual. Last year one of the Sailors I know was separated from the service for having a brain tumor. I know people that have been separated for having back problems. The service does tend to do what they can to make sure that service members receive medical care that is required, for everything (except apparently whatever the President decides 'isn't worth it') and will attempt to make sure the member is able to do what is needed.

There really is a lot that goes into discharging members for medical reasons, so if they push for a medical discharge for trans people, there might not be to many that get the boot. If they go for admin separation, well, they can start processing people out tomorrow. Medical discharge involves a board of doctors reviewing the members record and deciding whether the member can be fit for duty or not. Admin separation is legit just paperwork, making sure that the service is legally getting rid of people (alcohol related incidents can lead to admin sep, the last two commands I've been at a DUI leads to an admin sep and the member is usually out in three months)

It might be different for different services, this is what I've seen happen in the Navy.
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